Has the pain increased and started to occur more often? Stand on all fours, spread your hands wide.
These exercises are really what you need with a hernia of the lumbar region. I know this firsthand. After a spinal injury, my aunt developed a lumbar hernia. She was against surgery, so she had to come to terms with the diagnosis. At first, the hernia did not interfere and manifested itself only in rare attacks of pain. But over time, things got worse.
The pain increased and began to occur more often and did not subside for weeks. Then she began to look for ways to reduce symptoms and non-standard treatments. It was then that she became acquainted with the method. Valentina DikulIt changed her life and I want to share it with you.
Exercises for lumbar hernia Valentine Dikul I learned firsthand what a spinal injury is, after which doctors no longer give hope that you will be able to walk. This is an incredible story of healing when, after falling from a height of 13 meters and a terrible injury (5 years he was paralyzed), he returned to the circus.
He says: The doctors told me I would spend the rest of my life in a wheelchair. But I decided to fight. And he struggled and was able to put himself on his feet. He developed a variety of techniques for restoring the spine. His method of treatment is aimed at relieving pain and returning the functionality of the spine.
The most effective method of treatment of lumbar hernia of the spine Dikul considers exercises. Their main task is to return the muscles to their optimal state. Relax tense muscles, and the weak - to restore tone. This famous gymnastics includes only 6 exercises, but their effectiveness is unparalleled.
Therapeutic gymnastics Valentina Dikul
In this video, you will learn more and show how to perform. herniation, developed by Dikul.
There is nothing complicated in these exercises, they are easy to perform and do not require special physical training. This method is based on four postulates that can not be violated: do exercises every day, do exercises for at least 60 minutes, observe gymnastics hygiene and firmly believe in success. If you follow these simple rules, the pain will surely go away. Take care of yourself and your health!
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The pain increased and began to occur more often and did not subside for weeks. Then she began to look for ways to reduce symptoms and non-standard treatments. It was then that she became acquainted with the method. Valentina DikulIt changed her life and I want to share it with you.
Exercises for lumbar hernia Valentine Dikul I learned firsthand what a spinal injury is, after which doctors no longer give hope that you will be able to walk. This is an incredible story of healing when, after falling from a height of 13 meters and a terrible injury (5 years he was paralyzed), he returned to the circus.

He says: The doctors told me I would spend the rest of my life in a wheelchair. But I decided to fight. And he struggled and was able to put himself on his feet. He developed a variety of techniques for restoring the spine. His method of treatment is aimed at relieving pain and returning the functionality of the spine.

The most effective method of treatment of lumbar hernia of the spine Dikul considers exercises. Their main task is to return the muscles to their optimal state. Relax tense muscles, and the weak - to restore tone. This famous gymnastics includes only 6 exercises, but their effectiveness is unparalleled.
Therapeutic gymnastics Valentina Dikul
- Exercise 1
Stand on all fours, hands wide, back straight, look forward. Take a deep breath, lower your hips on your heels, relax your back, and tilt your head to your outstretched arms. On inhalation, roll forward on your arms, bending so that your head reaches up. You stay in this position and you sit on your heels again. You do 10, 12 reps. - Exercise 2
The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise, the knees are brought together. Lift, pressed against each other, feet and make swing socks to the sides, leaning on your knees. Thus, the spine moves in the lumbar region, and the shoulders and chest are stationary. Do 10-12 repetitions in each direction. - Exercise 3
Same situation. Keep your back straight, your chin parallel to the floor. In this exercise, it is necessary to lower the pelvis in turn to the sides, on the likeness of a pendulum, until pain occurs (as low as possible). In the starting position, do not linger, swing from side to side. Only smoothly and without sudden movements. There are also 10-12 repetitions per side. - Exercise 4
We all know how to exercise the cat. The position is the same, on inhalation strongly rot your back in the lower back, head to the ceiling. On exhalation, lower your head between your arms, and rotate your back with an arc. Also smooth, also 10-12 times. - Exercise 5
Lie on your back, bend your legs in your knees. Hands along the body. Slowly lower your knees to the floor to the left, then to the right. In this exercise, only the lumbar region is involved, the shoulder blades do not come off the floor. Breathing deep, movement smooth. Do 10-12 repetitions. - Exercise 6
The position is the same, the knees are bent, the hands along the body palms down. Put your left heel on your right knee. Raise your right foot to your exhale. Exhale slowly and lower your foot to the floor while inhaling. Do 10 repetitions with each foot. 715068
In this video, you will learn more and show how to perform. herniation, developed by Dikul.
There is nothing complicated in these exercises, they are easy to perform and do not require special physical training. This method is based on four postulates that can not be violated: do exercises every day, do exercises for at least 60 minutes, observe gymnastics hygiene and firmly believe in success. If you follow these simple rules, the pain will surely go away. Take care of yourself and your health!
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