Why even the closest person can be toxic
Do you know people who feel tense in front of you? And it would seem that the interlocutor does not say anything, does not do anything, and the soul is somehow lousy. I just want to get away from him. Editorial "Site" It will tell you why people are called toxic and what a toxic person means.
Toxic people are really poisoning our lives. After communicating with them, you feel inner devastation, the mood becomes depressed and there is no strength for anything else. Familiar? However, there are other alarm bells shouting that it is time to remove a person from your social circle. Below we compiled 8 Signs of a Toxic PersonThey will help you to see it faster and get away from it.
Unfortunately, you often don’t have to go far to find a toxic person in your environment. As a rule, toxic people are our relatives. And that's not surprising. Close, like no other, know our vulnerabilities, which can be pricked, but more painful. Of course, they usually do it only for the best of intentions, but in the end they cause pain and take a lot of energy. In order to avoid this, it is extremely important to regularly check others for at least one of the 8 items listed above. Only by getting rid of toxic people, you can build healthy communication and feel harmonious.
Have you encountered toxic people? Boldly shared their experience in the comments. Good luck!

Toxic people are really poisoning our lives. After communicating with them, you feel inner devastation, the mood becomes depressed and there is no strength for anything else. Familiar? However, there are other alarm bells shouting that it is time to remove a person from your social circle. Below we compiled 8 Signs of a Toxic PersonThey will help you to see it faster and get away from it.
- Toxics - concentrated negative They're always bad. The boss is a horned cloth-hoofed, his colleagues are rodents of the mouse family, there is no money, health is getting worse, prices are rising, the weather is disgusting and further down the list. Moreover, they constantly pull the blanket of conversation to their side, just to infect everyone around with their negativity.
- They’re always right, and if they don’t listen, they get mad. Toxics are able to masterfully devalue and twist in their favor absolutely any argument. They are sincerely convinced that they are always right, so they are not able to conduct adult dialogue, listen and accept someone else’s position.
- They like to make themselves a victim. “Look what I’ve done!”, “You made me sick,” “You’re bringing me to the next world,” “You’re only thinking about yourself!” – these and many other manipulative phrases toxic people say regularly. Sometimes such statements are accompanied by a dramatic grasp of the heart and an offended appearance. It's all about making yourself a victim and making you feel guilty.
- They don't care about others. Does your friend talk a lot about herself, complain, brag, ask for advice, but never care about your business? So it's time to think about whether she's your friend.
- Lack of empathy You will never find support in a toxic person. He will probably reproach you for not being “positive enough.” Of course, toxicity needs to be fueled by energy.
- Criticizing for no reason Have you often listened to unsolicited advice disguised as an important “just opinion”? Toxic people constantly compare you to others and criticize you, forcing you to make excuses. And their insults and depreciation are served in a beautiful wrapper called "Who better than me will tell you the truth?"
- Humility is the norm. If a person is polite to you, but can harass others (waiter, husband, children, etc.), rather run away from him. Most likely, he is kind to you for the time being.
- Makes you doubt your own words. People who poison your life, not only lie, but sometimes prove that you heard wrong, remembered and understood. They're going to convince you until you do. you start to doubt in the ability of his memory and intelligence.
Unfortunately, you often don’t have to go far to find a toxic person in your environment. As a rule, toxic people are our relatives. And that's not surprising. Close, like no other, know our vulnerabilities, which can be pricked, but more painful. Of course, they usually do it only for the best of intentions, but in the end they cause pain and take a lot of energy. In order to avoid this, it is extremely important to regularly check others for at least one of the 8 items listed above. Only by getting rid of toxic people, you can build healthy communication and feel harmonious.
Have you encountered toxic people? Boldly shared their experience in the comments. Good luck!
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