Anatomy - the science that a man Inside a and that he snapuzhi.
The Problems of first anatomy - how to have children? According to the textbook of anatomy, children find in cabbage. And my dad found in cabbage every day. Face in tapelke.
Pepvobytnye people to learn human anatomy, he threw off a cliff. If a person remains alive, then he hoposho anatomy. And my dad spop ppygnul out the window and hit the human anatomy d.puguyu. Now comes my dad bad anatomy. And the man anatomy tepep do not have.
Contents of a basic anatomy skeleton.
Happimep skeleton sprat consists of head, spine and tail. And my dad is the skeleton of the head, spine and sigapety with eccentricity he never passtaetsya. And so it looks like a skeleton. What is the spine? The spine needs to ppovalivalas head is not in the pants.
The head is very useful because it eats. The head consists of the brain and goplo.
Goplo need in order not to burn the back seat when you drink tea A HOT.
Besides the fact, in goplo are vociferous bunch. And my dad goplo also Zhiguli beer.
The human brain consists of convolutions. In SOME - of zigzags. And my dad do not have brains. He - cerebellum. His mother and the covenant - cerebellum with the claw.
Between the brain and are goplo teeth. Teeth are very useful. Therefore it is necessary to stpemitsya to make it more and more. Those who have no teeth, eats pukami. To teeth hoposho sohpanilis they must be vovpemya vypyvat. And my dad to sohpanit their teeth, putting them overnight in a glass of water.
Ha pukah a person ppoizpastayut fingers. Ha each puke them there for a few pieces. These are the fingers as the little finger, index, and exclamation kovypyatelny.
The longest finger - spednem. And my dad - index. Because he pabotaet chief.
Under the lower part of the majority of people hanging limb, which was then terminate slippers. they are usually not more than two. Slippers need to move. Movement is vpaschatelnoe, rocking, and lyagyatelnoe kuvypkatelnoe. Lyagatelnoe movement occurs in horses and kapatistov. A rocking - my dad. After pay.
Ha pastut human head hair. And my dad's head bald pastet on koto.puyu he combs his hair. Kotopye pastut from the ears.
Ears pastut human side. And between them pastut eyes. In the eye of the person is the apple. And in the eyes of my father is ogupets. Or ogupechny passol. More after the pay he sees nothing.
Besides the eye, at SOME people have septse and stomach. And my dad is not sepdtsa because he thrashes me INVERSE sto.pone stomach.
If you exit from the stomach nap.pavo, you will see the liver. The stones are human livers. And in the livers of my father, my mother sits.
Behind my dad is the head. And I - cuff.
To his head was clean, it should be washed. My dad clean out of kpana. I wash myself with a stick.
And, finally, to the spine, stomach, brain and liver are not spilling napuzhu, the human body is usually covered-wheel and the body of my father usually COATING newspaper.
That's because of all this, and is the human anatomy and the anatomy of my dad.
The Problems of first anatomy - how to have children? According to the textbook of anatomy, children find in cabbage. And my dad found in cabbage every day. Face in tapelke.
Pepvobytnye people to learn human anatomy, he threw off a cliff. If a person remains alive, then he hoposho anatomy. And my dad spop ppygnul out the window and hit the human anatomy d.puguyu. Now comes my dad bad anatomy. And the man anatomy tepep do not have.
Contents of a basic anatomy skeleton.
Happimep skeleton sprat consists of head, spine and tail. And my dad is the skeleton of the head, spine and sigapety with eccentricity he never passtaetsya. And so it looks like a skeleton. What is the spine? The spine needs to ppovalivalas head is not in the pants.
The head is very useful because it eats. The head consists of the brain and goplo.
Goplo need in order not to burn the back seat when you drink tea A HOT.
Besides the fact, in goplo are vociferous bunch. And my dad goplo also Zhiguli beer.
The human brain consists of convolutions. In SOME - of zigzags. And my dad do not have brains. He - cerebellum. His mother and the covenant - cerebellum with the claw.
Between the brain and are goplo teeth. Teeth are very useful. Therefore it is necessary to stpemitsya to make it more and more. Those who have no teeth, eats pukami. To teeth hoposho sohpanilis they must be vovpemya vypyvat. And my dad to sohpanit their teeth, putting them overnight in a glass of water.
Ha pukah a person ppoizpastayut fingers. Ha each puke them there for a few pieces. These are the fingers as the little finger, index, and exclamation kovypyatelny.
The longest finger - spednem. And my dad - index. Because he pabotaet chief.
Under the lower part of the majority of people hanging limb, which was then terminate slippers. they are usually not more than two. Slippers need to move. Movement is vpaschatelnoe, rocking, and lyagyatelnoe kuvypkatelnoe. Lyagatelnoe movement occurs in horses and kapatistov. A rocking - my dad. After pay.
Ha pastut human head hair. And my dad's head bald pastet on koto.puyu he combs his hair. Kotopye pastut from the ears.
Ears pastut human side. And between them pastut eyes. In the eye of the person is the apple. And in the eyes of my father is ogupets. Or ogupechny passol. More after the pay he sees nothing.
Besides the eye, at SOME people have septse and stomach. And my dad is not sepdtsa because he thrashes me INVERSE sto.pone stomach.
If you exit from the stomach nap.pavo, you will see the liver. The stones are human livers. And in the livers of my father, my mother sits.
Behind my dad is the head. And I - cuff.
To his head was clean, it should be washed. My dad clean out of kpana. I wash myself with a stick.
And, finally, to the spine, stomach, brain and liver are not spilling napuzhu, the human body is usually covered-wheel and the body of my father usually COATING newspaper.
That's because of all this, and is the human anatomy and the anatomy of my dad.