How to spend the night of Ivan Kupala

Literally in a couple of days will come one of the most mysterious and unpredictable holidays in the summer cycle – Kupalskaya night, or Ivanov day, although the people often call it Ivan Kupala. The holiday is dedicated to the summer solstice, but according to the old calendar style, it fell on June 20-21.

After the adoption of Christianity, people did not abandon this holiday, but on the contrary, timed it to the day of John the Baptist (according to the old style falls on June 24, and according to the new on July 7). According to the church calendar on July 7, all Orthodox Christians celebrate the Nativity of John the Baptist, who baptized Jesus Christ.

But since ancient pagan, Slavic and Christian traditions are closely intertwined in folk culture, there are important precepts about what to do and what to do. What is strictly forbidden to do on Ivan Kupala.

Day of Ivan Kupala in 2020 Editorial Board "Site" He asks you to know the rules, rules, and signs on Ivan Kupala. This holiday is covered with many stories, legends, myths and even horror stories!

Traditionally, Ivana Kupala is associated with many rites and divinations. Therefore, almost everyone who has ever celebrated this holiday knows them. But few have heard of the ban on Ivan Kupala. There's a lot of them!

Prohibitions and beliefs on Ivan Kupala
  1. Our ancestors believed that the night from 6 to 7 July – one of the most mysterious of the year! According to legends, it is on this day that all the forest evil spirits wake up: snakes, water, mermaids, witches and so on. Therefore night on Ivan Kupala no sleep.

  2. Swimming because you couldn’t get out of the water. This was especially true for pregnant women, children and the elderly. They were strictly forbidden to approach the water at this time. This was explained by the fact that water evil spirits can greatly harm a weak body.

  3. In addition, on this day you can not sell, give, borrow. This can lead to misery and poverty for the whole family. Even if you notice that a lot of money is just on the street, then, according to legend, it is better to pass by.

  4. Well, the most humorous point, according to the author of this article: on Ivan Kupala, a girl who did not visit the campfire was considered a witch.

And there is a belief that Ivan Kupala can find happiness, wealth, health and love. You just have to do all the rites and follow them. bathal Right.

Rites for Ivan Kupala
  1. Our ancestors believed that from July 7 to Ilyin day (August 2), all the evil spirits left the reservoirs. However, it was on the night of Ivan Kupala that the water became healing and people could cleanse their bodies of negativity, fill themselves with beauty and health. At dawn, July 7, you need to wash yourself with dew and then youth and health will be with you for a very long time.

  2. Another water-related ritual. wreathing. The more herbs the girl weaved into it, the better. If the wreath launched into the water quickly sails away from the shore, the better, this indicates the upcoming family life of the girl: a long and happy life or a successful marriage. A drowned wreath means that this year the girl will not marry or the betrothed will stop loving her.

  3. Another one. ritual - a real bath with brooms of medicinal herbs collected the night before. Such brooms are called Ivanovo, they just have miraculous healing properties. If you steam with such a broom, there will be no health problems all year. Or you can just hang a wreath of dried bathing herbs in your apartment, and then happiness will never turn away from you!

  4. On the night of Ivan Kupala, it is customary to light a fire on the shore of the reservoir and jump over it. Traditionally, fire in the fire at this time was considered cleansing. And in these fires it is customary to burn the clothes of sick people, because, according to legend, this ritual of purification will help get rid of diseases.

In the folk culture of the Slavs Ivan Kupala is of great importance, therefore, the traditions of this day are very extensive, affecting all spheres of life.

Of course, the Orthodox Church does not approve of this pagan holiday, so whether to accept the traditions of Ivan Kupala depends only on you and your views on the world. In any case, you learned something new for yourself, took into account something, and just laughed at something.

Our editorial office wishes you celebrate And live at your own pace with love and gratitude for everything that happens to you!

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