To make age-related changes and facial asymmetry go away, I'm every night...

My mother is very careful and constantly finds new ways to fight wrinkles. She is against surgery and believes that age-related skin changes need to be fought on their own. At least as long as it works. And one of the most effective methods, which undoubtedly works, she considers special exercises.


And today we share with you the complex of the most Effective Exercise for WomenIt helps to fight not only with age-related changes, but also with facial asymmetry.

Asymmetry of the left and right half of the face is a fairly frequent phenomenon. Some have more, others have less. And this problem can have different causes: congenital or acquired. Acquired asymmetry, in turn, can be caused by a number of reasons: from inflammation of the nerves to bad habits.

In addition, it can appear due to the natural aging of the body or against the background of age-related diseases. It is with this type of asymmetry that the following exercises will help to cope.


DepositPhotos 6 Best Exercises
  1. Exercise 1
    Put your hands on the back of your head. Pillows at the base of the thumbs should be behind the ears. Put your fingers in the lock. Press your finger pads on the back of your head as you breathe. That is, you press on inhalation, you relax on exhalation. Say that 5 times. Be sure to watch your breathing, this is important for all subsequent exercises. Breathe slowly and deeply, perform exercises in tact.

  2. Exercise 2
    Hands in the same position. Take a deep breath, hold your breath, and put pads on the back of your head. Hold your breath for 1-3 seconds, exhale and relax. Repeat 5 times.

  3. Exercise 3
    Place your hands on your head so that your fingers meet at the top. Put your fingers in the lock. On the exhale, press your finger pads on the top of the head down and to the sides, relax on the exhale. Repeat it 3 times.
  4. Exercise No. 4
    Put your finger pads on the whiskey. Inhale lightly press your fingers down, relax on the exhale. Repeat it 3 times.


  5. Exercise 5
    Fingers apply to the forehead above the eyebrows so that the pads of the thumbs lie on the temples. On inhalation, gently press the pads on the outer edges of the eyebrows towards the center. Take it easy. Repeat 5 times.
  6. Exercise 6
    Put the left hand horizontally on the forehead, the right take the base of the nose. Regardless of breathing, slowly move your arms in different directions, only gently and without jerking. Repeat it 10 times.


Pay attention! This set of exercises is very well combined with the Japanese rejuvenation system based on cow's milk.

All exercises should be performed carefully so that there is no discomfort or pain. If you feel pain, you should stop exercising. To achieve the result, the exercises must be performed every day. Find some time for yourself in the evening before bed and complete this simple complex.

These exercises are one of the easiest ways to correct the face at home. A little effort, perseverance and patience will definitely bring the desired result!

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