Wonderful home slippers and how to make them
I love making things with my own hands. I take the necessary tools, materials and sit down to work. If there is an interesting idea, time flies quickly, I do not notice how I can spend the whole evening at crafts. In this article, I want to tell you, How to make shoes for guests with their own hands. Another fun idea for lovers of needlework at home.
How to make slippers for guests First I will tell you what we will need for work, and then we will start making slippers. This method is simple and does not take much time. You can say that these are shoes for beginners.
First, we will need: felt of different thicknesses, hot glue, needle, threads, scissors and openwork tape. Secondly, various items for decor can be useful. It can be lace, beads, ribbons - everything that is at hand. So, if the materials are ready, we will start manufacturing.
Slippers with their own hands
Now our slipper is ready. In the same way, you need to make another one, just right or left, as you can. Be sure to make sure that the slippers mirror each other, otherwise it will be a pity wasted time on the second slipper. By the way, the same slippers can be made by the type of ballet. Only for them we will need cotton fabric and sewing tools instead of glue. Here as someone more comfortable: someone likes to sew, and someone tinker with glue. In order to better understand the manufacturing process, we recommend watching this video.
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=8O8SeSODhRk
Just 15 minutes of your time, and your guest slippers are ready. Wash them with your hands: the shape is kept perfectly even after a few washes, tested on your own experience. Your guests will appreciate such an exquisite surprise, and there will be something to talk about over a cup of tea - you will tell how you can make slippers with your own hands. We wish you good luck and creative success!

How to make slippers for guests First I will tell you what we will need for work, and then we will start making slippers. This method is simple and does not take much time. You can say that these are shoes for beginners.

First, we will need: felt of different thicknesses, hot glue, needle, threads, scissors and openwork tape. Secondly, various items for decor can be useful. It can be lace, beads, ribbons - everything that is at hand. So, if the materials are ready, we will start manufacturing.
Slippers with their own hands
- We cut the slippers out of paper and apply it to a piece of felt fabric. With the help of chalk we circle the contours of our craft and cut the base for slippers. For the basis we use a thick felt of black color.
- We cut the same piece with the help of lekal, only from a thin, black felt. We fold these two bases and glue them together with textile glue. You need to carefully walk along the edges, press two materials from the felt between you and leave to dry. Also, with the help of scissors, carefully cut the protruding threads along the contour.
- The middle shape of the slippers will be the sole, and its edges are needed to make up the slippers. You need to fold them so that you get a special pocket. By the way, the slippers are somewhat reminiscent of an aircraft with a fuselage and wings. Now, these are the wings that need to be folded and sewn with a thick thread.
- Now we're taking a piece of thin felt. We are suitable fabric pink, crimson or red. We cut 9 circles of medium size from the felt. Then we cut the circles in half and use the thread to fasten them together in a row. In other words, the details need to be combined so that you get a strip, which is something like a clothing tie.
- We fold a strip of circles so that we get a rose. We twist it into a spiral and use glue to fix it at the base. We should make a beautiful flower.
- Stick the flower to the top of the slippers and leave to dry. You can also add green stripes in the form of petals or stems. Here everything depends on imagination: the flower can be replaced by any other element or glued to the slippers of an ordinary button.
Now our slipper is ready. In the same way, you need to make another one, just right or left, as you can. Be sure to make sure that the slippers mirror each other, otherwise it will be a pity wasted time on the second slipper. By the way, the same slippers can be made by the type of ballet. Only for them we will need cotton fabric and sewing tools instead of glue. Here as someone more comfortable: someone likes to sew, and someone tinker with glue. In order to better understand the manufacturing process, we recommend watching this video.
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=8O8SeSODhRk
Just 15 minutes of your time, and your guest slippers are ready. Wash them with your hands: the shape is kept perfectly even after a few washes, tested on your own experience. Your guests will appreciate such an exquisite surprise, and there will be something to talk about over a cup of tea - you will tell how you can make slippers with your own hands. We wish you good luck and creative success!
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