She repeated the prayer to Peter and Fevronia every day, quarrels with her husband miraculously stopped.
Saints Peter and Febronje are considered patrons. marriage. In Orthodoxy, their lives and deeds are considered a model of ideal married life, Christian love and devotion. Prayers to these saints help many couples to establish family life and find the happiness of motherhood and fatherhood, to heal from ailments.
My sister used to pray to Peter and Fevronia every day, and since then the quarrels with her husband miraculously stopped.
Today's edition. "Site" I want you to know the most important thing. prayer To save the family. I don’t just say it on holiday, but every day!
Love is not a boiling of passions, not emotions, not sensual experiences, but a willingness to share joy and sorrow with a loved one, a willingness to tolerate his shortcomings, lend a shoulder when it is difficult, and be grateful to him. This statement very well describes the life of the Murom wonderworkers Peter and Fevronha.
These saints managed to carry their great lifelong And not to betray, not to offend, not to change one another. Peter and Febronia, even in the most difficult moments of their lives, did not give up their soul mate, but on the contrary, took hold of their hands and went through life on the same path - happiness, prosperity and love.
God brought this couple together in an amazing way. The brother of the Murom prince Peter had a serious illness. For a long time he looked for a solution to deal with it, but there were no results. Once the prince had a prophetic dream that he would heal his daughter beekeeper, peasant Febronia.
In Ryazan, the prince found a girl and she helped him. In return, she asked the prince to become her husband. After his healing, Peter kept his promise, took Fevronia as his wife and never regretted it.
During their earthly lives, this couple has shown incredible devotion to each other. All the joys and hardships they used to divide in half. Even when the Murom boyars rebelled against the princess from the peasant class and demanded that the prince renounce the throne, Peter did not leave Fevronia and left the city with her.
Soon after their departure, strife and turmoil began, the people themselves asked the prince to return and take the place of the legitimate ruler. Before leaving for the other world, according to pious custom, the couple took monastic tonsure with the names David and Euphrosyne. Saints Peter and Febronia left this mortal world in the same day. They told them to put them together. And to this day, the relics of the Murom miracle workers rest nearby.
Prayers to these saints have great miraculous power. They help to fix it. family peace and harmonyWe want marriage to be filled with happiness and love.
Prayer for the preservation of the family "Holy spouses righteous, Peter and Febronia pious, praying for each suffering and for the help of the Lord in need!" Take away from my house sorrows, discord and squabbles, preserve my marriage, blessed by the Lord, forever and ever. Just as you lived in peace and harmony, so I and my husband want to live, to serve our Father, to fulfill His instructions, to know His Kingdom.
I trust in your mercy with all my heart, and in your prayers for my family to the Most High Lord. Do not leave us, spouses (names), in sorrow, do not leave in joy. Bless the righteous family life to the Lord God. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
It is important to say the prayer words sincerely, from the heart! There are thousands of examples where people really beg for their happiness.
When they're no different. No figure, no wealth, no height, no beauty, no stunning appearance. They have a good heart and ask for God. And God gives them. Because God is not looking at faces. God chooses by heart!
I also suggest reading simple commandments for harmonious relations in the family from Archpriest Andrei Tkachev. Marriage, in his opinion, must be both carnal and spiritual, otherwise nothing!
And finally, I want to share with you something important. family-lawNever forget the main thing. In all circumstances of life (and especially in difficult ones), it is necessary to remember that husband and wife live together not in order to find out who is right, who is guilty, or to re-educate each other, but in order to escape together. Strive for peace, love and happiness.
Life is so short, appreciate every moment together. The way of love will smooth out all contradictions!
My sister used to pray to Peter and Fevronia every day, and since then the quarrels with her husband miraculously stopped.
Today's edition. "Site" I want you to know the most important thing. prayer To save the family. I don’t just say it on holiday, but every day!

Love is not a boiling of passions, not emotions, not sensual experiences, but a willingness to share joy and sorrow with a loved one, a willingness to tolerate his shortcomings, lend a shoulder when it is difficult, and be grateful to him. This statement very well describes the life of the Murom wonderworkers Peter and Fevronha.
These saints managed to carry their great lifelong And not to betray, not to offend, not to change one another. Peter and Febronia, even in the most difficult moments of their lives, did not give up their soul mate, but on the contrary, took hold of their hands and went through life on the same path - happiness, prosperity and love.

God brought this couple together in an amazing way. The brother of the Murom prince Peter had a serious illness. For a long time he looked for a solution to deal with it, but there were no results. Once the prince had a prophetic dream that he would heal his daughter beekeeper, peasant Febronia.
In Ryazan, the prince found a girl and she helped him. In return, she asked the prince to become her husband. After his healing, Peter kept his promise, took Fevronia as his wife and never regretted it.

During their earthly lives, this couple has shown incredible devotion to each other. All the joys and hardships they used to divide in half. Even when the Murom boyars rebelled against the princess from the peasant class and demanded that the prince renounce the throne, Peter did not leave Fevronia and left the city with her.
Soon after their departure, strife and turmoil began, the people themselves asked the prince to return and take the place of the legitimate ruler. Before leaving for the other world, according to pious custom, the couple took monastic tonsure with the names David and Euphrosyne. Saints Peter and Febronia left this mortal world in the same day. They told them to put them together. And to this day, the relics of the Murom miracle workers rest nearby.

Prayers to these saints have great miraculous power. They help to fix it. family peace and harmonyWe want marriage to be filled with happiness and love.

Prayer for the preservation of the family "Holy spouses righteous, Peter and Febronia pious, praying for each suffering and for the help of the Lord in need!" Take away from my house sorrows, discord and squabbles, preserve my marriage, blessed by the Lord, forever and ever. Just as you lived in peace and harmony, so I and my husband want to live, to serve our Father, to fulfill His instructions, to know His Kingdom.
I trust in your mercy with all my heart, and in your prayers for my family to the Most High Lord. Do not leave us, spouses (names), in sorrow, do not leave in joy. Bless the righteous family life to the Lord God. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

It is important to say the prayer words sincerely, from the heart! There are thousands of examples where people really beg for their happiness.
When they're no different. No figure, no wealth, no height, no beauty, no stunning appearance. They have a good heart and ask for God. And God gives them. Because God is not looking at faces. God chooses by heart!
I also suggest reading simple commandments for harmonious relations in the family from Archpriest Andrei Tkachev. Marriage, in his opinion, must be both carnal and spiritual, otherwise nothing!

And finally, I want to share with you something important. family-lawNever forget the main thing. In all circumstances of life (and especially in difficult ones), it is necessary to remember that husband and wife live together not in order to find out who is right, who is guilty, or to re-educate each other, but in order to escape together. Strive for peace, love and happiness.
Life is so short, appreciate every moment together. The way of love will smooth out all contradictions!
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