What to cook with buckwheat today

Buckwheat leads among cereals in protein content. It is easy to prepare and it goes well with many products.

Stocked "Queen of croup" for the future, in the pantry lies about five kilos. I don’t eat it, so I’m looking for original recipes.

Not a drop of water, a carcass born on a sauce with mushrooms and meat. Buckwheat and mushrooms It tastes better than any Italian risotto or Spanish paella!

How to cook buckwheat with meat Ingredients
  • 3 tbsp buckwheat
  • 250g pork
  • 200g champignon
  • 1 bulb
  • 1 carrot
  • 4 tomatoes
  • 100ml cream
  • 1 egg
  • 3 tbsp soy sauce
  • 1 tbsp ready mustard
  • garlic
  • vegetable-oil

  1. Cut the meat in small cubes.

  2. Cut the onions, grind the carrots.

  3. Roast the meat for 2 minutes on high heat.

  4. Reduce the fire to a minimum, add onions and carrots, pour boiling water so that the meat is covered with water.

  5. Cover the lid and leave to stew for 40 minutes.
  6. Peel the tomatoes off the skin, add mustard, soy sauce, egg, cream. Mix everything in the blender bowl until uniform.
  7. Cut the mushrooms in big pieces.
  8. Wait for all the water to boil, add mushrooms to the meat and roast for another 2 minutes.

  9. Pour in the pan a mixture of cream and tomatoes, bring to a boil and turn off.
  10. Pour buckwheat for 1 minute with boiling water.
  11. Pour the water, pour the buckwheat sauce with meat and mushrooms, mix well.

  12. Put it on the fire, boil it and turn it off.
  13. Cover the buckwheat with a lid, wrap with a towel and let it brew for 30 minutes.
  14. Buckwheat with pork and mushrooms ready. Bon appetit!

Despite the thick sauce, buckwheat turns crumbly. Meat, mushrooms, sour tomatoes, cream tenderness and a spicy note of mustard are perfectly combined and create a bright and memorable taste.


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