The most powerful mirror date of this year is approaching, in July it is on the same day as the mystical holiday.

Ivan Kupala Day in 2023 It's going to be special. Another mirror date will give you the opportunity to change your life for the better. However, it is not possible to simply catch luck by the tail. We need to make this holiday right. And how to do this, we will tell in today’s article.

Day of Ivan Kupala in 2023 Mirror dates have a special power - we already know this. But when they coincide with the dates of big holidays, their power increases significantly. On the nose of Ivan Kupala, which means that on 07.07 you will have a unique opportunity to change your life. Don't lose her!

Let’s start with the basics: awakening. Ideally, you should meet the dawn and let the Sun soak up every cell in your body with heat. If you are ready for hardcore, try to spend the night from the 6th to the 7th in nature in the tent. Morning sensation, when you walk on the wet dew grass and meet the sun, nothing can compare.

Rituals associated with the mirror date can be skillfully combined with the traditions of Ivan Kupala. By the way, earlier this holiday was celebrated on the summer solstice. And then all pagan rites were aimed at connecting with all the elements. Exactly how it was done, I wrote earlier. Be sure to read this article!

You need to spend July 7 so that nothing bothers you. It is clear that not everyone will take the day off. But the working day will give an excellent opportunity to finish all the projects started or to complete tasks that have long been hanging in the air. The universe will please you!

In addition, on this day you can start a new business or do something that has long warmed your soul. Take your first dance or yoga class. For those who like a calm, measured rest, read an interesting book in nature is suitable. For reading, by the way, you can spend the sun and admire the sunset.

On July 7, try to notice how you feel and what you want. However, this is not only on mirror dates. Remember to take care of yourself. Rejoice in the fact that you always postpone for later due to lack of time. This day should be as pleasant and calm as possible.

Those who have been in a relationship for a long time can be lucky today. For example, a loved one will decide to propose to you. Also on this day, numerologists advise to take part in some charity project. Or do it yourself. Helping other people or animals, you will certainly attract good luck and prosperity into your life.

Prohibitions and tips: how to make a wish 07.07.2023 Try not to argue with anyone on this day. Everything negative should be avoided and any conflicts avoided. If you see that he is brewing, overpower yourself and take a step towards the person to reconcile.

Many people wait for mirror dates to make a cherished wish. It can be done in any way. But what I like most is the piece of paper. The easiest way is to write your wish 7 times on the A4 sheet. Then you need to cut strips with desires and spread before going to bed in different places of the apartment. It is important to put one of the leaves under the pillow.

Go to bed early. On the night of February 7 to 8, you need to get a good night's sleep. Before bed, you can meditate or listen to your favorite soothing music. You need to go to bed with good thoughts in your head.

In the morning, all the papers with wishes must be collected and burned. Imagine that you are performing a ritual at home. It has its own special magic! You can even look for a beautiful copper bowl for this purpose, for example.

That's the trick! I hope you spend July 7th to your advantage. Let the universe hear your pleas!


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