The first months of the war. Year 1941 th (99 photos + text)
We know about the counteroffensive at Moscow, about Stalingrad, Kursk and about the crossing of the Dnieper, about the "operation" Bagration "and the capture of Berlin. Victory "period of radical change" and "zavreshayuschego stage" at the hearing. But we forget one thing. There would be those wins, there would be May 9 Victory of 1945, there would be no you and me, if the summer and autumn of 1941, the Germans managed to do what is called "plan" Barbarossa ". Its successful implementation for a couple of months before the thaw and frost, it was absolutely real, if not for the heroism of our soldiers. As demonstrated by the French company thousands of tanks, guns and aircraft are useless if soldiers, tank crews, the pilots are not ready to fight to the death for their country.
But this is not France. For it turns out that during the first 8 weeks of fighting in Russia killed Wehrmacht lost as much as two years before the war. A little later it turns out that is lost or out of order half the weight of tanks and vehicles. And yet after a while it turns out that the loss of aircraft approaching the losses in the "Battle of Britain".
What is that terrible Masha rasteryasha that invaded Russia, and lost in the vastness of it as all good?
We have tried in recent years about the summer and autumn of 1941, mostly on our govnodokumentalistike and imported recent years and books with photos of the columns of Soviet prisoners of war, and the rubble-lined equipment. Chaos, defeat, flight, rout.
I decided podsobrat in different books photographs of those who these days has remained faithful to his duty, keep a clear mind and a steady hand. And a lot of that has helped the Germans to "lose." Those who fought and won back in 1941, was surrounded in boilers and made his way to her. Of those whose courage made the Reich Minister for armaments and munitions Dr. Fritz Todt November 29, 1941 the Führer said: "In the military and military-economic terms, the war has already been lost".
And in all fairness the first part of the album triumphs and trophies of 1941 it is necessary to devote "the queen of fields".
They nizassali in forty-one.
In the film "Soldiers" is a character, the classic Jewish intellectuals who gets to command a battalion in Stalingrad due to lack of officers. This is very similar to the character of the July 1941-th:
Lieutenant Colonel with submachine gun PPD. On the chest - a jubilee medal "20 years of the Red Army."
This Latvian shooter. Volunteer Veystur Zulters, worker Komsomolets from Riga.
Troops going to the front, in August, the western direction.
But the infantry and artillery of the 70th Infantry Division hastily promoted to the position.
And this, according to the author of one book, Soviet infantry supported by tanks BT aggressive counterattack on June 23:
Another attack:
But the "winged infantry".
Parts of Airborne occupied defense. The battle for Kiev.
At Leningrad, closer to the fall.
Yes, Molotoff!
This, as I understand it, the Red demonstrates that it is ready with all possible proletarian determination to bestow German rifle grenade system Dyakov.
Infantry digging in.
If you believe the false Soviet propaganda, this young man, machine gunner V.D.Frolov, he killed 14 Germans. South-Western Front, July.
Hero of the Soviet Union Lieutenant Fomichev, which, if again to believe the false Soviet propaganda, personally killed at least 400 enemy soldiers. If I do not get them mixed up, it's Mikhail Fomichev Arsentevich, SCA received for Finnish. I do not know about 400, but he won that summer socialist competition to destroy the enemy at all fellow Marines - sure. One More moron.
October 12, 1941 will die in battle.
Sniper FI Fedorov in an ambush, a personal account - 28 Germans. July, South-Western Front.
Red Army NA Fomin. Too sniper expense - 30 South-Western Front, August.
Sniper VA Sidorov.
Soldiers train guerrillas future use of weapons, including captured.
By the way, about the trophies of summer 1941 will be a separate series. For they are, yes.
The ambush scouts. Lieutenant D.Panov ...
and Red Army N.Vasilev. Leningrad front, autumn.
By the way, here is the continued adventures of the 70th Division on the Luga line.
People hanging out, the people digging in.
Particularly touching about the 70th will post about gunners. In the meantime, there, on the Leningrad direction pomkomvzvoda guerrilla group NV Gukin (before the war - the head of savings bank) "sets the task for intelligence forces and weapons":
Weapons obtained militias with the Kirov factory.
Infantry and tanks of the 3rd Army of the Bryansk Front, September.
July 13, 437 th Infantry Regiment 154 th Infantry Division attacked German positions on the outskirts of the town of Zhlobin. Western Front, 21th Army 63rd Infantry Corps.
More attack
"His take, blood, our" ©
Medic Ismail-Zadeh and medical instructor Makarova bandaging the wounded. Leningrad front, autumn 1941.
Once again, the beginning of the war. Prepare to defend the soldiers of the North-Western Front.
Attacks 107th Motorized Rifle Division. October.
The Last Frontier. The suburbs of Moscow, late autumn is already dipped rear. Near dug into the ground BT-5 with the French citizen rifle produced from warehouses, where it lay more with Civil.
Russian shells wished us goodnight ...
from the diary of the German artillery Helmut Pabst for June 22, 1941
Porters Red Army shells AY Rides, western front, July.
The owner of this good person is not likely to artillery. But he guards the Ju-88 was shot down by Soviet anti-aircraft gunners on the Gulf of Riga June 23, 1941. The German held on to the beach and plopped down on the abdomen.
That, incidentally, anti-aircraft gunners. It is the Western Front, July:
But the July photo commander of one of the anti-aircraft battalion of the Western Front Major VM Sheveleva.
Here's anti-aircraft gunners, gunners true. Place, I think it is not necessary to explain. Time - October.
However, it is still Moscow. Let's take a closer look to the front. Here is a selection of classic "sorokopyatok".
For this dating and binding post no. But for the rest there.
These two - the North-Western Front in July 1941. The first with binoculars - gun commander A. Nechaev. The second is not called.
But this - promises about the 70th Infantry Division.
Gunners division at the hands carry guns through small rivers.
But the calculation of 122 mm howitzer, autumn, Leningrad front.
The same front, the same gun. Modernized old specimen in 1910.
But zogbavnaya history, who can clarify what's wrong. A couple of pictures from different publications about the gunners of lieutenant Klets, defused a heavy German shell that fell near the positions. Western Front, July.
I can not understand that it fell on a visit to the gunners.
In general, if someone recognizes - share considerations. In the meantime, look at the fighter A. Aslambekova that on a fine day in July 1941 sends one of the responses show. From the South-Western Front and myself in particular. That's what the seething energy of this horseman, aimed to the benefit of society.
Russian razmercheg:
Gunners GF Neruda and PI Marinich, a 152 mm howitzer ML-20. Bryansk Front, September.
The same front, a similar weapon. The commander of the calculation of DA Puzla, gunner FD Sbarsky, castle DN Smirnov. September.
In July, the North-Western Front. Gun F-22 from the battery Lieutenant MI Field.
Well minomёtchiki.
Calculation of 82-mm mortar shells, July, Ukraine. The commander of the colorful, yes.
Under the guidance of SY Shulgin charging MJ Rogidliev firing at the enemy from a 120-mm mortar rounds. Bryansk Front, September.
Leningrad front, autumn.
"Three tanker, three gay friend", the 11th Mechanized Corps, in June. Not so hilarious friends, received the news that yet, yes, bad people again "crossed the border at the river".
If you believe the book, this is the crew of the tank BT-7 sample of 1937 under the command sergeant PI Demin sent in reconnaissance patrol. Mehvoda - Private LA Gusarov, bashner - Sergeant VI Kazakov.
Scene repair light tank T-37. Rape transmission and running gear. 107th Motorized Rifle Division in September, the Western Front.
But the company is very similar machines, T-38, ready to fight. The dating of the same.
The same T-37/38 on the march. 5 Panzer Regiment 172nd Motorized Infantry Division in September.
And here's another legkotankovoe and raritetnenkoe. "A column of tanks BT-2 from the 24th Armored Division of the Red Army moved from their bases on the border with Finland." Northern Front in June.
Or even more ancient. Two-tower T-26 sample in 1931 "forced marches put forward in the area of hostilities." Neighborhood Action 35th Armored Division of the 9th Mechanized Corps of the Red Army in June.
Of course you will say that all this govnotanki type T-26 burnt in June and July, as well as "aggressive BT". Well, at least - in September.
Not at all. ©
Here's a photo of the T-26 from the Crimean front, in April 1942.
24th Independent Tank Regiment.
Let me explain why I posted it about them. Related to this is a brilliant example of initiative and enterprise of those "stupid Soviet soldiers and officers." Here tsitatka about the then Crimean battles from the book tankoremontnika FI Galkina "Tanks are returned to the fight" (M. Military Publishing, 1964.):
First, steel tanks fail T-26. And not always hit by enemy shells. Rubber bands of rollers could not withstand big transition for the ruined after the rains, and then petrified by frost ground.
In Stock rinks were not. What to do? Helped the Russian intelligence. In Kerch, on behalf of the factory Voykova exploded in November 1941, miraculously survived a small cupola and soaking furnace. Personnel working - termitchik and caster (sorry, did not remain in the memory of their last names) - got down to business. Two weeks later, repairmen received Solid rollers made of ductile iron. However, rollers for caterpillars rattled, but the tanks were running fairly quickly, transitions are not stuck and confidently went into battle.
This summer again, forty-one. July, the Western Front, 7th Mechanized Corps. T-26 advance to the front line.
But the crew of the T-26 S.M.Fedorova lieutenant in July 1941. Picture taken on the occasion that knocked out two German armored personnel carriers.
Good man broke out of the encirclement.
But the crew of the second lieutenant M.Aksenova after leaving the environment.
Northern Front, 1st Panzer Division, July. Tank guys - heavy KV.
But HF 107th Division. Also in July, but the Western Front.
But in the same ranks dwarves and giants. T-26 and KV.
It is the western front, July. Army Group Rokossovskogo.
And here's another sample of HF 1940, without screening.
From the west, exact dating is not.
"T-38 in intelligence." The summer of 1941, without a binding post.
But "the last train was not" pushed for fire support of Soviet troops. September-October 1941, the Leningrad front.
The authors are not taken to identify exactly what it is this train was only reported that at that time in front of the band acted armored №60, №30, №26, C-28 and the "people's avengers".
Here's a little Picchu, I'm sorry, what is, from the Soviet bike show autumn of 1941. A column of motorcyclists on a motorcycle M-72 extends to the front line. Also the Leningrad front.
But the page from the book about tanks KV.
By the way, since I started not only about the tanks, but in general about everything that goes-creeps-iron-and-shoots, let us not disregard the Soviet armored vehicles and their crews.
This is a column of light armored car BA-20 1st Armored Division. Northern Front, July.
On the forest roads - BA-10. 23th Army, the Northern Front, beginning of August.
Armored reconnaissance bronebatalona 172nd Motorized Division, September, Crimea.
The crew of the BA-10 under the command of Sergeant K. Kolesnik. In the center - the commander left arrow - Red Army KI Grumynsky right mehvoda - IA Sidorenko. July, South-Western Front. At this point, the crew destroyed 2 German tank Pz-II. At the end of the fighting the commander and gunner have received the Order of the Red Banner, mehvoda - Red Star.
Another crew remained in positive territory. The picture is dated August 7, made in the North-Western Front. The crew of lieutenant N.Shilina, shot down four German tanks. Shilin himself as marked by the authors of the book - "a candidate member of the CPSU (b)" and the Red Army I.Efimov - gunner, A.Pastuhov - mehvoda, A.Goryachenko - turret gunner.
This Bryansk Front, October. Names unknown fighters. "Crews clarify combat mission".
Here are a skeptic would say - good job Soviet paparazzi. Just did a real, live Chapaev in a quilted jacket and a pair of binoculars is based aboard his armored car BA-10. They brought the actor, dressed in Telaga, set to tanchegu, SCHЁLK - and here it is, HISTORY.
We can only attribute to "51 th Independent Tank Battalion of the 42nd Army, autumn 1941". People shavaet. But no, dear sekpteg. Here's another SCHЁLK.
It is not a zakos Chapaev. And here is the very workaday.
The usual group photo. "Command and the political composition of the Izhora Battalion." Learn friend sitting in the second row extreme right. Yes he. Live, real. Not "of being a shit to Chapaev." Just the factory master Ivan Feoktistovich Chernenko. Which sometimes in the evening young people gather and talk about how a civil war.
Speaking of Izhora workers. Take a look how gorgeous trynklyukator they fashioned out of scrap materials to silence the enemy wheeled and tracked pepelats.
It is August 1941. But another armored vehicle, the BA-10A "Oryol Partisans" shots are made in August 1943 on the Central Front.
Two, one of the guerrilla groups Orel measure their needs and the ability to use the machine, carefully hid their crew during the retreat. Now, the area liberated by the Red Army, stylish SUV can park at a nearby hut and go to celebrate.
By the way, I promised to post about a Soviet tank ace sample of 1941, senior lieutenant Lavrinenko. Here is his crew, the hero, Dmitri left.
Here is the story of his exploits from the magazine "Tankomaster." On account of its crew during the summer and fall - 52 German tanks. Then Lavrinenko died. That, by the way, and photo crew in less than a solemn ceremony, at rest, by the fire.
In the summer-autumn of 1941, with good logistics and technical support and the presence of big-headed and brave commander of the T-34 was a terrible weapon, as well as HF. Beating the experienced Soviet crews often ended for the "conquerors of Europe" like that.
Date is the edition from which I took this image, is "in July 1941". Maybe my buggy, but in some more pop edition saw this picture a long time ago with a note that this is the summer of 1942.
But the real zhydokomissar.
"What hideous faces!" © Apparently records who send in shtrafrotu.
But if without jokes, this junior political officer BS Ulan, submitted for the award of the Order of the Red Star for his leadership a tank company. North-West direction, in July 1941.
If someone does not know, it is in the Soviet army political instructors were, they were not used to be respected, unless they did not know their specialty. Like, in the * ui need a ballast. So there is nothing surprising in the fact that the same zhydokomissar Nikolai Popel books has been written about how he, Commissioner, not the commander taxied armored units.
If the commander and commissar were sane people, but if you still had a connection, and the chief of quick, you get a two-headed eagle overbearing that from his watchful eye nothing escaped. One head is the other - there. Yes, even the chief of staff, to complete the picture of the final zmeygorynycha. If such a triumvirate was able to "sing" - the death of the Nazi occupiers.
IMHO, in the image based on the political instructor caterpillar T-34. For the head of the visible edge of the hatch and a part of the mask mehvoda gun.
And here is the "founding fathers of the commanders."
"The commander of the tank unit, Major A.Baranov (center) instructs, 1941."
Fighting it or exercises - is not marked. Just as there is no binding post. And here - there is a complete history.
South-Western Front, in June 1941. Crew T-34 shot down six German tanks. From left to right - vehicle commander Lieutenant G.Benaditsky, V.Sergeev turret gunner, gunner P.Tverdohlebov, a driver P.Osadchenko. Who knows, maybe in a day or two T-34 as a photojournalist has to be deep in the rear to take the footage, the T-34 will have no spare parts or fuel somewhere on the road and get into the lens of the German kinohronikёra, removes "disorderly retreat of the Soviet troops ". War. Everything happens.
And here's another one crew T-34 from the hot summer of 1941.
But this is not France. For it turns out that during the first 8 weeks of fighting in Russia killed Wehrmacht lost as much as two years before the war. A little later it turns out that is lost or out of order half the weight of tanks and vehicles. And yet after a while it turns out that the loss of aircraft approaching the losses in the "Battle of Britain".
What is that terrible Masha rasteryasha that invaded Russia, and lost in the vastness of it as all good?
We have tried in recent years about the summer and autumn of 1941, mostly on our govnodokumentalistike and imported recent years and books with photos of the columns of Soviet prisoners of war, and the rubble-lined equipment. Chaos, defeat, flight, rout.
I decided podsobrat in different books photographs of those who these days has remained faithful to his duty, keep a clear mind and a steady hand. And a lot of that has helped the Germans to "lose." Those who fought and won back in 1941, was surrounded in boilers and made his way to her. Of those whose courage made the Reich Minister for armaments and munitions Dr. Fritz Todt November 29, 1941 the Führer said: "In the military and military-economic terms, the war has already been lost".
And in all fairness the first part of the album triumphs and trophies of 1941 it is necessary to devote "the queen of fields".

They nizassali in forty-one.
In the film "Soldiers" is a character, the classic Jewish intellectuals who gets to command a battalion in Stalingrad due to lack of officers. This is very similar to the character of the July 1941-th:

Lieutenant Colonel with submachine gun PPD. On the chest - a jubilee medal "20 years of the Red Army."

This Latvian shooter. Volunteer Veystur Zulters, worker Komsomolets from Riga.

Troops going to the front, in August, the western direction.
But the infantry and artillery of the 70th Infantry Division hastily promoted to the position.

And this, according to the author of one book, Soviet infantry supported by tanks BT aggressive counterattack on June 23:

Another attack:

But the "winged infantry".

Parts of Airborne occupied defense. The battle for Kiev.

At Leningrad, closer to the fall.

Yes, Molotoff!

This, as I understand it, the Red demonstrates that it is ready with all possible proletarian determination to bestow German rifle grenade system Dyakov.

Infantry digging in.

If you believe the false Soviet propaganda, this young man, machine gunner V.D.Frolov, he killed 14 Germans. South-Western Front, July.

Hero of the Soviet Union Lieutenant Fomichev, which, if again to believe the false Soviet propaganda, personally killed at least 400 enemy soldiers. If I do not get them mixed up, it's Mikhail Fomichev Arsentevich, SCA received for Finnish. I do not know about 400, but he won that summer socialist competition to destroy the enemy at all fellow Marines - sure. One More moron.
October 12, 1941 will die in battle.

Sniper FI Fedorov in an ambush, a personal account - 28 Germans. July, South-Western Front.

Red Army NA Fomin. Too sniper expense - 30 South-Western Front, August.

Sniper VA Sidorov.

Soldiers train guerrillas future use of weapons, including captured.
By the way, about the trophies of summer 1941 will be a separate series. For they are, yes.

The ambush scouts. Lieutenant D.Panov ...

and Red Army N.Vasilev. Leningrad front, autumn.
By the way, here is the continued adventures of the 70th Division on the Luga line.
People hanging out, the people digging in.

Particularly touching about the 70th will post about gunners. In the meantime, there, on the Leningrad direction pomkomvzvoda guerrilla group NV Gukin (before the war - the head of savings bank) "sets the task for intelligence forces and weapons":

Weapons obtained militias with the Kirov factory.

Infantry and tanks of the 3rd Army of the Bryansk Front, September.

July 13, 437 th Infantry Regiment 154 th Infantry Division attacked German positions on the outskirts of the town of Zhlobin. Western Front, 21th Army 63rd Infantry Corps.

More attack

"His take, blood, our" ©

Medic Ismail-Zadeh and medical instructor Makarova bandaging the wounded. Leningrad front, autumn 1941.

Once again, the beginning of the war. Prepare to defend the soldiers of the North-Western Front.

Attacks 107th Motorized Rifle Division. October.

The Last Frontier. The suburbs of Moscow, late autumn is already dipped rear. Near dug into the ground BT-5 with the French citizen rifle produced from warehouses, where it lay more with Civil.
Russian shells wished us goodnight ...
from the diary of the German artillery Helmut Pabst for June 22, 1941

Porters Red Army shells AY Rides, western front, July.

The owner of this good person is not likely to artillery. But he guards the Ju-88 was shot down by Soviet anti-aircraft gunners on the Gulf of Riga June 23, 1941. The German held on to the beach and plopped down on the abdomen.
That, incidentally, anti-aircraft gunners. It is the Western Front, July:

But the July photo commander of one of the anti-aircraft battalion of the Western Front Major VM Sheveleva.

Here's anti-aircraft gunners, gunners true. Place, I think it is not necessary to explain. Time - October.

However, it is still Moscow. Let's take a closer look to the front. Here is a selection of classic "sorokopyatok".

For this dating and binding post no. But for the rest there.
These two - the North-Western Front in July 1941. The first with binoculars - gun commander A. Nechaev. The second is not called.

But this - promises about the 70th Infantry Division.

Gunners division at the hands carry guns through small rivers.
But the calculation of 122 mm howitzer, autumn, Leningrad front.

The same front, the same gun. Modernized old specimen in 1910.

But zogbavnaya history, who can clarify what's wrong. A couple of pictures from different publications about the gunners of lieutenant Klets, defused a heavy German shell that fell near the positions. Western Front, July.

I can not understand that it fell on a visit to the gunners.
In general, if someone recognizes - share considerations. In the meantime, look at the fighter A. Aslambekova that on a fine day in July 1941 sends one of the responses show. From the South-Western Front and myself in particular. That's what the seething energy of this horseman, aimed to the benefit of society.

Russian razmercheg:

Gunners GF Neruda and PI Marinich, a 152 mm howitzer ML-20. Bryansk Front, September.

The same front, a similar weapon. The commander of the calculation of DA Puzla, gunner FD Sbarsky, castle DN Smirnov. September.

In July, the North-Western Front. Gun F-22 from the battery Lieutenant MI Field.
Well minomёtchiki.

Calculation of 82-mm mortar shells, July, Ukraine. The commander of the colorful, yes.

Under the guidance of SY Shulgin charging MJ Rogidliev firing at the enemy from a 120-mm mortar rounds. Bryansk Front, September.

Leningrad front, autumn.

"Three tanker, three gay friend", the 11th Mechanized Corps, in June. Not so hilarious friends, received the news that yet, yes, bad people again "crossed the border at the river".
If you believe the book, this is the crew of the tank BT-7 sample of 1937 under the command sergeant PI Demin sent in reconnaissance patrol. Mehvoda - Private LA Gusarov, bashner - Sergeant VI Kazakov.

Scene repair light tank T-37. Rape transmission and running gear. 107th Motorized Rifle Division in September, the Western Front.
But the company is very similar machines, T-38, ready to fight. The dating of the same.

The same T-37/38 on the march. 5 Panzer Regiment 172nd Motorized Infantry Division in September.

And here's another legkotankovoe and raritetnenkoe. "A column of tanks BT-2 from the 24th Armored Division of the Red Army moved from their bases on the border with Finland." Northern Front in June.

Or even more ancient. Two-tower T-26 sample in 1931 "forced marches put forward in the area of hostilities." Neighborhood Action 35th Armored Division of the 9th Mechanized Corps of the Red Army in June.

Of course you will say that all this govnotanki type T-26 burnt in June and July, as well as "aggressive BT". Well, at least - in September.
Not at all. ©
Here's a photo of the T-26 from the Crimean front, in April 1942.

24th Independent Tank Regiment.
Let me explain why I posted it about them. Related to this is a brilliant example of initiative and enterprise of those "stupid Soviet soldiers and officers." Here tsitatka about the then Crimean battles from the book tankoremontnika FI Galkina "Tanks are returned to the fight" (M. Military Publishing, 1964.):
First, steel tanks fail T-26. And not always hit by enemy shells. Rubber bands of rollers could not withstand big transition for the ruined after the rains, and then petrified by frost ground.
In Stock rinks were not. What to do? Helped the Russian intelligence. In Kerch, on behalf of the factory Voykova exploded in November 1941, miraculously survived a small cupola and soaking furnace. Personnel working - termitchik and caster (sorry, did not remain in the memory of their last names) - got down to business. Two weeks later, repairmen received Solid rollers made of ductile iron. However, rollers for caterpillars rattled, but the tanks were running fairly quickly, transitions are not stuck and confidently went into battle.

This summer again, forty-one. July, the Western Front, 7th Mechanized Corps. T-26 advance to the front line.
But the crew of the T-26 S.M.Fedorova lieutenant in July 1941. Picture taken on the occasion that knocked out two German armored personnel carriers.

Good man broke out of the encirclement.
But the crew of the second lieutenant M.Aksenova after leaving the environment.

Northern Front, 1st Panzer Division, July. Tank guys - heavy KV.
But HF 107th Division. Also in July, but the Western Front.

But in the same ranks dwarves and giants. T-26 and KV.

It is the western front, July. Army Group Rokossovskogo.
And here's another sample of HF 1940, without screening.

From the west, exact dating is not.

"T-38 in intelligence." The summer of 1941, without a binding post.
But "the last train was not" pushed for fire support of Soviet troops. September-October 1941, the Leningrad front.

The authors are not taken to identify exactly what it is this train was only reported that at that time in front of the band acted armored №60, №30, №26, C-28 and the "people's avengers".
Here's a little Picchu, I'm sorry, what is, from the Soviet bike show autumn of 1941. A column of motorcyclists on a motorcycle M-72 extends to the front line. Also the Leningrad front.

But the page from the book about tanks KV.

By the way, since I started not only about the tanks, but in general about everything that goes-creeps-iron-and-shoots, let us not disregard the Soviet armored vehicles and their crews.

This is a column of light armored car BA-20 1st Armored Division. Northern Front, July.

On the forest roads - BA-10. 23th Army, the Northern Front, beginning of August.

Armored reconnaissance bronebatalona 172nd Motorized Division, September, Crimea.

The crew of the BA-10 under the command of Sergeant K. Kolesnik. In the center - the commander left arrow - Red Army KI Grumynsky right mehvoda - IA Sidorenko. July, South-Western Front. At this point, the crew destroyed 2 German tank Pz-II. At the end of the fighting the commander and gunner have received the Order of the Red Banner, mehvoda - Red Star.

Another crew remained in positive territory. The picture is dated August 7, made in the North-Western Front. The crew of lieutenant N.Shilina, shot down four German tanks. Shilin himself as marked by the authors of the book - "a candidate member of the CPSU (b)" and the Red Army I.Efimov - gunner, A.Pastuhov - mehvoda, A.Goryachenko - turret gunner.

This Bryansk Front, October. Names unknown fighters. "Crews clarify combat mission".

Here are a skeptic would say - good job Soviet paparazzi. Just did a real, live Chapaev in a quilted jacket and a pair of binoculars is based aboard his armored car BA-10. They brought the actor, dressed in Telaga, set to tanchegu, SCHЁLK - and here it is, HISTORY.
We can only attribute to "51 th Independent Tank Battalion of the 42nd Army, autumn 1941". People shavaet. But no, dear sekpteg. Here's another SCHЁLK.

It is not a zakos Chapaev. And here is the very workaday.

The usual group photo. "Command and the political composition of the Izhora Battalion." Learn friend sitting in the second row extreme right. Yes he. Live, real. Not "of being a shit to Chapaev." Just the factory master Ivan Feoktistovich Chernenko. Which sometimes in the evening young people gather and talk about how a civil war.
Speaking of Izhora workers. Take a look how gorgeous trynklyukator they fashioned out of scrap materials to silence the enemy wheeled and tracked pepelats.

It is August 1941. But another armored vehicle, the BA-10A "Oryol Partisans" shots are made in August 1943 on the Central Front.

Two, one of the guerrilla groups Orel measure their needs and the ability to use the machine, carefully hid their crew during the retreat. Now, the area liberated by the Red Army, stylish SUV can park at a nearby hut and go to celebrate.
By the way, I promised to post about a Soviet tank ace sample of 1941, senior lieutenant Lavrinenko. Here is his crew, the hero, Dmitri left.

Here is the story of his exploits from the magazine "Tankomaster." On account of its crew during the summer and fall - 52 German tanks. Then Lavrinenko died. That, by the way, and photo crew in less than a solemn ceremony, at rest, by the fire.

In the summer-autumn of 1941, with good logistics and technical support and the presence of big-headed and brave commander of the T-34 was a terrible weapon, as well as HF. Beating the experienced Soviet crews often ended for the "conquerors of Europe" like that.

Date is the edition from which I took this image, is "in July 1941". Maybe my buggy, but in some more pop edition saw this picture a long time ago with a note that this is the summer of 1942.
But the real zhydokomissar.

"What hideous faces!" © Apparently records who send in shtrafrotu.
But if without jokes, this junior political officer BS Ulan, submitted for the award of the Order of the Red Star for his leadership a tank company. North-West direction, in July 1941.
If someone does not know, it is in the Soviet army political instructors were, they were not used to be respected, unless they did not know their specialty. Like, in the * ui need a ballast. So there is nothing surprising in the fact that the same zhydokomissar Nikolai Popel books has been written about how he, Commissioner, not the commander taxied armored units.
If the commander and commissar were sane people, but if you still had a connection, and the chief of quick, you get a two-headed eagle overbearing that from his watchful eye nothing escaped. One head is the other - there. Yes, even the chief of staff, to complete the picture of the final zmeygorynycha. If such a triumvirate was able to "sing" - the death of the Nazi occupiers.
IMHO, in the image based on the political instructor caterpillar T-34. For the head of the visible edge of the hatch and a part of the mask mehvoda gun.
And here is the "founding fathers of the commanders."

"The commander of the tank unit, Major A.Baranov (center) instructs, 1941."
Fighting it or exercises - is not marked. Just as there is no binding post. And here - there is a complete history.

South-Western Front, in June 1941. Crew T-34 shot down six German tanks. From left to right - vehicle commander Lieutenant G.Benaditsky, V.Sergeev turret gunner, gunner P.Tverdohlebov, a driver P.Osadchenko. Who knows, maybe in a day or two T-34 as a photojournalist has to be deep in the rear to take the footage, the T-34 will have no spare parts or fuel somewhere on the road and get into the lens of the German kinohronikёra, removes "disorderly retreat of the Soviet troops ". War. Everything happens.
And here's another one crew T-34 from the hot summer of 1941.
As we fished with the boys (18 photos)
Fortress Terezin concentration camp in the Czech Republic (21 pics + text)