Peter and Fevronia Day
On July 8, Orthodox believers celebrate the day of Peter and Fevronia of Murom – the patrons of the hearth, family and loyalty. This holiday is quite young, it was established only 12 years ago, but even it has its own customs, traditions and its beautiful story of great and pure love. The end of the article will be Prayer to the saints that will bring peace, prosperity, harmony and understanding to your family.
Recall that the Orthodox Church considers the marriage of Saints Peter and Fevronia as a model of the Christian family. In their honor, a holiday was established, which since 2008 in Russia is celebrated as a state - the All-Russian Day of Love, Family and Fidelity. We celebrate it on July 8.
Today's edition. "Site" I decided to remember who Peter and Fevronia are, why they serve as a model of Christian marriage and what traditions and prohibitions should be observed during the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity in 2020.
Peter and Fevronia Day in 2020 The story of Peter and Fevronia resembles a good tale of love: the couple lived in grief, and in joy, wealth and poverty and died in the same day. According to the Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom, Prince Peter fell ill with leprosy, but no physician in the district could cure him of terrible ailments.
And then the prince had a prophetic dream that would heal his daughter beekeeper, peasant Febronia. In return, the poor girl asked the prince to marry her. Healed of leprosy, Prince Peter did not keep his word and did not take Fevronia as his wife.
When the leprosy returned a second time, the prince again turned to the peasant woman for help, and when she healed him again, he took the girl as his wife and did not regret it - Fevronia and Peter ruled happily ever after and went to the other world in one day.
In 1547 Peter and Fevronia were Canonized by the Orthodox ChurchAnd the parishioners began to pray for family well-being and love to these Murom saints. Since then, the faithful spouses have become patrons of family well-being, mutual respect and sincere love.
Saints protect the marital union, bring peace to the home and help strengthen family ties. The memory of the miracles of Peter and Fevronia was passed down from generation to generation, and believers still pray to the saints for family happiness, convey from mouth to mouth history how infertile couples found long-awaited children, how peace reigned in the homes of believers and how they recovered from serious ailments.
It is said that Saints Peter and Fevronia help lonely people to find love and create a family, preserve the family hearth and fidelity of spouses, protect them from evil and injustice.
For the Orthodox, the day of memory of Peter and Fevronia has become an analogue of the Day of All Lovers, which is celebrated by Catholics on February 14. The symbol of the holiday of love and loyalty was chamomile – a simple flower, but very tender. Later, on the Day of Family, Love and Loyalty, a commemorative medal was issued, which is traditionally awarded to couples in whose homes mutual understanding and selfless love reign.
The holiday is associated with many signs, traditions and prohibitions that are observed by believers in different parts of Russia.
Traditions and signs
Bans on the feast of Peter and Fevronia
Prayer to the pious Peter and Febronia O, the majesty of God’s grace and wonderworkers, the faithfulness of Prince Petra and Princess Febronia, the city of Murom, the guardians of an honest marriage and about all of us zeal for the Lord of prayer!
In the days of your earthly life, you have shown the image of piety, Christian love and loyalty to each other even to the grave, and thereby glorified your legitimate and blessed marriage.
For this reason we come to you and pray with strong zeal: bring your holy prayers for us, sinners, to the Lord God, and ask us all that is good for our souls and bodies: faith in the right, hope for the good, love without hypocrisy, unshakeable piety, success in good deeds, but bestow chastity by your marriage union combined with prayers, love for each other in the union of peace, unity of souls and bodies, bed of the unbeloved, staying unfaithful in life, being blessed in life, not filled with glory.
Hey, saintly miracle workers! Do not despise our prayers that are exalted to you with tenderness, but pray for our intercessors before the Lord and grant us eternal salvation by your exaltation, and the Kingdom of Heaven will be inherited, that we may glorify the ineffable love of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, in the Trinity of the worshiped God, for ever and ever. Amen.
If you haven't heard of feast dayNow you know that its annual celebration falls on July 8. Spend a feast of love, family and loyalty with your relatives and friends, visit the temple and ask the patron saints for prosperity for your family. Do not forget that the best gift for loved ones on this day is attention, care and care.
Are you celebrating this holiday with your family? Be sure to tell us in the comments about the traditions of celebrating Peter and Fevronia in your home.
Recall that the Orthodox Church considers the marriage of Saints Peter and Fevronia as a model of the Christian family. In their honor, a holiday was established, which since 2008 in Russia is celebrated as a state - the All-Russian Day of Love, Family and Fidelity. We celebrate it on July 8.

Today's edition. "Site" I decided to remember who Peter and Fevronia are, why they serve as a model of Christian marriage and what traditions and prohibitions should be observed during the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity in 2020.
Peter and Fevronia Day in 2020 The story of Peter and Fevronia resembles a good tale of love: the couple lived in grief, and in joy, wealth and poverty and died in the same day. According to the Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom, Prince Peter fell ill with leprosy, but no physician in the district could cure him of terrible ailments.
And then the prince had a prophetic dream that would heal his daughter beekeeper, peasant Febronia. In return, the poor girl asked the prince to marry her. Healed of leprosy, Prince Peter did not keep his word and did not take Fevronia as his wife.

When the leprosy returned a second time, the prince again turned to the peasant woman for help, and when she healed him again, he took the girl as his wife and did not regret it - Fevronia and Peter ruled happily ever after and went to the other world in one day.
In 1547 Peter and Fevronia were Canonized by the Orthodox ChurchAnd the parishioners began to pray for family well-being and love to these Murom saints. Since then, the faithful spouses have become patrons of family well-being, mutual respect and sincere love.

Saints protect the marital union, bring peace to the home and help strengthen family ties. The memory of the miracles of Peter and Fevronia was passed down from generation to generation, and believers still pray to the saints for family happiness, convey from mouth to mouth history how infertile couples found long-awaited children, how peace reigned in the homes of believers and how they recovered from serious ailments.
It is said that Saints Peter and Fevronia help lonely people to find love and create a family, preserve the family hearth and fidelity of spouses, protect them from evil and injustice.

For the Orthodox, the day of memory of Peter and Fevronia has become an analogue of the Day of All Lovers, which is celebrated by Catholics on February 14. The symbol of the holiday of love and loyalty was chamomile – a simple flower, but very tender. Later, on the Day of Family, Love and Loyalty, a commemorative medal was issued, which is traditionally awarded to couples in whose homes mutual understanding and selfless love reign.
The holiday is associated with many signs, traditions and prohibitions that are observed by believers in different parts of Russia.

Traditions and signs
- According to tradition, festive services are held in churches on this day, and parishioners bow in prayer at the icon of St. Peter and Fevronia with a request for family happiness, the birth of children, the health of loved ones, and the girls pray to the patron saints to help them successfully marry.
- According to ancient customs, on this day the young celebrated the engagement: lovers exchanged rings and swore loyalty to each other in the presence of their parents.
- The ancient Slavs believed that to marry the day after the night of Kupala - a happy omen for the future family. And today, many lovers strive to celebrate the wedding on the day of memory of Peter and Fevronia, so that the marriage was long, faithful and happy.
- On the Day of Family, Love and Loyalty, it is customary to conduct various divination and ceremonies associated with family, marriage, wedding, birth of children. For example, unmarried girls on this day guess at the betrothed, and in order to see in a dream the future spouse, you need to sleep alone, before going to bed, laying a comb under your pillow and saying: “Meddy-married, come in a dream to comb me.”
- In Family Day in Russia It is customary to give loved ones icons with the image of Saints Peter and Fevronia. Icons embroidered with their own hands and gifted with love have special power.
- It is said that those who spend a holiday with their family will bathe in prosperity and love.
- On the day of Peter and Fevronia, you can find out the weather for the next month: if July 8 is clear weather, then the next 40 days will be warm and sunny. If it rains this day, expect a good harvest of honey.
- Among the ancient Slavs, this day was considered the day of the first mowing and full maturity of field and forest grasses, blooming by this time in all its glory. The collection of medicinal and other herbs begins on this day.

Bans on the feast of Peter and Fevronia
- It is impossible to get married on the day of memory of the faithful Peter and Fevronia, but you can and even need to get engaged!
- On this day it is not customary to work in the garden and garden, but to do small household chores is allowed.
- During the celebration of the day of memory of Peter and Fevronia, you can not eat fish dishes, since in the midst of Petrov Lent.
- It is strictly forbidden to sew and do needlework.
- On the holiday it is strictly forbidden to quarrel, divorce and just think about the bad.
Prayer to the pious Peter and Febronia O, the majesty of God’s grace and wonderworkers, the faithfulness of Prince Petra and Princess Febronia, the city of Murom, the guardians of an honest marriage and about all of us zeal for the Lord of prayer!
In the days of your earthly life, you have shown the image of piety, Christian love and loyalty to each other even to the grave, and thereby glorified your legitimate and blessed marriage.
For this reason we come to you and pray with strong zeal: bring your holy prayers for us, sinners, to the Lord God, and ask us all that is good for our souls and bodies: faith in the right, hope for the good, love without hypocrisy, unshakeable piety, success in good deeds, but bestow chastity by your marriage union combined with prayers, love for each other in the union of peace, unity of souls and bodies, bed of the unbeloved, staying unfaithful in life, being blessed in life, not filled with glory.
Hey, saintly miracle workers! Do not despise our prayers that are exalted to you with tenderness, but pray for our intercessors before the Lord and grant us eternal salvation by your exaltation, and the Kingdom of Heaven will be inherited, that we may glorify the ineffable love of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, in the Trinity of the worshiped God, for ever and ever. Amen.

If you haven't heard of feast dayNow you know that its annual celebration falls on July 8. Spend a feast of love, family and loyalty with your relatives and friends, visit the temple and ask the patron saints for prosperity for your family. Do not forget that the best gift for loved ones on this day is attention, care and care.
Are you celebrating this holiday with your family? Be sure to tell us in the comments about the traditions of celebrating Peter and Fevronia in your home.