How to bake an Italian cupcake "Panettone"
Italian Easter table is impossible to imagine without a delicious cupcake "Panettone", which looks very similar to our traditional Easter cake. According to official history, this cupcake was first baked in the XVI century for Duke Ludovico il Moro according to his own recipe, which has not changed since.
The appearance of the cupcake "Panettone" is surrounded by legends. According to one version, its name comes from the Italian pan del ton, which means “bread of luxury”.
Italians themselves like to associate the appearance of this culinary masterpiece with the romantic legend of a young man Tony from a rich and influential family who fell in love with the daughter of a Milanese baker.
To be closer to her beloved, Tony hired as an apprentice to her father, and to the girl drew attention to him, invented a recipe for an amazing sweet bread in the form of a dome with raisins, lemon peel and pieces of orange. Hence the name of the cupcake – Pani di Antonio (“Bread from Tony”).
The original recipe is uncomplicated, although it can vary slightly depending on the availability of products and your own wishes. Sometimes "Panettone" and with chocolate, and with pine nuts, and with exotic fruits. And because everyone who tried it liked it, today Panettona is the pride not only of Italy, but also of France, Spain and even Latin America!
In our stores, you can also find these cupcakes in large elegant boxes. The hostess began to experiment and try to bake Panetton at home. Today. "Site" It will tell you how quickly to prepare the real panettone.
Italian Easter cake Ingredients
Make the cupcake look great.
Getting ready for Easter? April 8th is coming! Read about one amazing way to decorate eggs. And if you are already tired of ordinary dyes and banal stickers, it is time to start a creative Easter handmade.
In order for the holiday to be remembered for a long time, you can not only paint eggs and bake cakes, but also please the children, making original Easter crafts with them. Share these great ideas with your friends. They will not take much time and give you joy and children!

The appearance of the cupcake "Panettone" is surrounded by legends. According to one version, its name comes from the Italian pan del ton, which means “bread of luxury”.
Italians themselves like to associate the appearance of this culinary masterpiece with the romantic legend of a young man Tony from a rich and influential family who fell in love with the daughter of a Milanese baker.

To be closer to her beloved, Tony hired as an apprentice to her father, and to the girl drew attention to him, invented a recipe for an amazing sweet bread in the form of a dome with raisins, lemon peel and pieces of orange. Hence the name of the cupcake – Pani di Antonio (“Bread from Tony”).
The original recipe is uncomplicated, although it can vary slightly depending on the availability of products and your own wishes. Sometimes "Panettone" and with chocolate, and with pine nuts, and with exotic fruits. And because everyone who tried it liked it, today Panettona is the pride not only of Italy, but also of France, Spain and even Latin America!

In our stores, you can also find these cupcakes in large elegant boxes. The hostess began to experiment and try to bake Panetton at home. Today. "Site" It will tell you how quickly to prepare the real panettone.
Italian Easter cake Ingredients
- 850g flour
- 25g yeast
- 50g sugar for poop
- 1 tbsp sugar for dough
- 180g butter
- 2 eggs
- 4 yolks
- 150g raisins
- 100g candied
- 100g nuts
- 1.5 tsp salt
- peel
- 1/2 tbsp water
- Solve yeast and sugar in warm water. Add half a cup of flour and stir. Leave it under the towel for 20-30 minutes.
- Rub the zest on a small grater, trying not to touch the white part of the lemon.
- Place the rest of the flour on a wooden surface. Create a small funnel and put melted butter, zest, sugar, eggs, yolks and opium in it.
- The stirring of the dough should take at least 10 minutes. It is necessary that gluten develops well in the test. It should become quite elastic and stretch, almost like chewing gum.
- Add the candy, raisins and nuts, stir. Leave the dough for 1.5 hours in a warm place until the volume of the dough is at least doubled.
- Fill 1/3 of the volume of the baking form with a test, having previously covered it with parchment.
- Leave for 1 hour in a warm place for the dough to fill the mold to the brim.
- Bake "Panettone" for 15 minutes in a preheated to 190 degrees oven, then another 20-30 minutes at a temperature of 160 degrees. Check your readiness with a wooden sword.
- Easter cake "Panettone" ready. Bon appetit!
Make the cupcake look great.
- Cupcake dough likes heat, so do not put it on a draft.
- The dough must be thoroughly mixed: well-mixed dough can be easily cut and it will not stick to the knife.
- Before baking, the oven must be heated to 150-180 degrees.
- The form for baking must be filled by 1/3 of the volume, since the dough will rise.
- Put the form in the oven should be very carefully so that the dough does not settle.
- When baking Panetton, do not open the oven too often.
- Powdered sugar or glaze cake should be covered immediately after baking.
Getting ready for Easter? April 8th is coming! Read about one amazing way to decorate eggs. And if you are already tired of ordinary dyes and banal stickers, it is time to start a creative Easter handmade.
In order for the holiday to be remembered for a long time, you can not only paint eggs and bake cakes, but also please the children, making original Easter crafts with them. Share these great ideas with your friends. They will not take much time and give you joy and children!