Рецепт соуса ткемали из слив
Tkemali is a delicious Georgian sauce based on acidic plums of the same name, garlic and marsh mint ombalo. As by magic, it transforms the taste of meat and fish, and bored kebab acquires an incomparable aroma, it is only necessary to dip a piece of meat in a spicy dressing.
When the plum season is in full swing, we suggest putting aside all chores and making an unsurpassed tkemali sauce! Authentic refueling is brewed ridiculously quickly, and when cooked properly can be stored for a very long time.
We're convinced delicious tkemali recipe for winter You must be in the culinary pool of every responsible hostess! "Site" He is in a hurry to share a quick way to prepare tkemali, perhaps unoriginal, but affordable and as close as possible to an authentic Georgian recipe. Homemade plum sauce It turns out spicy, fragrant, and most importantly - carefully stored in banks until the next harvest summer.
Homemade Weaves for Winter Ingredients
A real weaving sophisticated gourmets will not be confused with anything! Any dish will sound completely new, add a couple of spicy Georgian sauce. With fish, meat, poultry, side dishes and just for bread - it seems that this is the best treat and spicy decoration of a noisy feast.
We advise you to save this simple and appetizing recipe of sauce bookmarks and do not forget to share it with friends. Bon appetit!
When the plum season is in full swing, we suggest putting aside all chores and making an unsurpassed tkemali sauce! Authentic refueling is brewed ridiculously quickly, and when cooked properly can be stored for a very long time.

We're convinced delicious tkemali recipe for winter You must be in the culinary pool of every responsible hostess! "Site" He is in a hurry to share a quick way to prepare tkemali, perhaps unoriginal, but affordable and as close as possible to an authentic Georgian recipe. Homemade plum sauce It turns out spicy, fragrant, and most importantly - carefully stored in banks until the next harvest summer.
Homemade Weaves for Winter Ingredients
- 3kg sour plums
- 5 cloves of garlic
- 1 hot red pepper
- 2 bars. water.
- 300g cilantro
- 250g dill
- 250g mint
- 1 tbsp sugar
- 2 tsp salt

- Wash the plums, go through and trim all the damaged areas on the fruit. Shift the plums into an enameled pan and pour water about 1 cm above the fruit. Put on the fire and cook for 10 minutes after boiling.
DepositPhotos - Throw away the plums on the coop, and the resulting broth pour into a separate vessel. Boiled plums grind, having previously cleaned them of bones and skin, and again send to the pan.
DepositPhotos - Add to plums dill bound in a bundle, crushed hot pepper, sugar and salt. Cook the sauce for 30 minutes on a slow heat.
DepositPhotos - Grind the mint and cilantro, pass the garlic through the press. Take dill from the pan, add crushed greens and garlic to the plums. If the sauce turned out very thick, dilute it with a plum broth. Cook the sauce for another 15 minutes on low heat, stirring constantly.
DepositPhotos - The finished sauce is cooled, poured on sterilized cans, adding 2 tbsp. l of vegetable oil to each, and then sunset. Turn the finished twists and cover with a towel until completely cooled. Keep it cool.
A real weaving sophisticated gourmets will not be confused with anything! Any dish will sound completely new, add a couple of spicy Georgian sauce. With fish, meat, poultry, side dishes and just for bread - it seems that this is the best treat and spicy decoration of a noisy feast.
We advise you to save this simple and appetizing recipe of sauce bookmarks and do not forget to share it with friends. Bon appetit!