How to make a spicy liquor
Loved by French monks healing liqueur "Core louse." It has not only a lot of useful properties, but also a damn good taste. Dried fruit tincture does not require mind-blowing skills and will appeal even to the most fastidious gourmet.
Liquors became popular in the Middle Ages, when alchemists tried to get the so-called elixir of life. And although "Yadrena louse" is quite a strong drink, because of its aroma, you want to be treated at least every day.
Making this deliciously sweet liquor will not be difficult, and if you ever buy them friends, they will immediately ask. How to make homemade liquorThe taste of which cannot be forgotten.
How to prepare liquor You will need
DepositPhotos Preparation
Now you know, How to prepare liquor at home. We decided to share the recipe of the liqueur “Nuclear louse”, as it remains unpopular, despite its beneficial properties and wonderful taste. Whether it's Limoncello, this liqueur is revered all over the world, and we told you how to make it.
It is no secret that moderate alcohol consumption brings much more benefits than harm. Hot drinks not only help to relax, but can also serve as a prevention of many diseases.
We also wrote about the unconventional use of vodka in everyday life, these tips will help any hostess!

Liquors became popular in the Middle Ages, when alchemists tried to get the so-called elixir of life. And although "Yadrena louse" is quite a strong drink, because of its aroma, you want to be treated at least every day.

Making this deliciously sweet liquor will not be difficult, and if you ever buy them friends, they will immediately ask. How to make homemade liquorThe taste of which cannot be forgotten.

How to prepare liquor You will need
- 100g raisins
- 100g prunes
- 100g dates
- 100g figs
- 100g dried
- 1 stick or 1 tablespoon of cinnamon
- 200g sugar
- 2 oranges
- 1 litre of alcohol
- 5-6 buds of dried cloves

DepositPhotos Preparation
- Carefully wash one orange, cut into thick pieces and put them in a two-liter glass jar.
- Put the remaining groceries in the jar. To avoid clouding the liquor, place raisins and cinnamon in a fabric bag.
- Pour the sugar with alcohol and heat on moderate heat until completely dissolved. By the way, sugar is not a mandatory part of the recipe and many make liquor without it.
DepositPhotos - Cool the alcohol in cold water.
- Fill the resulting liquid into the jar. Some use a little more alcohol and pour to the top of the can.
DepositPhotos - Keep the liquor in a dark place at room temperature. Do not forget to shake the jar daily, but moderately to avoid clouding.
- After three weeks, replace the orange with a new one. Then leave to insist for another 3 weeks.
DepositPhotos - After this period, strain the resulting liquor well through a sieve. Do not rush to get rid of the remaining ingredients, they can be used for baking or added to desserts.
Now you know, How to prepare liquor at home. We decided to share the recipe of the liqueur “Nuclear louse”, as it remains unpopular, despite its beneficial properties and wonderful taste. Whether it's Limoncello, this liqueur is revered all over the world, and we told you how to make it.
It is no secret that moderate alcohol consumption brings much more benefits than harm. Hot drinks not only help to relax, but can also serve as a prevention of many diseases.
We also wrote about the unconventional use of vodka in everyday life, these tips will help any hostess!