How to decorate a pie
Open cakes are an indispensable attribute of hot summer. When the markets are filled with colorful berries and ripe fruits, you want to buy everything at once and clothe yourself in a delicate shell of fragrant dough. Baking is like art, and beautiful pastries are a real medicine for the soul!
They meet on clothes, and cakes even more! Editorial "Site" It will tell you how to turn a boring cake from sand or yeast dough into a real work of confectionery. We know a few secrets, but we know...
Decorating pies
Honestly, such beauty is a pity! If you think that guests are not surprised by homemade dishes, try to spend a little time and decorate a boring homemade pie, having seen a few ideas from our article. Unusual appearance and ease of preparation will please not only you, but also those who will enjoy these fantastic goodies.
Which of these culinary ideas did you like the most? Do not forget to share with our editorial staff photos of your pastry masterpieces in the comments under this article.

They meet on clothes, and cakes even more! Editorial "Site" It will tell you how to turn a boring cake from sand or yeast dough into a real work of confectionery. We know a few secrets, but we know...
Decorating pies
- It seems that wicker apple or pumpkin pies are the most cozy, and anyone can cope with such a simple decoration for them. You will have to play with the flowers a little.
- And if you smear a wicker cake with protein, sprinkled with sugar sand on top, you get a crispy crust and ruddy decor.
- Decor, with which even the most skilful hostess will have to tinker, but the result will exceed all expectations! Succulent strawberry filling and delicate curls from dough is a recipe for an excellent mood of a generous hostess and her guests.
- If the contents of the pie with raspberries and raspberries did not surprise sophisticated guests, hit them with a fantastic view of sweet dessert!
- This decor will certainly appeal to those who do not like the soul in pies. A declaration of love, no other way.
- 10 unpretentious pigtails from dough remnants - and a stunning decor for an open apple pie is ready.
- Gentle and romantic decoration for a sweet pie with strawberries. It's pathetic!
- If you are not lazy and cut a dozen leaves and the same number of flowers from dough, you can get elegant clothes for an open cake with black currant.
- We make a sleigh in the summer! Take this cool idea of decorating an autumn pie with apples or sweet pumpkin.
- What a beauty! It turned out not only delicious, but also very cake-cake.
- My eyes are running out of ideas. How to decorate a cake from dough. It seems the diet will wait...
- It would seem ridiculously simple pattern of stripes and weaves. But it was worth the skillful hostess to supplement the composition with live flowers - it turned out not a cake, but a holiday!
- How cleverly carved. Bravo to the master!
- Skillfully cooked cake can be a great gift. Well, what's a gift without a lavish bow?
- Every guest has a cake! Charming owls will appreciate not only children, but also adults. We assure you that such pastries can lift the mood even on the most gloomy day.
Honestly, such beauty is a pity! If you think that guests are not surprised by homemade dishes, try to spend a little time and decorate a boring homemade pie, having seen a few ideas from our article. Unusual appearance and ease of preparation will please not only you, but also those who will enjoy these fantastic goodies.
Which of these culinary ideas did you like the most? Do not forget to share with our editorial staff photos of your pastry masterpieces in the comments under this article.