The more stupid and unsuccessful a man is, the more claims he has against a woman.
Only a stupid man can have endless claims To a woman. Maybe we should reword this phrase a little? Only stupid people have many claims to the world around them. And it really is. People, think little And they're not prone to introspection, they're always unhappy with something. All of them are to blame except themselves.
A foolish man who reads little and superficiallyIt's easy to see. He's always in the middle of some scandal. They also like to criticize and condemn others. Why engage in self-analysis when you can juicyly discuss the personal lives of employees, for example?
Why is this happening? It seems to me that superficial people outwardly. They simply cannot shift their focus to their actions and their lives. But it can have a lot of problems. When you see a problem, You know it needs to be solved.. A stupid person avoids responsibility at all costs.
How easy is it to blame others for your problems? You put all the weight on a loved one, for example. Women whose husbands are always messing around. Men whose wives consistently fail to meet their high standards. Maybe we should look at ourselves first. Are you all right?
You've had enough. attentive and sensitive partner? If a loved one feels safe, cozy and secure with you, if they are not judged every five minutes, then perhaps their behavior is really worth discussing. But I'm pretty sure that, People who complain about their husband or wifeThey do not have a normal attitude towards them.
I understand we all have value and perspectives on life. It also happens that the couple has already discussed everything and came to the conclusion that they simply do not fit each other. In this case, you need to let go of your partner and find someone with whom you will be really comfortable. What's the use of perpetual fighting and squabbling?
An intelligent person who knows himself and his own characteristics, able to openly and clearly express their needs and emotionsRarely will they judge or complain. Any claim without a firm foundation in the form of feelings and observations becomes nothing but a claim. quarrel. A fight that doesn’t lead to anything good.
People forget that a conversation between partners is necessary in order to make everyone happy and content. Stupid people. Start a scandal and clarify the relationshipwithout such a purpose. They just want to express their displeasure. To be honest, this is for me. sign of emotional immaturity and infantility. You have to run away from someone like that.
Examples for clarity Example 1 (The partner does not want to come to a positive result for both and only makes claims):
- Homes are always dirty! Why don't you ever clean up?! No woman would allow herself to do that! I'm sick of all this.
Here we can see condemnation, use. Toxic words like “never” and “always”Compare your loved one to others. This, of course, does not make the partner feel safe and secure.
Example 2 (A partner can express their emotions correctly and supports a loved one):
- When I come home after work and see a mountain of unwashed dishes, I get sad. I love when our apartment is clean and comfortable. Let me help you clean up, and we'll spend the evening together.
This statement shows that the partner He cares and wants to communicate his feelings correctly.. He does not compare his wife to anyone and offers his help, respecting her personal boundaries.
Please respect your loved ones. Learn first. Understand yourself and your needs Right. Only then do you pay attention to the outside world.
A foolish man who reads little and superficiallyIt's easy to see. He's always in the middle of some scandal. They also like to criticize and condemn others. Why engage in self-analysis when you can juicyly discuss the personal lives of employees, for example?

Why is this happening? It seems to me that superficial people outwardly. They simply cannot shift their focus to their actions and their lives. But it can have a lot of problems. When you see a problem, You know it needs to be solved.. A stupid person avoids responsibility at all costs.

How easy is it to blame others for your problems? You put all the weight on a loved one, for example. Women whose husbands are always messing around. Men whose wives consistently fail to meet their high standards. Maybe we should look at ourselves first. Are you all right?

You've had enough. attentive and sensitive partner? If a loved one feels safe, cozy and secure with you, if they are not judged every five minutes, then perhaps their behavior is really worth discussing. But I'm pretty sure that, People who complain about their husband or wifeThey do not have a normal attitude towards them.
I understand we all have value and perspectives on life. It also happens that the couple has already discussed everything and came to the conclusion that they simply do not fit each other. In this case, you need to let go of your partner and find someone with whom you will be really comfortable. What's the use of perpetual fighting and squabbling?

An intelligent person who knows himself and his own characteristics, able to openly and clearly express their needs and emotionsRarely will they judge or complain. Any claim without a firm foundation in the form of feelings and observations becomes nothing but a claim. quarrel. A fight that doesn’t lead to anything good.

People forget that a conversation between partners is necessary in order to make everyone happy and content. Stupid people. Start a scandal and clarify the relationshipwithout such a purpose. They just want to express their displeasure. To be honest, this is for me. sign of emotional immaturity and infantility. You have to run away from someone like that.
Examples for clarity Example 1 (The partner does not want to come to a positive result for both and only makes claims):
- Homes are always dirty! Why don't you ever clean up?! No woman would allow herself to do that! I'm sick of all this.
Here we can see condemnation, use. Toxic words like “never” and “always”Compare your loved one to others. This, of course, does not make the partner feel safe and secure.
Example 2 (A partner can express their emotions correctly and supports a loved one):
- When I come home after work and see a mountain of unwashed dishes, I get sad. I love when our apartment is clean and comfortable. Let me help you clean up, and we'll spend the evening together.
This statement shows that the partner He cares and wants to communicate his feelings correctly.. He does not compare his wife to anyone and offers his help, respecting her personal boundaries.
Please respect your loved ones. Learn first. Understand yourself and your needs Right. Only then do you pay attention to the outside world.
Finally, a cat and a dog will be able to fly in a plane next to the owner, in a separate chair.
Flowering 50-year-old ladies turn themselves into old women, but it can be stopped