Signs of a weak woman

Oleg Torsunov A practicing psychologist who has long studied the heritage of the East in matters of medicine, physical and spiritual development of man, and now transfers his experience to everyone who wants to improve his life.

He pays special attention to the information described in the Vedas. It was in them that Torsunov found answers to all his questions, in particular, about the place of men and the place of women in this world.


In his opinion, modern gender roles look a bit perverse: “The difficulties of modern society, not brought up in the correct traditions of culture, male and female, are that men are underdeveloped as men, and women are underdeveloped as women. An underdeveloped woman is going to work!

Torsunov tells about an independent, wealthy, emancipated woman. She's successful, but single. She does everything herself and no longer sees the need for a man.

Outwardly, such a woman seems very strong and developed, but in fact she has degraded. A developed woman should get a developed man. This one attracts a wimp into her life.

“She gets a man who wants to stay at home, not work. It's the opposite. He's thinking, "Oh, what a woman, she's working and she's got a car, I don't need to steam." And clings to it.”


“There is a substitution. Both a man and a woman must now change everything in their lives: it must flow into family life, and a man must flow to work. A man will not be able to communicate and meet a woman who gives all her strength to work.”

“For the strength of a developed woman is to be able to assume the character of a man. The man said he would, and she agrees. They don't have to live like that. She just agrees with everything.”


“The main principle is that a man should be a boss. However, in fact, it turns out the opposite: as a woman wants, so will she.”

In order to become strong in a feminine way, you need to engage in female activities, at least partially devote time to caring for yourself, communicating with friends and relatives, home comfort, your man.

A man wins at work, a woman wins at home, and everyone becomes happy. A weak woman cannot agree with a man. What kind of normal man would date such a woman? ? A woman's declineThe one who behaves like a forager and conqueror is obvious. About this Oleg Torsunov says in his video.


An emancipated woman often begins to date a man who is younger than her age. In fact, without realizing it, she takes a child for upbringing, which at the same time also makes love to her in bed.


Such a child grows near the older woman, and then goes to the one who can become not a son, but a husband. The power of a woman's energy It is soft, it obeys, not subordinate. By obeying, she still gets everything she wants.


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