If you want to know your fate, conduct a special divination on the night of July 6-7, the magical holiday of Ivan Kupala.
Divination of Ivan Kupala It takes place in the evening or at night from July 6 to July 7. Girls believe in the reliability of bathing predictions and believe that they can tell their fate. The rituals of the holiday are closely related to water, plants and fire.
Divination of Ivan Kupala Mass festivities on this day were traditionally held on the shore of the reservoir. Ivan Kupala was lit a fire, through which they jumped to cleanse themselves of the negativity. It is very good if the young couple at the time of the jump did not open their arms: she is waiting for a happy family life.
The symbol of the holiday is Kupalo. It was made as follows: broke a large branch of willow and decorated with flowers, ribbons and beads. Around him danced, sang and danced. The finale of the holiday was the bathing of the symbol: Kupalo was thrown into the water. Each participant of the holiday happily broke a branch of the willow. She was planted in the corner of the garden or yard as a charm.
During the day, the girls collected flowers and herbs to weave wreaths from them. Each beauty marked its creation and made it recognizable. In the evening, the girls, decorating themselves with wreaths, gathered by the river. At the festival, future brides attached candles to the wreaths, lit them and lowered wreaths on the water. It was considered a bad omen if the wreath immediately sank. The wreath has sailed away - the girl will soon marry, spins around the shore - this year no matchmakers will send. To which side the wreath went, the groom will be on that side.
Divination of Ivan Kupala was not limited to wreaths. Some people were looking for a magical fern flower that night. Girls who chose a mate, picked two chamomile flowers and threw on the water. If the flowers floated away from each other, it meant that they were not meant to be together. When the chamomile swims side by side, love is mutual.
The lovers checked their feelings in another way: they tore two blades of grass in the field and hung them to the ceiling. The grass was dry and arched. If the stems reach for each other, the sympathy is mutual. If one stem has deviated, reciprocity is not necessary.
An unmarried girl on the way home ripped off a plantain leaf. Going to bed, she put it under the pillow with the words: “Plantman, serve, show the narrowed one!” Tell me first, who's coming to me? In the morning, she tried to remember who she saw in her dream.
From the bathing willow, the girl laid out a likeness of a bridge under the pillow. Then she went to bed, saying three times: “My betrothed, come and pass me over the bridge!” The guy who in a dream moved a girl across a bridge will become her fiancé.
On the leaves of the willow, an unmarried person wrote male names that are known to her. She then threw the leaves under her pillow and went to bed. In the morning, the girl took out the first leaf: what name is written there – this is how her husband will be called.
The girls put a ring in a bowl of water and tried to see through it the image of the bent. On the night of Kupala, to see a prophetic dream, a bouquet of seven flowers was placed under the pillow. Flowers for the bouquet were collected in the field at sunset.
But miracles on this day begin before dark. Everyone is used to the fact that the sun regularly sets over the horizon in the evening. But on July 6, the celestial body does not just set – it “baths”: seven times the sun peeks out from behind the horizon. Surprisingly, it is!
You can observe a curious phenomenon yourself. If there was a weathery bathing evening, go out to the open area before sunset and see how the sun will hide completely, and then its edges will repeatedly appear above the surface of the earth. At this time, they make a cherished wish that will come true. The main thing is to sincerely believe!

Divination of Ivan Kupala Mass festivities on this day were traditionally held on the shore of the reservoir. Ivan Kupala was lit a fire, through which they jumped to cleanse themselves of the negativity. It is very good if the young couple at the time of the jump did not open their arms: she is waiting for a happy family life.
The symbol of the holiday is Kupalo. It was made as follows: broke a large branch of willow and decorated with flowers, ribbons and beads. Around him danced, sang and danced. The finale of the holiday was the bathing of the symbol: Kupalo was thrown into the water. Each participant of the holiday happily broke a branch of the willow. She was planted in the corner of the garden or yard as a charm.

During the day, the girls collected flowers and herbs to weave wreaths from them. Each beauty marked its creation and made it recognizable. In the evening, the girls, decorating themselves with wreaths, gathered by the river. At the festival, future brides attached candles to the wreaths, lit them and lowered wreaths on the water. It was considered a bad omen if the wreath immediately sank. The wreath has sailed away - the girl will soon marry, spins around the shore - this year no matchmakers will send. To which side the wreath went, the groom will be on that side.
Divination of Ivan Kupala was not limited to wreaths. Some people were looking for a magical fern flower that night. Girls who chose a mate, picked two chamomile flowers and threw on the water. If the flowers floated away from each other, it meant that they were not meant to be together. When the chamomile swims side by side, love is mutual.

The lovers checked their feelings in another way: they tore two blades of grass in the field and hung them to the ceiling. The grass was dry and arched. If the stems reach for each other, the sympathy is mutual. If one stem has deviated, reciprocity is not necessary.
An unmarried girl on the way home ripped off a plantain leaf. Going to bed, she put it under the pillow with the words: “Plantman, serve, show the narrowed one!” Tell me first, who's coming to me? In the morning, she tried to remember who she saw in her dream.

From the bathing willow, the girl laid out a likeness of a bridge under the pillow. Then she went to bed, saying three times: “My betrothed, come and pass me over the bridge!” The guy who in a dream moved a girl across a bridge will become her fiancé.
On the leaves of the willow, an unmarried person wrote male names that are known to her. She then threw the leaves under her pillow and went to bed. In the morning, the girl took out the first leaf: what name is written there – this is how her husband will be called.

The girls put a ring in a bowl of water and tried to see through it the image of the bent. On the night of Kupala, to see a prophetic dream, a bouquet of seven flowers was placed under the pillow. Flowers for the bouquet were collected in the field at sunset.
But miracles on this day begin before dark. Everyone is used to the fact that the sun regularly sets over the horizon in the evening. But on July 6, the celestial body does not just set – it “baths”: seven times the sun peeks out from behind the horizon. Surprisingly, it is!

You can observe a curious phenomenon yourself. If there was a weathery bathing evening, go out to the open area before sunset and see how the sun will hide completely, and then its edges will repeatedly appear above the surface of the earth. At this time, they make a cherished wish that will come true. The main thing is to sincerely believe!
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