My aunt acted like an old pepperberry when my dad died.
Grief in Vera's family happened five years ago. She lost her own father. It’s hard to talk about it, but there are people who profit from trouble. And the saddest thing is that these people can become relatives.
My father passed away five years ago. My husband and I organized a wake and everything, because all the relatives were on vacation and traveling. Grandmothers, brothers, my mom and dad's sister gathered for the funeral. Aunt Nina collected envelopes from relatives who brought us as support.
Later it turned out that my father had some savings in his account. All the money was on the bank card. And Dad always put passwords in his notebook so he wouldn't forget. So anyone could withdraw that money. And then my aunt decided that it would be safer if she had these savings. They say, then we will spend on the monument, and you do not know what the money will go for.
I didn't plan to go shopping with Dad's money. But I would like to put them on deposit so that in the future they supplement the fee when buying an apartment. My husband and I were renting at the time. But all the relatives somehow decided that I want to pocket something that does not belong to me. So I gave everything to Dad's sister in case Grandma needed help.
Over time, I began to notice that valuables, tools and even bedding were disappearing from my father’s apartment. Her grandmother still lives in this apartment, so Aunt Nina visits her often and has keys. My husband once took a punch with my grandmother’s permission and, of course, returned it to its place. But the aunt never reported where everything she takes goes.
It's been 5 years since Dad died. The monument has not yet been erected. Where did the money that Aunt Nina collected go, no one knows. How could anyone lie to everyone and not even put a headstone? I inherited my dad's apartment. This is what legally belongs to me. Aunt Nina couldn't take the apartment. We have not communicated since.”
The way Aunt Nina treated Vera and her father's property is hard not to judge. But Nina is offended by the way his brother disposed of the property in the will, definitely not worth it. Faith is not to blame for the inheritance. And in such a difficult situation, relatives should help each other, not take everything that lies badly. What do you think?

My father passed away five years ago. My husband and I organized a wake and everything, because all the relatives were on vacation and traveling. Grandmothers, brothers, my mom and dad's sister gathered for the funeral. Aunt Nina collected envelopes from relatives who brought us as support.

Later it turned out that my father had some savings in his account. All the money was on the bank card. And Dad always put passwords in his notebook so he wouldn't forget. So anyone could withdraw that money. And then my aunt decided that it would be safer if she had these savings. They say, then we will spend on the monument, and you do not know what the money will go for.

I didn't plan to go shopping with Dad's money. But I would like to put them on deposit so that in the future they supplement the fee when buying an apartment. My husband and I were renting at the time. But all the relatives somehow decided that I want to pocket something that does not belong to me. So I gave everything to Dad's sister in case Grandma needed help.

Over time, I began to notice that valuables, tools and even bedding were disappearing from my father’s apartment. Her grandmother still lives in this apartment, so Aunt Nina visits her often and has keys. My husband once took a punch with my grandmother’s permission and, of course, returned it to its place. But the aunt never reported where everything she takes goes.

It's been 5 years since Dad died. The monument has not yet been erected. Where did the money that Aunt Nina collected go, no one knows. How could anyone lie to everyone and not even put a headstone? I inherited my dad's apartment. This is what legally belongs to me. Aunt Nina couldn't take the apartment. We have not communicated since.”

The way Aunt Nina treated Vera and her father's property is hard not to judge. But Nina is offended by the way his brother disposed of the property in the will, definitely not worth it. Faith is not to blame for the inheritance. And in such a difficult situation, relatives should help each other, not take everything that lies badly. What do you think?
Why even the closest person can be toxic
I got up an hour early to make a Zebra cupcake for my son’s daycare.