How to Collect Swim Herbs
Swimming night has always been endowed with special magic. On the night of July 6-7, it seems that even the spirit of magic and witchcraft is in the air. Herbalists have long known this and used it skillfully. After all, a special force permeates on this day herbs and roots, gives them healing properties that can heal the most serious ailments.
Editorial "Site" He will tell you about the magic of bathing herbs: what plants should be collected on this day and what ailments they treat.
The collection of herbs for healers was a special action in which it was necessary to observe many rules. Most of them were sent to protect against evil forces, because it was believed that they do not like when healers collect healing herbs. What tricks did not go to healers, so that evil did not touch them: from reading prayers to collecting herbs naked.
The other part of the rituals involved thanksgiving. When harvesting plants, you must thank Mother Nature for allowing her to use her gifts. To modern man, all this may seem fairy tales, but many healers still believe in the magical power of bathing herbs. Meadows are already covered with grasses, so it’s time to collect them. Let’s see what you need to put in your basket.
What herbs can not be carried into the house on Ivan Kupala? You can not tear the plants with the root, the one who does this will be in trouble. Do not bring any plant into the house that has been plucked from the root. If you do this to Ivan Kupala, the house will be in trouble.
All these plants are healing at other times, not only on the bathing night. It is simply believed that the energy of the holiday nourishes them and gives them special strength. In this way, they reach their full potential. If you like to collect herbs, then Ivan Kupala Day is the perfect time for this. Use the magic of this day to the fullest!
Do you believe in magic? bathing-night? Tell me in the comments.

Editorial "Site" He will tell you about the magic of bathing herbs: what plants should be collected on this day and what ailments they treat.
The collection of herbs for healers was a special action in which it was necessary to observe many rules. Most of them were sent to protect against evil forces, because it was believed that they do not like when healers collect healing herbs. What tricks did not go to healers, so that evil did not touch them: from reading prayers to collecting herbs naked.
The other part of the rituals involved thanksgiving. When harvesting plants, you must thank Mother Nature for allowing her to use her gifts. To modern man, all this may seem fairy tales, but many healers still believe in the magical power of bathing herbs. Meadows are already covered with grasses, so it’s time to collect them. Let’s see what you need to put in your basket.

- Ivan-da-marya
Of course, there are many herbs, but we will talk only about the most valuable. One of these plants has always been van-da-marya. It has a very tragic story to do with it. Brother Ivan and sister Mary fell in love, not knowing about their relationship. When they found out the truth, life was not pleasant for them. Ivan (yellow flower) threw himself into the fire, and Mary (blue flower) drowned herself. From that people on Ivan Kupala and light fires, remembering Ivan, and bathe in the river in honor of Mary. This plant is inextricably linked to the summer holiday. It is necessary to prepare it for a year on this day. Experienced herbalists always primarily collected it is Ivan da Mary, and not shrouded in legends fern.
Freshly squeezed plant juice improves hearing and memory. Flowers protect the house from evil forces, and people from the evil eye. With a headache, drink such a decoction: 20 g of grass pour 200 ml of water at room temperature, then you need to boil for 15 minutes and let it brew. Take one tablespoon 3-4 times a day. Or wet the cloth in the broth and apply it to the head. - Lover
This glorious plant will come to the rescue with gout and rheumatism: 5 g of dried boil roots for 10-15 minutes on low heat, then let it brew for 2-3 hours, strain. Take a tablespoon 30 minutes before meals. The roots of the plant are used as a seasoning for a variety of dishes. If you use it for cooking constantly, metabolic and digestive processes in the body will improve. Gathered on a bathing night, the lover has the ability to heal wounds. - Grass plaque
People consider one of the magical herbs and endowed with many healing properties. It has several names: derbennik, cryun-root, divine grass. Flowering time comes in early July. The grass is known for its blood-stopping and sedative properties. 67016. - Wormwood
The plant with a bitter taste and a strong smell is used to neutralize evil spirits, as well as for treatment. Previously, the girls collected wormwood from the very morning on Ivan Kupala and tied to a belt or woven into a braid to protect themselves from evil spirits. With its help, people protected their homes, laying out burdock leaves, wormwood and alder branches on the roof. 521997 - nettle
Another strong amulet from mermaids, sorcerers and other evil spirits. Nettle laid out on the windows, on the doorsteps of houses, hung on the doors to protect the house. And before swimming in Ivanov day threw nettle in the water to protect against mermaids. Nettle helps with rheumatism: you need to press the sore spot with a burning plant. Even from nettles you can prepare tooth powder, which will make your teeth strong, and a smile radiant.
What herbs can not be carried into the house on Ivan Kupala? You can not tear the plants with the root, the one who does this will be in trouble. Do not bring any plant into the house that has been plucked from the root. If you do this to Ivan Kupala, the house will be in trouble.
All these plants are healing at other times, not only on the bathing night. It is simply believed that the energy of the holiday nourishes them and gives them special strength. In this way, they reach their full potential. If you like to collect herbs, then Ivan Kupala Day is the perfect time for this. Use the magic of this day to the fullest!
Do you believe in magic? bathing-night? Tell me in the comments.