How to decorate with photos: 7 of the rules of decorators
Each of us has a house a few dozen different photos. Put them in a wooden frame boring and simple. So why not decorate their interior? It's original and very stylish.
Photos offers exceptional opportunities not only to decorate the apartments, but also for its design. In the sense that the photos are optically influence the perception of space, visually expand the walls, to emphasize the style, to make the interior more dynamic and individual. In the photos everything is important: the story, the color palette, and layout, and location on the wall. Of course, first and foremost it is best to decorate the house with your favorite photos. But even regular posters will look as good.
There is a paradox with which you are likely unfamiliar, but professional designers know it well. Best for interior decoration suit Amateur, Amateur photo, those that you can do with an ordinary camera. But with professional photos in the interior much more difficult. Professional photo requires the perfect interior style. Professional photo should be the main focus of the interior, in fact, the interior need to build "around" this photo. In the room with the photos should not be of unnecessary things and inappropriate this photo items photos are a special way to highlight and positioned so that it is in any case not "shoot".
But back to Amateur pictures. Here they are – the interior, not the interior for them.
What are photos. Overall, the photos are decorative, poster and photos from the personal archive. Decorative photos of medium size, with any plot. Poster – this greatly enlarged photo, that photo is not too much detail. Print poster photo can be ordered in the respective firms, in your picture. Well, the pictures from the personal archive of family photos or pictures of family and friends, creating warmth and positivity in the house.
Recruitment framework.
Usually, pictures are hung in frames which can be made of different materials. Select the frame to Wallpaper or furniture, and only the image. The most versatile frame – steel or gold colour, and wood. In principle, this frame you can insert any picture. General principle: color images look better in a light framework and black-and-white – in black or white. If the wall is decorated with "under a brick", the required black frame. If the frame color, they should be in the same range (or only warm colors or only cool). Any photo can be a bit of highlight using a low voltage halogen bulbs.
Where to hang.
The theme of the picture should overlap with the function of the interior and its style. So the living room would look better landscapes or genre scenes, in the kitchen or dining room – flowers and still lifes, in his study portraits in the hall – subject macro photography. Of course, if the room is decorated in country style, should not hang pictures of city buildings, etc.
How to hang.
You can group pictures on the wall. The best way to the center of the intended composition to hang the large picture and smaller positioning around it. The level of the big picture of the suspension is determined by a special rule. You need to hold on the wall of an imaginary line located at the level of your eyes, then the suspension point (center hung pictures) will be slightly below this line, as is often the interior pictures are considered sitting down. For a person of average height the height of the suspension is approximately equal to 150 cm. in addition, all images can be grouped and enclosed in one big frame. Then the whole composition should be viewed as one large picture.
If you have ordered a large format poster of photos for him to choose the free wall. Please note that the space around the walls, every detail, which is next, must strictly match the style of the photo.
Another trendy option – dissected pictures. Is a big picture that is cut into several equal-sized parts, and all parts posted next to the small intervals between them. Another option is to replicate the same photo.
How to register.
It is best to make your images, especially the little ones, a wide Mat. The wider the Mat, the more effective pictures. A wide Mat will help you to align images in color if they are very different in color. And yet they are indispensable for small photos. "Exploded" pictures are taken with no Mat and are not enclosed in frames, in an extreme case, possible only by very narrow frame.
As the photos will affect the interior.
If the colors of the picture will be close to the color scheme of the room, then photo will make the interior more stylish, balanced and harmonious. If the colors of the photo will contrast with the room, then this photo will bring dynamics to the interior. One great photo (but only one), or the group is small, with the distance between them will increase the space. But especially will increase the space of the "exploded" photograph.
Unusual use of photographs in the interior.
Your pictures can be printed not only on paper but also on any subject. These items you can choose for yourself based on the style of your apartment. For example, you can order a photo print on a white ceramic tile (kitchen, bathroom), on the suspended ceiling.
If you have the style of hi-tech or minimalism, you can enjoy printing photos on any metallic object, for example, the metal plate or strip, which then can be bent and hung on the wall as panels or glass to which you can make the appropriate "foot"—get the glass "fotostat". published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: domashniy.ru/article/dom_i_dacha/interier/kak_ukrasit_interer_s_pomoshyu_fotografij.html
Photos offers exceptional opportunities not only to decorate the apartments, but also for its design. In the sense that the photos are optically influence the perception of space, visually expand the walls, to emphasize the style, to make the interior more dynamic and individual. In the photos everything is important: the story, the color palette, and layout, and location on the wall. Of course, first and foremost it is best to decorate the house with your favorite photos. But even regular posters will look as good.

There is a paradox with which you are likely unfamiliar, but professional designers know it well. Best for interior decoration suit Amateur, Amateur photo, those that you can do with an ordinary camera. But with professional photos in the interior much more difficult. Professional photo requires the perfect interior style. Professional photo should be the main focus of the interior, in fact, the interior need to build "around" this photo. In the room with the photos should not be of unnecessary things and inappropriate this photo items photos are a special way to highlight and positioned so that it is in any case not "shoot".
But back to Amateur pictures. Here they are – the interior, not the interior for them.
What are photos. Overall, the photos are decorative, poster and photos from the personal archive. Decorative photos of medium size, with any plot. Poster – this greatly enlarged photo, that photo is not too much detail. Print poster photo can be ordered in the respective firms, in your picture. Well, the pictures from the personal archive of family photos or pictures of family and friends, creating warmth and positivity in the house.

Recruitment framework.
Usually, pictures are hung in frames which can be made of different materials. Select the frame to Wallpaper or furniture, and only the image. The most versatile frame – steel or gold colour, and wood. In principle, this frame you can insert any picture. General principle: color images look better in a light framework and black-and-white – in black or white. If the wall is decorated with "under a brick", the required black frame. If the frame color, they should be in the same range (or only warm colors or only cool). Any photo can be a bit of highlight using a low voltage halogen bulbs.

Where to hang.
The theme of the picture should overlap with the function of the interior and its style. So the living room would look better landscapes or genre scenes, in the kitchen or dining room – flowers and still lifes, in his study portraits in the hall – subject macro photography. Of course, if the room is decorated in country style, should not hang pictures of city buildings, etc.

How to hang.
You can group pictures on the wall. The best way to the center of the intended composition to hang the large picture and smaller positioning around it. The level of the big picture of the suspension is determined by a special rule. You need to hold on the wall of an imaginary line located at the level of your eyes, then the suspension point (center hung pictures) will be slightly below this line, as is often the interior pictures are considered sitting down. For a person of average height the height of the suspension is approximately equal to 150 cm. in addition, all images can be grouped and enclosed in one big frame. Then the whole composition should be viewed as one large picture.

If you have ordered a large format poster of photos for him to choose the free wall. Please note that the space around the walls, every detail, which is next, must strictly match the style of the photo.
Another trendy option – dissected pictures. Is a big picture that is cut into several equal-sized parts, and all parts posted next to the small intervals between them. Another option is to replicate the same photo.

How to register.
It is best to make your images, especially the little ones, a wide Mat. The wider the Mat, the more effective pictures. A wide Mat will help you to align images in color if they are very different in color. And yet they are indispensable for small photos. "Exploded" pictures are taken with no Mat and are not enclosed in frames, in an extreme case, possible only by very narrow frame.

As the photos will affect the interior.
If the colors of the picture will be close to the color scheme of the room, then photo will make the interior more stylish, balanced and harmonious. If the colors of the photo will contrast with the room, then this photo will bring dynamics to the interior. One great photo (but only one), or the group is small, with the distance between them will increase the space. But especially will increase the space of the "exploded" photograph.

Unusual use of photographs in the interior.
Your pictures can be printed not only on paper but also on any subject. These items you can choose for yourself based on the style of your apartment. For example, you can order a photo print on a white ceramic tile (kitchen, bathroom), on the suspended ceiling.

If you have the style of hi-tech or minimalism, you can enjoy printing photos on any metallic object, for example, the metal plate or strip, which then can be bent and hung on the wall as panels or glass to which you can make the appropriate "foot"—get the glass "fotostat". published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: domashniy.ru/article/dom_i_dacha/interier/kak_ukrasit_interer_s_pomoshyu_fotografij.html