Рецепт котлет из лука
"When was it meat in our patties?" the chef says in the movie The World's Fastest. Funny? But that was it. In the difficult 90s, people were very inventive in terms of how to cook something from a minimum set of products. delicious.
It was tight, yes. Many find it difficult to imagine a soup of barley and sauerkraut with fried lard, onions and carrots. And also stitches from nettles, pasta with sprat, "chops" from cabbage leaves, fake caviar from sebum, "Fanta" from orange peels ... But it was so good!
The archery patties are said to be tricky. Because of this, we know that cutlets are different. My dad said that patties - money for the wind. And what if we do the opposite: cook onion patties, without minced meat? Let me tell you first, it's incredibly delicious. Onion patties recipe It came from the Master magazine. Almost the entire rubric "Economic recipes" was cut and pasted in the cookbook.
Today,It's easy.It will teach you how to cook gold. pottery (without the smell of onions) with a crisp crust. Do not rush to wrinkle disdainfully, these cutlets have a special secret: if you have them warm, they taste like meat, and if cold – just like fish. And very relevant, because the post is ahead.
DepositPhotos Ingredients
The trick is that tomato juice with spices kills the smell of onions. By the same principle, you can do it. pattiesWith mushrooms, cabbage and any other vegetables, it is also delicious.
Another exotic dish from childhood is low-budget soup made of chicken scallops. This soup can be called a diet soup. It's delicious.
Of course, times are different, but we have a lot to learn from our mothers and grandmothers. For example, in the USSR there were tricky secrets of economy, which were used in catering. Some of them may even be useful now.
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It was tight, yes. Many find it difficult to imagine a soup of barley and sauerkraut with fried lard, onions and carrots. And also stitches from nettles, pasta with sprat, "chops" from cabbage leaves, fake caviar from sebum, "Fanta" from orange peels ... But it was so good!

The archery patties are said to be tricky. Because of this, we know that cutlets are different. My dad said that patties - money for the wind. And what if we do the opposite: cook onion patties, without minced meat? Let me tell you first, it's incredibly delicious. Onion patties recipe It came from the Master magazine. Almost the entire rubric "Economic recipes" was cut and pasted in the cookbook.
Today,It's easy.It will teach you how to cook gold. pottery (without the smell of onions) with a crisp crust. Do not rush to wrinkle disdainfully, these cutlets have a special secret: if you have them warm, they taste like meat, and if cold – just like fish. And very relevant, because the post is ahead.

DepositPhotos Ingredients
- 0.5 kg of onions
- 100g semolina
- 3 cloves of garlic
- 2 eggs or 2 boiled potato tubers
- 1.5 tbsp tomato juice
- 2 bay leaves for gravy
- salt, pepper to taste
- vegetable-oil
- Clean and washed onions cut into small cubes. Add the other ingredients and mix well. In the lean version, instead of eggs, use grated boiled potatoes.
- Let the minced onion stand so that the manca swells up and absorbs the excess liquid. If the dough turned out to be very liquid, add a little flour.
- Form patties and roast them from both sides in vegetable oil to golden crust.
DepositPhotos - Theoretically, the cutlets are ready for use. But it will taste even better. gravy. Put the cutlets in a pot with a thick bottom, and in the meantime bring to a boil in a pan tomato juice with bay leaf.
DepositPhotos - Pour the cutlets with hot gravy and put on a slow fire for 15 minutes. During this time, semolina cereals will swell well, and cutlets will become soft, taste will resemble fish meatballs. Bon appetit!
The trick is that tomato juice with spices kills the smell of onions. By the same principle, you can do it. pattiesWith mushrooms, cabbage and any other vegetables, it is also delicious.
Another exotic dish from childhood is low-budget soup made of chicken scallops. This soup can be called a diet soup. It's delicious.
Of course, times are different, but we have a lot to learn from our mothers and grandmothers. For example, in the USSR there were tricky secrets of economy, which were used in catering. Some of them may even be useful now.
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