Mother-in-law brought from the cottage two boxes of eggplant, it's time to prepare patties "South"

Last year, my mother-in-law retired and this spring decided to move to the country. She is a gardener and grows a lot of things. So she brought us two boxes of eggplant this weekend. I immediately made a salad for the winter, at the end of the article I will share a recipe. But there are still plenty of vegetables left. So I started thinking about making eggplant for dinner. I remember a wonderful recipe!

Editorial "Site" She shares a wonderful recipe with you.

What to cook for dinner from eggplant Ingredients
  • 700g mince
  • 1 eggplant
  • 1 bulb
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 1 egg
  • slice
  • 40g walnuts
  • 5 tbsp breadcrumbs
  • 3 tbsp water
  • 4 tbsp vegetable oil
  • green
  • salt and pepper

  1. Clean the eggplant and cut into large cubes. Also cut the onions. The blender has eggplant, onions and walnuts.

  2. In a deep bowl, mix mince and white bread soaked in water beforehand. Add the eggplant and the egg.

  3. Squeeze the garlic or cut it finely. Grind the greens. Any one will do. I'll take dill, parsley and cilantro, choose to taste. Add all this to the mince.

  4. Knead the mince on the patties, beat him well. Then form small cutlets, collapse them in breadcrumbs and roast in oil until golden crust.

  5. Roasted patties put on a bowl, covered with parchment. Pour 3 tablespoons of water there. Cover with foil and send to the oven heated to 180 degrees. They need to be baked for about 20 minutes.

From this number of ingredients, 12 cutlets are obtained. Dinner is enough for the family. With a light salad, an excellent dinner is obtained, even a side dish is not needed. Of course, two boxes of eggplant at this pace will have to cook for a long time, but nothing. By the way, I promised to share a recipe for eggplant salad for the winter. Excellent recipe, be sure to try it!

Well, you already know what to make for an eggplant dinner. I hope you enjoyed this recipe as much as I did. I can say for sure: the cutlets are very juicy and with an interesting taste. My mother-in-law called them "Southers." That's the name they used in my cookbook. I'm sure this recipe will linger in yours.

What interesting eggplant do you make?


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