What to do during a long stay at home

World practice shows that the best method counter-proliferation Coronavirus is a quarantine and maximum restriction of movement. Experts advise residents of cities affected by the disease to spend less time in crowded places and, if possible, stay at home.

But the quarantine itself is not a reason to sit on social networks all day and read the news, but a great reason to do something that never came to hand. Today's edition. "Site" I have a list of activities that will help you do this. home for the maximum benefit to themselves. Excellent solutions so as not to be wild and bored!

Quarantine classes
  1. I'm sure the first thing that came to mind when you thought of quarantine - it's watching movies. Watch your favorite series, watch a new educational or entertaining film. Take time for what you've been putting off for so long.

  2. The lull in social life can be used as an opportunity to gain new knowledge and engage in self-education in any of the areas of interest. On the Internet now a huge number of online courses and lectures are distributed for free so that people can master new knowledge for the benefit of themselves and others. For example, I am going to finally start studying French and improving English.

  3. If you have books on your bookshelf or in a folder on any digital gadget that you don’t have time to read, it’s here. Quarantine time. He will run unnoticed with a book in his hand.

  4. Open the summer season. It is time to go to nature, to the country house or to grandparents in the village. Firstly, doctors recommend walking in the fresh air while epidemics of SARS and influenza rage. Second, get away from crowd This is what you need in any epidemic. A few days in the fresh air will strengthen the immune system and help to distract from the fuss. Older relatives will be happy with the company.

  5. Just a walk in the woods on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon will help strengthen the immune system, and better protection against viruses has not yet come up. The main thing is to dress for the weather!

  6. It's important to immunityTo fight viruses. Yeah, maybe the gyms are closed, but nobody's stopping you from exercising at home. Running in the woods or in the stadium, cycling, canoeing on the river can prevent only the weather, not the coronavirus. Well, I choose yoga, I will look for exercises on the Internet.

  7. Disassemble the wardrobe. Throw away or give away things you no longer want to wear. Take care of what's left. Pay attention to decluttering to make room for something important in your life. A clean, uncluttered space in which a person is located can significantly improve his emotional state.

  8. Put your smartphone and computer in order, delete unnecessary files and pictures, and sort the necessary ones.

  9. Experts recommend wet cleaning at least once a day in the season of viruses and flu. Quarantine just represents free time for this. In addition to the benefits for hygiene, general cleaning will save parents from household chores, who only say thank you for such help.

  10. Drawing, modeling and other meditation classes, by the way, will help not only pass the time, but also calm the nerves. Agree, in conditions of general panic, this will not be superfluous. And if you turn cooking into a hobby, then it will also benefit in terms of health - and in the midst of an epidemic, a balanced and healthy diet will also only benefit (however, it is always good).

  11. With all the abundance of opportunities revealed before you in the conditions of quarantine, the editorial board advises not to forget about your relatives: try to spend more time communicating with parents and children - this is more valuable and exciting than any series.

In order to brighten up a busy week and allow yourself to completely relax, I suggest you familiarize yourself with a good selection of comedies for a fun evening. Make yourself and your family happy!

If you accept this situation as inevitable, calm down, exhale and relax, you can see springfall! Enjoy the birds singing. Finally notice how new grass grows and plants come to life, releasing buds and opening the kidneys. We wish you good health with all our hearts. Don't panic and stay optimistic!