Why add buckwheat to cottage cheese

As it turned out, in our time without buckwheat anywhere. Everyone has it at home, in stores for now, too. Well, you have to eat. But just porridge is banal. Let's make something more interesting.

And we'll make dessert. From buckwheat, cottage cheese and other ingredients we will get cheesecakeIt is not a shame to put on the table hungry, bored household.

Tip: use sour cottage cheese, with it the taste of the dish will be more expressive. And if you have only fresh and low-fat product, add a little sour cream to it. Well, we've sorted it out, now let's start cooking.

Buckwheat with cheese ingredients
  • 500g cottage cheese
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • 0.3 tsp vanilla
  • 7 tsp any dried fruit
  • 1.5 tbsp boiled buckwheat cereal
  • lubricant

  1. Couple the cottage cheese with the eggs. Add sugar, cinnamon and vanillin. Stir it all together.

  2. Dry fruits are ground with a knife. If there are nuts (1 tsp), grind them too and add to dried fruits.

  3. To the curd mass add pre-boiled buckwheat. Naturally, it should be without salt. Stir all the ingredients.

  4. Take out the pan and grease it with butter. Carefully put all the mass in it.

  5. Warm the oven to 180 degrees. Put a bowl in it and bake dessert for 40-45 minutes. After that, yours. dessert will be ready.

Because of buckwheat and dried fruits, the texture of this pastry will be heterogeneous and interesting. And sweet tooth can safely sprinkle a delicate crust of casserole with a thin layer of powdered sugar. If you prefer moderately sweet dishes, halve the amount of sugar and use more chalk walnuts.

And if there is a multicooker in the kitchen, you can safely cook in it and “Buyer”, you just need to put the “baking” mode. The dish is good for breakfast or dinner, tea or coffee. We advise you to prepare it at least because of the unusual taste and availability of products.


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