A housewife sheltered a barefoot girl she found on the street, but her father soon showed up

Natasha was walking home after a hard day at work. On the way to the park, she noticed a little girl without parents sitting on a bench crying. There was no soul nearby, and the woman decided to approach the child. She was shocked by what little Olga said. How this story ended, read further in the article.

Usually after work, Natasha gets home by public transport. But that day my head was very heavy and I wanted to breathe. She took a walk in the park and noticed a little girl. Alone, without her parents, she sat on a bench crying. The woman saw that the baby was lightly dressed and barefoot, although it was quite cool outside.

“What happened? Why are you alone, where are your parents? asked Natasha, approaching the child. The girl was frightened, but replied, "Dad took my sneakers to sell them." I ran after him, but I couldn't catch him. That was my last pair of shoes!

Natasha immediately realized that the girl should not go home. So she decided not to take her to the police, but to call her friend and part-time social worker from the guardianship authorities. Natalia knew she was taking risks, but her heart told her to do just that. Neither she nor little Olya had any idea where her father was or how to get to her house.

The girl confided in a stranger. Natasha took Olya in her arms and first decided to feed her. In the cafe, the baby pounced on the food, as if he had not eaten for the past few days. And when they came home and Natasha laid out a sofa for Oli, she immediately fell asleep.

The next morning, a friend of Natasha arrived and brought clothes and shoes for the girl. It was decided to contact the police and the guardianship authorities. While they are looking for Oli's father, she will officially be under Natalia's care. Only for a long time I did not have to look for a man. Just a day later, he showed up.

Natasha woke up to a loud knock on the door. It seemed like a little more and just knocked her out. The woman was seriously scared and looked into the eye. Behind the door stood a rabid man, he barely stood on his feet: either intoxicated, or worse! Natalia immediately called the police, guessing what kind of guest visited her.

At that moment, the stranger shouted, Pascuda, you stole my daughter! Open the door now, or I can't vouch for myself! It was scary, but Natasha knew that Olin’s father could not knock out the door. I'm not strong enough. Fortunately, the police rushed very quickly. Tanya arrived immediately, too. Upon learning what had happened, the police said that they should escort the violent man to his house and inspect the house.

As a social worker, Tatiana was present. And she shuddered at what she saw. There was almost nothing in the apartment. Olya was apparently sleeping on a skinny mattress in the corner of an empty room. In the refrigerator, the mouse hanged itself, the working light was only in the kitchen. And in this pitch darkness there was not a single clean corner.

Police found a mountain of empty bottles in the house. And in the bowels of the Olive Father's room, they found something much more serious. The man had a case, and while the proceedings were going on, Olya lived with Natasha. They became so close that the woman decided to adopt a girl.

Tatiana did everything she could to make this happen. For the past six months, Olga no longer lives without her parents. In her life there was a real loving mother named Natasha. She will do anything to make the girl happy!

Life Wisdom: What does this story teach us? She was without her parents in the right place at the right time. Who knows how this story would have ended if Natalia had not accidentally met Olga? Such good stories bring back faith in the best. If you see a child on the street unattended, be sure to go to him and find out why he is alone. A simple precaution can save someone’s life.

Tell me, what would you do in Natalia’s place?


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