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How to spend the day of Peter and Fevronia Muromsky on July 8 to save the family

Peter and Fevronia Day in 2021 is celebrated on July 8. For his strong and happy-life Thank you to those saints. The love story and the marriage of Prince Peter and Fevronia are exemplary examples of a virtuous Christian family.

The holiday originates in the middle of the XVI century, when the Orthodox Church listed spouses as saints. Times were difficult, and the example of Peter and Fevronia helped people of all classes to believe that in this cruel world you can live a happy family life. By praying to these saints, you can speed up the meeting with a kindred spirit and establish even the most difficult relationships in the family.

Today's edition. "Site" He will tell you how to spend the day of Peter and Fevronia, and also share a prayer for help. family life And a strong prayer for marriage.

Peter and Fevronia Day in 2021 The memory of the miracles and exploits of these saints was passed down from generation to generation. The life and deeds of Peter and Fevronia are a model of ideal married life, Christian love and devotion. Saints Peter and Fevronia are considered patrons of the Orthodox family and marriage.

Saints protect. marriageBring peace to the home and help strengthen family ties. The memory of the miracles of Peter and Fevronia was passed down from generation to generation, and believers still pray to the saints for family happiness, convey from mouth to mouth history how infertile couples found long-awaited children, how peace reigned in the homes of believers and how they recovered from serious ailments.

So, how to spend this day and what to do? First, as on other days. petropostIt is necessary to adhere to a modest diet and cleanliness in the heart and thoughts. Secondly, it is desirable to do housework in the form of cleaning, washing, ironing and other things on another day. Work in the garden and garden is also not necessary.

You can and should cook. People used to say that on this day there is no need to sew and embroidery - this is not good. And most importantly: try to avoid scandals, quarrels and clarifying relationships. Spend this day in peace and love!

Prayer for the preservation of the family "Holy spouses righteous, Peter and Febronia pious, praying for each suffering and for the help of the Lord in need!" Take away from my house sorrows, discord and squabbles, preserve my marriage, blessed by the Lord, forever and ever. Just as you lived in peace and harmony, so I and my husband want to live, to serve our Father, to fulfill His instructions, to know His Kingdom. I trust in your mercy with all my heart, and in your prayers for my family to the Most High Lord. Do not leave us, spouses (names), in sorrow, do not leave in joy. Bless the righteous family life to the Lord God. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Once I heard from the father in the church that after reading this prayer in the family will reign long-awaited peace, family members again sincerely love each other and feel like one team — one whole.

Prayer for marriage to find a worthy spouse will help the strongest marriage. Before starting prayer, please try to get rid of unnecessary vain thoughts in your head, just think that your betrothed will soon appear in your life.

O elect of the Lord, Orthodox Sovereign Peter and Empress Febronia, the defenders and guards of the city of Muroma, and prayers for all of us diligent to God! We come to you and exalt you with great hope: offer up prayers for us sinners (parent names are spoken), your immaculate prayers to the Most High Lord and pray for His good-heartedness all the well-being required for our souls and bodies: faith in righteousness, good hope, love not pretended, righteousness lasting, prosperity in good deeds, fertility, good-heartedness, bodies of health and souls liberation.

Ask the Sovereign of the Heavenly Temple of the Holy and the whole country of the Russian world for peace and order, and for all of us the existence of a favorable and good death. Defend your country and all Russian cities from all misfortune; and all pious people who come to you and worship your unblemished relics, illuminate your God-pleasing prayers with a favorable phenomenon, and fulfill all their requests.

Come on, virgin miracle workers! Do not ignore our prayers, but be good intercessors before God, and give us your support and eternal liberation to acquire and receive the Kingdom of Heaven as an inheritance, so that we glorify the love of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, in the Trinity of the worshipped Lord for ages. Amen.

This prayer should be read daily to girls who want to pray. crown. As well as future spouses before the wedding ceremony so that their lives were filled with happiness and love.

I also propose to familiarize yourself with a useful memo for those who observe Petrov’s fast. This post is one of the easiest, it is not as strict as the Great and Christmas fasts!

In day I will definitely go to church in 2021. By the way, today the icon depicting Peter and Fevronia can be found in almost every church.

Another interesting fact: it is July 8, on the day of Peter and Fevronia, in the registry office full of houses. A lot of people who want to sign on this day: many couples believe that if you get married, you will get married. feastThey will live the same inseparable life as the holy Murom consorts.