How to learn to cook quickly
All hostesses want their dishes to be more tasty, cooking did not take much time and effort, and the kitchen was always clean. This is possible if you know a little tricks.
Especially for readers "Site" We picked up a collection of small, but effective tricks from a seasoned chef, thanks to which cooking will take less time and bring more pleasure.
Chef's secrets
Even the little ones. kitchen-trick They can save time on cooking and make life easier for the owner and hostess. Good luck, please cook with pleasure!
The kitchen is a shrine for every housewife, and the cleanliness of the kitchen determines how careful and diligent you are. We collected 20 inventions that have already made life easier for many housewives around the world. What can they do?
A ten-minute daily cleaning is 61 hours a year, or five and a half months of the average housewife’s life. These cleanliness secrets will get rid of routine and make cleaning a quick and easy task.

Especially for readers "Site" We picked up a collection of small, but effective tricks from a seasoned chef, thanks to which cooking will take less time and bring more pleasure.
Chef's secrets
- Do you like boiled eggs but are tired of cleaning them? Fresh eggs are generally very poorly cleaned. The reason is the high content of dissolved carbon dioxide, which enhances the bond between the inner membrane of the egg, consisting of keratin, and protein.
During storage, carbon dioxide gradually evaporates through the pores in the shell. Usually 5-7 days is enough for this.
If you wait for 5 days of reluctance, pierce the eggshell from the blunt end, where the air chamber (pooch) is located. As a result, when the egg is heated, carbon dioxide will have time to go out, the bond between keratin and egg white will significantly weaken, and the shell will be removed without problems.
This will also prevent denting on the surface of the egg. The famous French chef, TV presenter and writer Jacques Pepin recommends getting rid of the air camera by puncture. - If you need to grate cheese or chocolate, place the product in the freezer for 25-30 minutes. So the products will be more convenient to use, and they will melt much later.
- The wine can be cooled in 15 minutes. Wrap a bottle of wine with a wet towel and put it in the freezer for 15 minutes - so the drink quickly becomes cold.
- Make your own frying rack by rolling up foil sheets and placing in the bottom of the brazier. So the meat will not burn and evenly roast.
- Even an experienced hostess does not always know how to cook poached eggs, as this dish has its own secrets. First of all, a prerequisite is completely fresh eggs. And secondly, during the preparation of such eggs, vinegar is added to the water, which holds the protein around the yolk. Our recipe is simpler and allows you to do without vinegar. Lubricate the food film with butter and pour an egg into it. Tighten the edges of the film with a rubber band as close as possible to the contents - so the egg will better retain its shape. Put the egg in a pot of boiling water and boil for 3 minutes.
- Do you like to cook borscht, but do not know how to make it even better? The dish will turn out much more expensive if you add grated beets to the gas station, then 5-6 cloves of garlic passed through the press. In addition, if the sliced potatoes before cooking fry in a pan, the taste will be even more saturated.
DepositPhotos - When cleaning onions, do not trim the tails! Cutting a vegetable will be much more convenient if you hold it by the tail.
DepositPhotos - Soup can be salted very easily. It happens all the time. You know that when it’s too late to change. Don't worry, it can be fixed. Add a few pieces of apple or raw potatoes to the soup. Such soup should be cooked over a slow heat for about ten minutes, so that the excess salt goes into apples and potatoes.
- To make metal dishes shine the same as when buying, use citric acid. Pour a little acid on the sponge and rub the dishes for 5-7 minutes. So your pots and kettles will acquire a completely different shine than from cleaning with ordinary powder.
DepositPhotos - If cutting boards smell unpleasant, citric acid (or lemon juice with salt) will help you again. Wet the surface of the board, pour acid or natural juice on top and leave for 15-20 minutes. Another way is to sprinkle the board with salt and rub it with lemon. Wash the surface and wipe with a clean towel.
- Cutlets will be juicier if you add a spoonful of sour cream or cottage cheese to the mince. In addition, bread for cutlets can be soaked in a glass of warm milk.
Even the little ones. kitchen-trick They can save time on cooking and make life easier for the owner and hostess. Good luck, please cook with pleasure!
The kitchen is a shrine for every housewife, and the cleanliness of the kitchen determines how careful and diligent you are. We collected 20 inventions that have already made life easier for many housewives around the world. What can they do?
A ten-minute daily cleaning is 61 hours a year, or five and a half months of the average housewife’s life. These cleanliness secrets will get rid of routine and make cleaning a quick and easy task.