Here’s how to make an amazingly beautiful home decoration in the form of a gemstone!
My cousin is a geologist, and he was the one who instilled in me. stone-love. I remember how as a child he came to visit us from the distant Urals and told various amazing stories related to work. And one of my favorite books in primary school was “The Malachite Box” by Pavel Bazhov.
Perhaps this is where my passion for natural stones came from. I'm most impressed by the geode. A geode (or geode) is a rounded stone with a cavity inside which crystals grow. In the Urals, the geodes are called “thornets”, and as a mineralogical hobby, residents go in search of quartz burrows with crystals of mountain crystal.
The greatest interest in the world was geodes, sapphire chalcedony, as well as amethyst and hematitis. Of course, the cost of such stones is high.
I never managed to get such a stone... But I learned a way that helped me not only to get something like this, but also to decorate my old table lamp with it so that now everyone I know goes to my house like a museum!
Table lamp with their own hands Editorial "Site" prepared an unusual and exciting master class that will teach you how to turn the most simple and inexpensive materials into beautiful jewellery.
You'll need it.
Finishing materials
I also suggest you get acquainted with 20 original lamps and lamps from eminent designers and talented craftsmen. And the best part is that most of these lights are made from everyday objects that are usually thrown away.
I am sure that lovers of precious stones will appreciate the lamp decorated with an artificial geode. Well, the layers on the stone and crystals shimmer with amazingly beautiful shades when illuminated, and they look very natural and expensive.
Share this wonderful idea with your friends. Maybe she'll inspire them to do that. table-lamp. Such decoration will instantly transform any interior!
Perhaps this is where my passion for natural stones came from. I'm most impressed by the geode. A geode (or geode) is a rounded stone with a cavity inside which crystals grow. In the Urals, the geodes are called “thornets”, and as a mineralogical hobby, residents go in search of quartz burrows with crystals of mountain crystal.

The greatest interest in the world was geodes, sapphire chalcedony, as well as amethyst and hematitis. Of course, the cost of such stones is high.
I never managed to get such a stone... But I learned a way that helped me not only to get something like this, but also to decorate my old table lamp with it so that now everyone I know goes to my house like a museum!
Table lamp with their own hands Editorial "Site" prepared an unusual and exciting master class that will teach you how to turn the most simple and inexpensive materials into beautiful jewellery.

You'll need it.
- straight-legged
- 2 smooth sheets of plastic (large enough to form a geode shape)
- Concrete structure repair, such as Rapid Set Cement All
- water
- container
- face mask, rubber gloves
- Concrete reinforcing fibers (optional)
- lighter
- sandpaper
- cast-iron pan

Finishing materials
- Liquite Acrylic acrylic ink (black, white, silver, gold, bronze and copper)
- brushes
- glass-stone
- hot-glue and gun for him
- Super Glue Gel or E6000
- Clear nail polish (if desired)
- First, prepare the cement mold. Install a vertical leg of a table lamp at a distance of 2-5 mm from the surface, to soon form a cement circle around it - the basis for the "geode".
- Next, you need to knead the cement solution and give it the desired shape. Cement has the property of quickly solidifying and, as a result, settling. Therefore, to work, you need to knead a sufficiently thick mass and add reinforcing fibers (or fibers of coarse yarn) to it. It is easier to work with your hands, creating a rounded shape with uneven edges. When the ring around the lamp leg is created, take a sheet of plastic, instead you can use organic glass or a large lid from the paint container. Tightly put it on the ring on top to get a smooth surface. It will be a “slice” in the rock.
- And now we move on to polishing the workpiece of the future geode. After the cement mixture hardens and dries, remove plastic sheets from it. The resulting “slice” of stone is slightly polished, breaking off unnecessary pieces of cement.
Burn the hanging fibers so that the resemblance to the stone is most impressive. If the cement was laid out on a shiny smooth surface, the “slice” of the stone will also be shiny and smooth. - That's my favorite part of the job. To "crystallize" the workpiece, put rounded decorative glass pebbles on the cast-iron pan and cover the pan with a lid. Heat the pan with stones for a few minutes. Put the hot stones from the pan into ice water so that they crack from the inside. So the glass will quickly break under a light hammer blow. Please note that this work is best done in safety glasses.
- So we finished all the dirty work, it was time for real creativity. Do not worry about your own artistic abilities and achieve perfect forms, because there are no strict geometric lines on natural stone!
Create layers with a good brush and ink with a metal color, adding black, white, silver, gold, bronze and copper shades. - Finally, add the crystals to the center of the geode. Do a little glue test to see how fast it freezes. The most reliable glue for work is a 5-minute epoxy.
Glue the largest pieces first, then the smaller ones. Epoxy glue after solidification remains transparent and allows you to securely fix the glass. If you have worries about sharp glasses, you can cover them with a layer of transparent nail polish. - That's it, the geode lamp is ready!
I also suggest you get acquainted with 20 original lamps and lamps from eminent designers and talented craftsmen. And the best part is that most of these lights are made from everyday objects that are usually thrown away.
I am sure that lovers of precious stones will appreciate the lamp decorated with an artificial geode. Well, the layers on the stone and crystals shimmer with amazingly beautiful shades when illuminated, and they look very natural and expensive.
Share this wonderful idea with your friends. Maybe she'll inspire them to do that. table-lamp. Such decoration will instantly transform any interior!