How to use paper towels in the kitchen
Paper towels are something that can be found in any home. But many housewives are more accustomed to using fabric towels, so paper towels are often placed on the shelf as a spare option.
"Site" I have prepared for you a selection of the best tips for using paper towels. From now on, you will be more respectful of this ingenious product, because it’s time to learn how to get the most out of paper towels at home!
How to use paper towels
As you can see, using paper towels will help. save up We have the strength, so be sure to follow our recommendations.
Don’t forget to share these tips with your friends!
"Site" I have prepared for you a selection of the best tips for using paper towels. From now on, you will be more respectful of this ingenious product, because it’s time to learn how to get the most out of paper towels at home!
How to use paper towels
- To prevent fresh greens from sluggish quickly, wrap it with a wet paper towel. And if you store greens in the refrigerator, then place a dry paper towel in the container. It absorbs excess moisture and prolongation food.
- Layer of fat Does the surface of the broth spoil your appetite? A paper towel is what you need! Take a clean pan and put it in the sink. Put a sieve or a dummy in a pot. Put a paper towel at the bottom of the dummy. Strain the broth through the coop with the towel. The liquid will get into the new pan, and the fat will remain on the towel.
- So that the bread after the refrigerator does not become wet, it is enough to wrap it in a paper towel before freezing.
- Remove stains. from wax pencils is easy if you put a paper towel on a dirty surface and iron it with an iron at low temperature.
- To keep the microwave clean after you cook bacon, just wrap the pieces of bacon in a paper towel before cooking. Turn on the microwave for 1 minute every time the bacon is crispy. 3-4 minutes and everything is ready!
- If not on hand coffee filterYou can strain the fragrant drink through a piece of paper towel.
- To prepare crispyRub it before cooking with a paper towel.
- Often, after reusable use, greasy flows remain on the oil bottle. To prevent this, wrap the bottle with a paper towel and fasten it with rubber band.
- Purchase makeup wiper And cotton drives take a lot of money out of you? Cut the roll of paper towels across. In the plastic container pour a cup of clean water, add a couple of drops of coconut (castor, olive) oil. If desired, you can add a tool to remove makeup. Dip in the resulting liquid half a roll of paper towels.
When the paper is softened, remove the cardboard insert from the roll.
The resulting wet wipes can be stored in a cool place for several weeks.
As you can see, using paper towels will help. save up We have the strength, so be sure to follow our recommendations.
Don’t forget to share these tips with your friends!
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