Dumpling recipe with strawberries on the water, the best treat in the strawberry season

It's time to cook. strawberry dumplings. This is the most affordable and practical option of all possible. Although, of course, there are different recipes, and we will also tell about them. In the meantime, we recommend stocking up on a juicy and sweet red berry from your own garden or store. Strawberry season is in full swing right now.

Not everyone knows that dumplings are prepared not only with potatoes, cabbage, mushrooms or homemade cottage cheese. And this is quite a serious mistake, because the most delicious jams with cherries should at least once visit your table. In fact, we can safely change. fruit-stuff and experiment. Strawberries, cherries, bananas, peaches. Such filling for dumplings is no less tasty than the familiar potatoes and mushrooms.

Test ingredients
  • 2 glasses of flour
  • half a glass of water
  • salt
  • sugar
  • 1 egg

Filling ingredients
  • 300g strawberries
  • 2 tbsp sugar

Sweet delicacy Preparation
  1. Start. dumpling I need it from the test. In cold water, add a pinch of spices and an egg. Mix the components carefully until uniform. Put the sifted flour in the liquid dough base and start mixing the mixture. Keep in mind that the dough should be elastic, but not too soft. The finished ball of dough is recommended to pack in a bag and leave in the refrigerator for 10 minutes.
  2. Wash the strawberries thoroughly and remove all the green tails. You can use only these berries, or you can mix them with cherries. Or maybe add otherberries. Like raspberries or blackberries. Add sugar to the berries.
  3. The rested dough is divided into four equal pieces and roll them into thin pancakes. Be extremely careful while working with the filling. The fruit will give juice because of the added sugar. It must be carefully drained and added to each dumpling not too much filling. Cook strawberry dumplings It takes about 7 minutes on the water.

Alternative recipe Ingredients
  • 500ml kefir
  • 4 glasses of flour
  • 1 egg
  • 500g strawberries
  • sugar
  • 1 tsp salt

  1. Kefir slightly warm up and immediately add a spoonful of soda to it. Thoroughly stir the ingredients and gradually start pouring sifted flour. After kneading the dough, cover it with a clean towel and put it to rest for 10 minutes.
  2. Prepare strawberries in the same way as for the first recipe. But in this case, you need to sculpt dumplings immediately. Wait. Bye. berries give juiceDon't be. Boil dumplings for 7 minutes in slightly salted water.

Appetite dumplings with strawberries on water and on kefir You can cook fruit jams not only in boiling water, but also for a couple. Lucky for those who have a steamer. But what to do to the hostess who do not have special devices, and taste steam-dump Want some? If there is gauze at home, then you can literally build an improvised steamer in a few minutes.

Tie the gauze over a pot that will boil water, and put dumplings on it. The gauze should in no case sag, and the dumplings on it should not touch each other. On top of the dumplings you need to cover some deep lid or bowl. Remember that you need to remove the bowl with a movement “from yourself” so as not to get burned by hot steam. We sincerely wish you a pleasant appetite.


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