What color to choose for home interior

It has long been known that colors affect our psychological, emotional and even physical state. It’s also no secret that there’s a connection between a person’s color and date of birth. For everyone. zodiac There are suitable colors and shades that positively affect them. Therefore, you should take care of your interior and choose the right color scheme!

This article is dedicated zodiac interior, Where everyone will find a clue that can be used when renovating your house or apartment.

What is your interior color by zodiac sign
  1. Aries.
    Aries in life are active, impulsive and energetic. Their lives are filled with vivid impressions and passion. Therefore, at home they dream of a calm atmosphere in which you can relax. There should also be no piling up of things, just useful little details. The best colors for the interior - they're light. But Aries do not tolerate boredom. There must be a juicy accent. Perhaps colorful pillows, bright refrigerator or colorful tablecloth.

    Astrologers do not recommend abusing brown shades in the interior, since from them the representatives of this sign appear irritability and uncertainty.

  2. Taurus
    Taurus taste changes over time, and this is completely normal. Most often they prefer fashionable and popular colors. In most cases, Taurus choose yellow and orange. The least people born under this sign love pomp. Therefore, the combination of pale pink and gold, as well as silver and heavenly, they are likely not to like.

    Taurus is not suitable for the design of the house, for them it is very aggressive.

  3. Twins.
    Twins love the comfort and small details in the interior. They often consult their parents for repairs. Gemini love to relax, so the furniture should be as comfortable as possible. People of this zodiac sign choose delicate shades: pale blue, pink, peach.

    But, astrologers They say that there is an exception – bright yellow. It is a symbol of energy and movement. In many cases, it is able to get rid of depressive states and bad thoughts. With its help, creative abilities are easily revealed. For Gemini, yellow is an integral color of the interior. You do not need to paint the walls, you can just add a small yellow accent.

    Blue and purple are not suitable for Gemini.

  4. Cancer
    Cancers love bright colors - green, red, yellow, blue. But, fortunately for their families, they have a sense of proportion and exquisite taste. Cancers are also lucky silver, elegant gray and white. There is no need to use a lot of black in the interior.

    Cancers are far-sighted, so they make repairs qualitatively and using expensive materials. Their dream is a small royal apartment.

  5. Lev
    Lions perfectly plan any, even the most complex apartment. Therefore, often representatives of this zodiac sign become designers. Lions do not like too bright colors. The exception is red. Most often they pay attention to sand, beige, golden.

    For the interior choose furniture made of natural materials.

  6. Virgo
    Virgos collect a lot of small details in the interior, and then take the time to put everything in place. Cold and transparent tones are what Virgos need. Paint for walls or wallpaper should choose blue and silver colors. Green also works.

    Virgos should not excessively use bright and juicy colors, especially red, burgundy, yellow. Because of this, they may develop depression.

    Often Virgo apartments are made in a single exquisite style. They choose the shade of wallpaper and tiles day and night. But the result is simply amazing!

  7. Libra
    Libra likes dark colors. In an interior with burgundy curtains and other dark accents, they feel comfortable. Astrologers advise them to use dark blue, green, sea wave color and pastel tones. Libra choose dark furniture made of natural wood. They are categorically not suitable furniture of light color, cute wallpaper with flowers and still lifes. The main thing is no orange!

  8. Scorpio
    Scorpions complement their interiors with things with history, which they are happy to tell their friends. For design, Scorpios often choose classic colors and shapes. For this zodiac sign, white, light pink, light blue with a splash of gray will suit. Combinations of dark shades with gold will also be appropriate.

    In order not to waste your energy, Scorpios should get rid of silver, blue and yellow.

  9. Sagittarius
    The house of Sagittarius is often bright, spacious and functional. People of this zodiac sign love expensive things. Sagittarius is suitable for both light and cold colors: white, beige, gray, light blue and light purple.

    Sagittarius do not like pink, because it is the color of the desire for stability. It's definitely not for them!

  10. Capricorn
    Capricorns love unusual solutions. White, silver and blue bring harmony to their home. From the point of view of astrology, Capricorns bring luck brown color and its shades. Absolutely not suitable yellow, red and soft purple colors.

    Capricorns are often workaholics. Therefore, they feel best in workshops and offices that equip as comfortable as possible for themselves.

  11. Aquarius
    In the house of Aquarius you can find unexpected interior details, of which he is very proud. Aquarius like to mix colors and styles, so two adjacent rooms can look like they came from different houses.

    Aquarius use purple, blue, pearly white. For them, there are no shades worse than cream, beige and gold, which they will find boring and beaten.

  12. Fish
    Pisces carry luck purple, green, blue and silver. The main color of the representatives of this sign is orange. These colors develop imagination. Pisces like to use beautiful paintings in the interior, looking at which you can think about something pleasant and relax. Pisces in the house have many chandeliers and lamps that make the interior lighter.

In most cases, favorite colors can be used not only in the interior and in home decor, but also in clothes and accessories. If you use these tips, eternal harmony and spiritual comfort will settle in your house.

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