From green nuts I prepare a strengthening drink, I collect nuts necessarily for Ivan Kupala.
I have a huge nut growing at home. I'm sure it's been growing like this for about 40 years. At least longer than I can remember. Grandpa carefully cares for him, cuts, feeds. For this, the nut thanks us with a generous harvest. And every year, Grandpa uses the fruits to the maximum. His signature recipe is a tincture of green nuts.
He cooks it in July when the nuts are still green. This is a long process, but the tincture is worth it. Grandpa calls it nut liquor and treats it to all guests. Editorial "Site" He wants to share this recipe with you. Nut season has already begun, you can do the preparation!
Tincture of green nuts Ingredients
It is on health, because the tincture of green nuts has useful properties. It consists of vitamins B2 and B3. Also, the drink contains useful minerals: potassium, sodium, iron and magnesium. If you observe moderation, you can help your digestive system. However, with caution you need to drink those who have problems with the kidneys and liver.
Another secret of preparing this tincture is the right day to pick nuts. My grandfather says that it is advisable to collect them on June 6 or 7, the day of John the Baptist. Then the tincture is perfect. From the nuts collected on this day, he also prepares amazing jam. You can try, why not. Especially since Grandpa knows how to do this, he has been doing this tincture for 20 years!
Will you try making nut liquor at home?

He cooks it in July when the nuts are still green. This is a long process, but the tincture is worth it. Grandpa calls it nut liquor and treats it to all guests. Editorial "Site" He wants to share this recipe with you. Nut season has already begun, you can do the preparation!
Tincture of green nuts Ingredients
- 20 green nuts
- 1 L strong drink
- 20 carnations
- cinnamon
- 2 tables of sugar.
- 1 tbsp water
- Those who once made homemade tinctures know that this is not a quick process. So, pick 20 soft and not yet mature walnut fruits from the tree. Wash and dry.
- Cut them into 4 pieces, put them in a three-liter jar. Add the cloves and cinnamon. Pour it all in a liter of good vodka. Insist in a dark place for 40 days, sometimes shaking the can.
- Then all this mixture is filtered through three layers of the brand into an enameled pan.
- Separately cook sugar syrup in the proportion of 2 cups of sugar per 1 cup of water. Cool it to room temperature.
- Mix the tincture with sugar syrup, mix well. Let me stand for a while. In a few hours, the bottles were bottled. It's safe to drink now!
It is on health, because the tincture of green nuts has useful properties. It consists of vitamins B2 and B3. Also, the drink contains useful minerals: potassium, sodium, iron and magnesium. If you observe moderation, you can help your digestive system. However, with caution you need to drink those who have problems with the kidneys and liver.
Another secret of preparing this tincture is the right day to pick nuts. My grandfather says that it is advisable to collect them on June 6 or 7, the day of John the Baptist. Then the tincture is perfect. From the nuts collected on this day, he also prepares amazing jam. You can try, why not. Especially since Grandpa knows how to do this, he has been doing this tincture for 20 years!
Will you try making nut liquor at home?
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