Today I want to tell you about a new way to bypass the system and save on... electricity.
Saving on electricity is not just a whim, but a necessity! Electricity prices They continue to grow, and we spend this resource out of habit thoughtlessly. You will be surprised, but the numbers in the accounts can be reduced by almost 2 times using the tricks that we offer.
It's simple: save upYou need to change your electricity consumption habits. In addition, it is important to make sure that everything in the house was reasonably organized, that is, numerous electrical appliances need to somehow organize. And use each of them more rationally!
How to Save Electricity at Home
These tips will save even the most desperate consumers of electricity! Be sure to tell your friends about them - help your loved ones save more money for themselves.
It's simple: save upYou need to change your electricity consumption habits. In addition, it is important to make sure that everything in the house was reasonably organized, that is, numerous electrical appliances need to somehow organize. And use each of them more rationally!
How to Save Electricity at Home
- Light
Use it. daylight maximum! Natural light from the window not only saves you money, but also helps to be in a good mood during the winter buffet. It makes sense to exchange dense summer blinds and dark curtains for a light tulle. It’s great if you have several sets of curtains for all seasons. This changes the design of rooms for the better and helps to use natural lighting wisely.
The workplace should be in an area that is optimally illuminated by light from the window – this will allow you to turn on the table lamp later.
Time to change the light bulbs if you haven't already. Energy saving light bulbs (LEDs) Use 4 times less electricity than conventional incandescent lamps! They have been serving much longer.
Turn off the lights! It’s a matter of mindfulness – turn your attention on and check where electric light isn’t needed right now. In the evening, it is easy to reduce the number of rooms with lights on. It is enough for the whole family to occupy 1-2 rooms instead of distribution throughout the apartment. A good idea is to use candles and special thrifty night lights when you can do without bright light. Evening by candlelight even 1 time a week will significantly reduce electricity consumption! - Electrical appliances
Turn off electrical appliances that are not currently in use. This applies to a computer, laptop, coffee maker, TV, acoustic speakers, all kinds of charges, hair dryer and other small electrical appliances. This is one of the dumbest ways to waste electricity!
Replace the old one. household appliance New one. Of course, this method is not suitable for everyone: it requires significant financial investments. But gradually it has to be done! An old refrigerator, TV, washing machine and dishwasher are real gluttons in the consumption of electricity. New models of these household appliances consume significantly less precious kilowatts.
Life hacks to save electricityIf your home appliances can be awarded for years of service:- Always fill the dishwasher to the limit before turning on. The same goes for the washing machine.
- Open the doors of the electric oven during cooking not too often. Firstly, it doesn’t reflect well on the dishes you cook, and secondly, it’s a surefire way to release a certain amount of heat out and spend more electricity.
- Open and close the refrigerator at lightning speed! To improve the tightness of the refrigerator, it makes sense to replace the rubber bands on the door.
- Insulation of the house
A well-insulated house will help keep warm air inside in the cold and cooled in the summer. Now many companies offer home insulation services with mounting foam, tape and special insulation. Having spent money on this procedure once, you will not have to pay for the additional electricity consumed by the heater.
If there's one in your house. heaterThink about not heating the room too much. You can walk at home in a light sweater and sleep in the cool – this will save a lot of money. Sleeping in a cool bedroom prolongs youth and improves skin condition! - Hot water.
Consume hot water 2 times less! Take a shower instead of a bath. Turn it off. hotwaterWhen you don't need it. Watch how the water heater works, if you have one: it should turn off and not waste electricity on constantly heating the water.
These tips will save even the most desperate consumers of electricity! Be sure to tell your friends about them - help your loved ones save more money for themselves.