I am not afraid to take avocado hard, I know the trick to quickly ripen it.
Find it. ripe In the store, that's a problem with an asterisk. Sometimes you take a fruit ready to eat, but in fact it is rotten inside.
To prevent this from happening, I do something different. Just buying a kilogram of green avocados, keeping them in the fridge. And when necessary, I get a few fruits and help them ripen. By the way, I will talk about this in today’s article!
There are many ways in which avocados mature much faster. I will tell you all about them, but first of all I will share my cunning, which has never let me down. For the fruit to ripen faster, I put it in a cardboard box with an apple, pear or banana. You can put several ripe fruits at once: this will only improve the result.
The fact is that ripe sweet fruits secrete a special substance ethylene. It is thanks to him that the avocado can mature faster. Famous Ukrainian chef Evgeny Klopotenko suggests wrapping avocado and fruit in paper, then wrap everything with food film and send it to a dark warm place.
In addition, Klopotenko says that thanks to this method, the fruits will ripen in at least a week. That's not true. If the fruit is small, it usually takes a maximum of 2-3 days for a ripe and soft avocado to flaunt on your table.
And in general, such dances with tambourine, in my opinion, superfluous. As I said, all this good can be safely sent to an ordinary box of cardboard. A wooden box will also fit. There is no need to waste neither paper nor food film - it is just an extra consumable.
If you need an avocado here and now, there is another way from the chief. Just take out the pulp and put it in the bowl. Cover the plate with food film and then send it to the microwave for 30 seconds. The avocado will really get softer. However, keep in mind that the fruit is likely to darken, and its taste and aroma will change.
With a couple of days in reserve, you can also use ordinary aluminum foil. Just wrap the avocado in it and send it to a warm, dark place. The result will not be long in coming. I heard that foil avocados can be sent to the oven for 10 minutes at 200 degrees. Thus, the ripening process will accelerate.
Another unusual way is to use a paper bag and flour. You need to wrap the fruit in a craft bag and pour a little ordinary flour into it. Maturation will work on the same principle as in tandem with ripe fruits.
If you do not eat avocados very often, you can easily find yourself in a casual situation. For example, you realize that the fruit is not yet ripe, even when you cut it in half. In this case, it is important to quickly sprinkle the flesh with lemon juice, and then fold the halves of the fruit and wrap it tightly in a food film. Next, send the fruit to the refrigerator.
Advice from the Avocado editorial board ripens faster in a dark and warm place. However, in no case should you leave the fruit in a place with high humidity. This can lead to the fact that the fetus will simply begin to rot. I usually put a box of avocados and fruit inside the kitchen cabinet.
Remember that too soft avocado can be rotten inside. Choose the right fruit. I share an article by my colleague Nikolai Laduba on how to choose quality and fresh products.
Are there any friends and acquaintances who love the exotic green fruit? Be sure to share this article with them, it can be useful!

To prevent this from happening, I do something different. Just buying a kilogram of green avocados, keeping them in the fridge. And when necessary, I get a few fruits and help them ripen. By the way, I will talk about this in today’s article!
There are many ways in which avocados mature much faster. I will tell you all about them, but first of all I will share my cunning, which has never let me down. For the fruit to ripen faster, I put it in a cardboard box with an apple, pear or banana. You can put several ripe fruits at once: this will only improve the result.

The fact is that ripe sweet fruits secrete a special substance ethylene. It is thanks to him that the avocado can mature faster. Famous Ukrainian chef Evgeny Klopotenko suggests wrapping avocado and fruit in paper, then wrap everything with food film and send it to a dark warm place.
In addition, Klopotenko says that thanks to this method, the fruits will ripen in at least a week. That's not true. If the fruit is small, it usually takes a maximum of 2-3 days for a ripe and soft avocado to flaunt on your table.

And in general, such dances with tambourine, in my opinion, superfluous. As I said, all this good can be safely sent to an ordinary box of cardboard. A wooden box will also fit. There is no need to waste neither paper nor food film - it is just an extra consumable.
If you need an avocado here and now, there is another way from the chief. Just take out the pulp and put it in the bowl. Cover the plate with food film and then send it to the microwave for 30 seconds. The avocado will really get softer. However, keep in mind that the fruit is likely to darken, and its taste and aroma will change.

With a couple of days in reserve, you can also use ordinary aluminum foil. Just wrap the avocado in it and send it to a warm, dark place. The result will not be long in coming. I heard that foil avocados can be sent to the oven for 10 minutes at 200 degrees. Thus, the ripening process will accelerate.
Another unusual way is to use a paper bag and flour. You need to wrap the fruit in a craft bag and pour a little ordinary flour into it. Maturation will work on the same principle as in tandem with ripe fruits.

If you do not eat avocados very often, you can easily find yourself in a casual situation. For example, you realize that the fruit is not yet ripe, even when you cut it in half. In this case, it is important to quickly sprinkle the flesh with lemon juice, and then fold the halves of the fruit and wrap it tightly in a food film. Next, send the fruit to the refrigerator.
Advice from the Avocado editorial board ripens faster in a dark and warm place. However, in no case should you leave the fruit in a place with high humidity. This can lead to the fact that the fetus will simply begin to rot. I usually put a box of avocados and fruit inside the kitchen cabinet.

Remember that too soft avocado can be rotten inside. Choose the right fruit. I share an article by my colleague Nikolai Laduba on how to choose quality and fresh products.
Are there any friends and acquaintances who love the exotic green fruit? Be sure to share this article with them, it can be useful!
She inherited a grandmother’s house she’d never seen and discovered a treasure there.
The man next door came for salt, but his smile repulsed and frightened