This Is Why You Shouldn't Wear Street Shoes at Home, Leave Them At The Front Doors
In many European countries it is customary not to take off street shoes at home. Some even consider it a sign of bad taste to ask guests to take off their shoes. Someone thinks slippers indicator of philistine, and someone - a necessary means of maintaining cleanliness in the house. Who is right and where should be street shoes, today we will try to figure out. After reading this article, you may not have any more questions about how to use street shoes.
We are used to seeing in foreign films how the characters walk around the house in street shoes. Many people even get the impression that in Europe or America the asphalt is so pure that there are no bacteria on it.
Peels is actually much different. And in many countries it is customary to take off street shoes when entering a house or apartment. It's not just that it's a manifestation of hygiene. This is also respect for the owners of the house and their work in cleaning the premises. And in your own apartment you do not really want to walk in street shoes on the carpet.
And the number of countries in which street shoes remain behind the front door is not so small. These are, for example, Arab countries and Turkey, Asian countries and Russia. Also European countries: Ukraine, Poland, Sweden, Germany and many others.
But in France, street shoes are not taken off. And if a guest is asked to take off their shoes, it can be very offending. Paris is not the cleanest capital of Europe. France is joined by countries like Spain and Italy. Apparently, the temperament of the inhabitants of these countries does not allow them to take off their shoes when entering the house.
But despite all your care, it is impossible to make street shoes remain perfectly clean. And the number of bacteria that live on our shoes, just skyrocketing. And these are quite dangerous and serious bacteria.
Of course, their number on shoes is not enough to cause great harm to a person. But if you do not regularly wipe the floor with cleaning products, then the consequences can be serious. Also, bacteria that enter our house on street shoes can harm pets.
If there are young children in the house who are just learning to walk or are in the stage of learning the world, then street shoes should remain outside the front door. Not to mention, walking around the house in the shoes you just wore on the street is dangerous to their health.
Street shoes should be stored on a special shelf where children can not get them. It is best to arrange such a place at the entrance. Of course, the decision rests with the owner of the house, but if you are uncomfortable that guests walk in shoes, do not hesitate to tell them about it. Because the house is primarily a security for all its inhabitants.
Share in the comments how you feel about the tradition of walking in street shoes around the house. And how do you teach kids to clean their shoes when they get home?

We are used to seeing in foreign films how the characters walk around the house in street shoes. Many people even get the impression that in Europe or America the asphalt is so pure that there are no bacteria on it.

Peels is actually much different. And in many countries it is customary to take off street shoes when entering a house or apartment. It's not just that it's a manifestation of hygiene. This is also respect for the owners of the house and their work in cleaning the premises. And in your own apartment you do not really want to walk in street shoes on the carpet.
And the number of countries in which street shoes remain behind the front door is not so small. These are, for example, Arab countries and Turkey, Asian countries and Russia. Also European countries: Ukraine, Poland, Sweden, Germany and many others.

But in France, street shoes are not taken off. And if a guest is asked to take off their shoes, it can be very offending. Paris is not the cleanest capital of Europe. France is joined by countries like Spain and Italy. Apparently, the temperament of the inhabitants of these countries does not allow them to take off their shoes when entering the house.
But despite all your care, it is impossible to make street shoes remain perfectly clean. And the number of bacteria that live on our shoes, just skyrocketing. And these are quite dangerous and serious bacteria.
Of course, their number on shoes is not enough to cause great harm to a person. But if you do not regularly wipe the floor with cleaning products, then the consequences can be serious. Also, bacteria that enter our house on street shoes can harm pets.

If there are young children in the house who are just learning to walk or are in the stage of learning the world, then street shoes should remain outside the front door. Not to mention, walking around the house in the shoes you just wore on the street is dangerous to their health.
Street shoes should be stored on a special shelf where children can not get them. It is best to arrange such a place at the entrance. Of course, the decision rests with the owner of the house, but if you are uncomfortable that guests walk in shoes, do not hesitate to tell them about it. Because the house is primarily a security for all its inhabitants.

Share in the comments how you feel about the tradition of walking in street shoes around the house. And how do you teach kids to clean their shoes when they get home?
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