When my mother's sister found out that I became the owner of two apartments, immediately rushed to visit, the conversation did not take long.
It is believed that female relatives They are much more likely to get involved in other people’s affairs compared to their relatives. Statistically, let’s say, they have a firmer life stance. Where a man gives up and does not get into conflict, a woman will most often fight to the last and defend her rights.
In addition, much decides the nature and place of residence. For some reason, it so happened that the inhabitants of the periphery boldly voice their discontent, which is strikingly different from the “pampered” residents of large cities. Our readers are faced with a similar situation. Family disputes are in most cases a pleasure.
My mother, when she was young, moved from the village to the regional center. At that time, it was considered some kind of savagery: to leave your home, house, relatives, neighbors and exchange all this for life in a close box with an unfamiliar guy and total confusion in the future fate. But then she made her choice.
She is now in her 50s and, as you can see, has nothing to regret. Yes, unfortunately, fate presented her with many lessons and trials. But this is a normal life process and, in general, my mother, I think, coped with it perfectly. For example, she managed to raise me without the help of my father who left us too early. There was no divorce, it was a long illness. Something genetic...
Meanwhile, my mother's older sister, my aunt, was making her own personal life. How can I say that? The grooms were all local, of course. She refused to move. And so, being the most desirable bride in the village, she somehow did not want too much earlier to part with her status. For this reason, she married quite late, well at least had time to give birth to a son. And the husband, unable to endure the character of the “queen from the hinterland”, eventually left the family.
Time passed. After my father’s death, I decided to rent my apartment. In fact, everything was commanded by my mother. But on paper, the living room was behind me. I grew up, studied and in general did a good job with my duties. Often the band and I went abroad to perform in various competitions: since the age of 5 I have been engaged in dancing, so I can boast of memories from other countries and several prestigious medals.
So, recently, my paternal grandmother decided to do her will. And since I'm her only granddaughter, her apartment, of course, she decided to leave me. It's nice, of course. Not that I really need it right now, but I'd rather live to be 100. But, you know, I decided to.
My aunt had a “genius” plan for this. She, you see, realized that life in the city opens up new prospects, and, therefore, her basket son, she will suit. A couple of times my aunt came to visit us with gifts and souvenirs. And then finally, I shared my plans.
It turns out that it would be nice for us all to remember a little about our relatives, to help them. Accordingly, according to her, it would be ideal to do the following: send me to my grandmother on my father’s side and leave there for a while to help the old woman. She wants to give me her apartment. And my cousin, who I've seen three times, is moving in with us. And live with my mom. And at the same time learn how life in the city is different from the village. You'll get experience, so to speak.
As you can see, the plan is simply gorgeous. My mother has a very soft character and immediately rushed to agree with my sister. And the aunt, as before, did not hesitate to take advantage of this. But my character must be from my dad. I love my grandmother, of course. But now I have completely different plans, and moving is not part of them.
I know that my mother is in danger now. Constantly serve, wash your nephew, cook him and clean the room. While it is said that rural children are much more hardworking than urban children, this particular case differs from the vast majority. The Queen of the Region has a son, a prince.
Now I need to somehow dissuade my mother from making a hasty decision and generally teach her to disagree with her sister at least occasionally. This is not easy, of course, but what to do. To tolerate such an attitude is not enough strength. I already expressed my point of view so that my aunt stopped answering my calls. But my mother is stubbornly standing her ground.
Help me with advice on how to influence her? It's clear that if you leave everything in its place, soon I'll have to pack. That's not fair. Besides, now I have to put my aunt in her place. Audacity, as they say, is the second happiness. Let’s see which one of us is happier, me or her.

In addition, much decides the nature and place of residence. For some reason, it so happened that the inhabitants of the periphery boldly voice their discontent, which is strikingly different from the “pampered” residents of large cities. Our readers are faced with a similar situation. Family disputes are in most cases a pleasure.
My mother, when she was young, moved from the village to the regional center. At that time, it was considered some kind of savagery: to leave your home, house, relatives, neighbors and exchange all this for life in a close box with an unfamiliar guy and total confusion in the future fate. But then she made her choice.
She is now in her 50s and, as you can see, has nothing to regret. Yes, unfortunately, fate presented her with many lessons and trials. But this is a normal life process and, in general, my mother, I think, coped with it perfectly. For example, she managed to raise me without the help of my father who left us too early. There was no divorce, it was a long illness. Something genetic...

Meanwhile, my mother's older sister, my aunt, was making her own personal life. How can I say that? The grooms were all local, of course. She refused to move. And so, being the most desirable bride in the village, she somehow did not want too much earlier to part with her status. For this reason, she married quite late, well at least had time to give birth to a son. And the husband, unable to endure the character of the “queen from the hinterland”, eventually left the family.
Time passed. After my father’s death, I decided to rent my apartment. In fact, everything was commanded by my mother. But on paper, the living room was behind me. I grew up, studied and in general did a good job with my duties. Often the band and I went abroad to perform in various competitions: since the age of 5 I have been engaged in dancing, so I can boast of memories from other countries and several prestigious medals.

So, recently, my paternal grandmother decided to do her will. And since I'm her only granddaughter, her apartment, of course, she decided to leave me. It's nice, of course. Not that I really need it right now, but I'd rather live to be 100. But, you know, I decided to.
My aunt had a “genius” plan for this. She, you see, realized that life in the city opens up new prospects, and, therefore, her basket son, she will suit. A couple of times my aunt came to visit us with gifts and souvenirs. And then finally, I shared my plans.

It turns out that it would be nice for us all to remember a little about our relatives, to help them. Accordingly, according to her, it would be ideal to do the following: send me to my grandmother on my father’s side and leave there for a while to help the old woman. She wants to give me her apartment. And my cousin, who I've seen three times, is moving in with us. And live with my mom. And at the same time learn how life in the city is different from the village. You'll get experience, so to speak.
As you can see, the plan is simply gorgeous. My mother has a very soft character and immediately rushed to agree with my sister. And the aunt, as before, did not hesitate to take advantage of this. But my character must be from my dad. I love my grandmother, of course. But now I have completely different plans, and moving is not part of them.

I know that my mother is in danger now. Constantly serve, wash your nephew, cook him and clean the room. While it is said that rural children are much more hardworking than urban children, this particular case differs from the vast majority. The Queen of the Region has a son, a prince.
Now I need to somehow dissuade my mother from making a hasty decision and generally teach her to disagree with her sister at least occasionally. This is not easy, of course, but what to do. To tolerate such an attitude is not enough strength. I already expressed my point of view so that my aunt stopped answering my calls. But my mother is stubbornly standing her ground.

Help me with advice on how to influence her? It's clear that if you leave everything in its place, soon I'll have to pack. That's not fair. Besides, now I have to put my aunt in her place. Audacity, as they say, is the second happiness. Let’s see which one of us is happier, me or her.
Mother-in-law shouted at his son, begging him to leave the “empty” wife, but the daughter-in-law was not confused and decided to answer.
I came to visit my son and accidentally heard the conversation of the daughter-in-law with her mother, it was hurtful.