Тесто на лаваш и как его замесить
Lavash is one of the most ancient types of bread, but even today it is popular. Housewives like its versatility, because it is enough to wrap almost any filling in lavash to get a delicious snack.
And today's edition. "Site" It will tell you how fast and easy it is to cook. pottery. And you can roast pancakes directly on your favorite pan. You just have to figure out what to put as a filling.
Dough for lavash Ingredients
As you can see, cooking lavash is easier. It is much more difficult to choose another filling every time to please yourself and your home with a new dish. In any case, such thin pancakes will help out perfectly if you are reluctant to splash in the supermarket for bread.
And today's edition. "Site" It will tell you how fast and easy it is to cook. pottery. And you can roast pancakes directly on your favorite pan. You just have to figure out what to put as a filling.

Dough for lavash Ingredients
- 600g flour
- 5g dry yeast
- 5g salt
- 0.5 tsp sugar
- 20g vegetable oil
- 200g warm boiled water
- In a separate dish, mix all the ingredients and mixes of elastic dough. Divide it into 15-20 identical pieces depending on the size of the pan on which cooking will take place.
- Wrap the pieces in food wrap and send them to a warm place. In 20 to 25 minutes. pottery We can roll it out.
- Every piece of dough roll into a thin pancake. Extend your arms and roll even more. The pancakes should be as thin as possible.
- Warm the dry pan well. Roast pancakes here for a few seconds on each side.
- Place the finished pancakes on a clean large plate and immediately sprinkle with water so as not to dry out. Don't forget to cover it with food film. Bon appetit!
As you can see, cooking lavash is easier. It is much more difficult to choose another filling every time to please yourself and your home with a new dish. In any case, such thin pancakes will help out perfectly if you are reluctant to splash in the supermarket for bread.