New year at the cottage — decorate a garden

Decorate a country home for Christmas. Photo: thinkstockphotos.com
To celebrate the New year in the country – the idea is wonderful! This holiday is very simple to organize, because there the atmosphere is relaxing and cheerful mood!
For a holiday in the country you want to decorate the house and garden, to provide the necessary garden furniture and think about the festive program and menus. To decorate the garden is not harder than the interior, because the garden is, essentially, the same interior, only under the open sky. But the opportunities in the garden we have much more: here we can do things that can be done in a city apartment, can realize the most daring and unusual ideas.

Christmas tree. In the year of the Sheep it is better to prefer a natural tree, but in the country all conditions for that. In this role, select a beautiful Christmas tree or a pine tree growing in the front area or near the most picturesque area. You can lavishly decorate it, and can hang quite a bit of toys, mainly large multi-colored balls and the emphasis is on light garlands and the beauty of the winter snow.

The garlands also try to come up unusual – and you can't hang them on the tree, and make garlands in huge balls and then put them on the spruce branches. Maybe you like the idea of decorating the Christmas tree only such toys that are made with your own hands. Very good decorate a Christmas tree on the site of an improvised flags. Them you can also decorate the gazebo, carport, summer kitchen.

At the foot of the Christmas tree can make a Christmas song. Arrange the colorful geometric shaped objects, balls, cubes, "Bochonok" − you can make all kinds of boxes, balls, glued together plastic pots. You can paint them brightly, but you can wrap it in a shiny gift paper, it will be very useful, because all parts of our Christmas songs are a kind of symbols of Christmas gifts.

New year party. How about a celebratory dinner in the fresh air? It's very romantic and unusual. To do this, new year's eve to decorate the gazebo or a canopy. Add to the lighting design of gazebo bright electric garlands and loads of candles in beautiful candlesticks. Looks very nice in the snow inside the pavilion it seems that you are Santa Claus. This natural charm you cannot get anywhere except outside the city.

For the festive table do not forget to prepare a small Christmas tree, carefully serve the table. Deliver beautiful dishes, vases and tray for sweets. A bottle of champagne, you can decorate an original Christmas tip. As vases for candy and Dixie cups Cutlery you can use flower pots that can be painted and tie ribbons. Cloth here can serve as a bright carpet of the number exported in his time at the cottage. On the chairs throw cozy blankets.

What is New year without candles! You can buy curly candles in the store, but if you want something exclusive, you can decide to decorate simple candles with images cut from a special sheet of colored wax, and write on them the greetings of wax crayons.

Unusual decorations for the Christmas tree. In the garden it is not necessary to decorate the Christmas tree toys. In the year of the Sheep instead, you can use tangerines – you get "tangerine tree". Well, if you have the farm there are clumps of colored thread, hang them on the tree. Will be very original! Extremely beautiful live tree, decorated with baubles of bright felt. They are easy matted independently, and suspensions to make fishing line – it would seem that soft balls "hang in the air"!

In the garden may be a somewhat unusual Christmas trees! They can be placed in various corners of the garden, and they will all be stylized, "design". For example, one of the "trees" can be made of willow branches, tying them in two places in a bun and adorned with a few large toys. And, you can make a classic bouquet of cut branches of the tree or any shrub, painted with spray paint in white. This "tree" it is better to decorate not toys, and the vivid tangerines. The bumps can also become a decoration of the garden: just paint them silver, emerald and blue spray paint and scatter in the various places of the garden.

Decorate outdoor furniture "Christmas bells", made of silver-plated or painted in your favorite color of the hostess of the year small cactus pots with ribbons, pendants. The same "bells" to hang on the tree. Accessories from felt very much like Sheep and look great in the garden.The felt balls are universal, and their soft texture combined with the fluffy snow! So you can put them in small baskets and place these baskets in different corners of the garden. If you have a decorative cart for colors, it will turn into a cart Santa Claus. Fill her with gifts, and next to supply garden figures in the form of deer.

The door of the house decorate the Christmas wreath. It can be done using collapsed in the ring with willow branches, ribbons, cones, berries of mountain ash or cranberry and a couple of Christmas decorations. Another idea is a wreath of bark and dried fruits. A great wreath will turn out from a small mirror with a wide frame, which is enough to stick the fir cones, painted in blue and silver color. If you have beautiful delicate dish, it can also be a "wreath" if you put it in the hole a small Christmas tree decoration and hang on the wall to the ribbon.

Use to decorate your plot of snow – relief images of cute snowmen and other characters hang on the trees colored ice sculptures. You can quickly do that by using children's molds for the sandbox. Pour water into molds, her touch up with acrylic paints, put into each mold at the rope loop and then freeze.

Trees can also be decorated with the use of: make a Christmas gifts for birds.For this you will need seeds, nuts and grass seeds. Mix it all with melted fat, shape diamonds, circles, hearts, stars, insert in each product the ribbon for hanging and slightly podmorozit. Hang delicious treats for the birds in the garden.

Garden dOrochi also need to decorate. Place candlesticks with candles along the walkway as candlesticks can be used not only decorated the jars, but the painted glass vases. Electrogarlands balls can also lie on the snow drifts along the tracks, provide only the hosting plan, the entire "festive electricians" in the area, so you do not get entangled in the wires and make it easy to navigate the site: after all, for the organization of festive lights you will need a lot of additional light sources!
Source: domashniy.ru/
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