How to make a fudge: a recipe for an exquisite delicacy from simple ingredients

Task! Imagine that you are a pastry chef and need to decorate the cupcakes, cake and Easter cake. What do you choose? Confectioners would immediately reply that there is no better finishing element in dessert than ganash, glaze, and fudge. Only here it is not necessary to be a specialist to know how to make a fudge or any other decoration. Today, I'm going to tell you what the difference is and teach you a new culinary skill.

As a child, my favorite dessert was a rum woman. And most of all, I loved the top soaked in sweet fudge. Perhaps this is the easiest option for quick decoration for delicacies. You can pour anything with sugar fudge: cupcakes, gingerbread, Easter cakes or donuts.

The fudge is fluid. It consists most often of 2 ingredients: water and sugar. The components are combined and boiled to a homogeneous state so that there are no lumps in the fudge. To make a classic sugar fudge, 1 cup of powdered sugar and 3-4 tbsp of warm water is enough. The thickness of the fudge can be adjusted by adding either water or powdered sugar to it.

Due to its plasticity, lipstick fits perfectly on confectionery products. It is best to apply decoration to baking in several layers, waiting for the previous layer to completely freeze. Despite the simplicity of cooking fudge, it can be done in different ways. For example, milk or butter. I'm sharing recipes.

How to make lipstick on milk for cakes Ingredients
  • 0.5 tbsp milk
  • 1 tbsp sugar

  1. Heat the milk in the soteinka and add sugar to it.
  2. Bring the mixture to a boil, constantly stirring it with a corolla. When the milk boils, make a small fire and cook the fudge for 20-30 minutes. From time to time, mix the mass until it looks like jelly.
  3. Remove the saucer from the stove and beat the lipstick with a submersible blender to a creamy state.

Creamy fudge for eclair ingredients
  • 150 ml of milk
  • 10 tbsp sugar
  • 6 tbsp cocoa powder
  • 100g butter

  1. Mix sugar and cocoa in the sotein so that there are no lumps. Then add milk and pre-melted butter to the mixture.
  2. Put the stove on the stove and bring the mixture to a boil, constantly stirring with a wreath. This is important, because the fudge can burn.
  3. When the mass boils, make a small fire and continue to boil the lipstick until thickened.
  4. Remove the steak from the fire and let the fudge cool before applying it to the eclairs.

How to make a icing lipstick is often confused with glaze. Only if the first remains, as a rule, wet on the confectionery, the second freezes. Glaze is used in the industrial production of sweets. It is covered with candy, cheese, biscuits and waffles. Protein glaze covers Easter cakes.

At home, housewives prepare a classic chocolate glaze. Sweet flowing syrup is great for decorating cakes, pies and cupcakes. Also, glaze can cover homemade cottage cheese cheese or candy (for example, dried apricots and nuts).

Earlier we told you how to make the icing in different ways. I also share an article on how to make an original mirror icing for a cake.

How to make ganash Ganash - perhaps the most cunning confectionery thing from today's selection. It is prepared based on either cream or butter (a combination is possible) with the addition of chocolate. And depending on the ratio of these components, the texture of ganash changes. As a result, you can get thick cream, glaze or truffle. Cream is most often decorated with cupcakes, glaze can cover anything, and candy is made from truffles.

Any chocolate can be used to prepare ganash, but, as they say, there is a nuance. The less cocoa butter in chocolate, the more it will be needed. The ratio of white chocolate to cream is 3 to 1, milk – 2 to 1, and black – 1 to 1.

At first glance, ganash may seem like a glaze. However, it is much denser and more stable in its texture. Therefore, it is often used to level the surface of the cake, for example. Next, I will share the recipe for a classic chocolate ganash.

The ingredients
  • 200g bitter chocolate (minimum 70% cocoa)
  • 200 ml of cream (minimum 30% fat)

  1. Break the chocolate into small pieces.
  2. Bring the cream to a boil, but in no case boil. Then pour hot cream on the chocolate.
  3. Mix the cream with the chocolate until it dissolves completely.

Hot ganash can be used to decorate desserts. And if you want to get chocolate paste, cool the resulting mass to room temperature, and then send it to the refrigerator.

How do you usually decorate your desserts? Have you ever made fudge, icing or ganash before?


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