Recipe for juicy chicken cutlet "Mon cher"
It's just that cutlets are something boring. Another thing, if the dish has a beautiful name and is cooked somehow cunningly. And in our case juicy chicken patty It also has a long history! Have you heard of a brand like Widow Clicquot? Its origins originate from there, and this, for a moment, the XVIII century!
Editorial "Site" I came across this recipe in an old cookbook in which it's called Mon Sher's Cokelets. The method of cooking came to us from France: the book says that these chicken cutlets were adored by Barbara Nicole Clicquot Ponsardin, an entrepreneur and owner of the champagne brand Widow Clicquot. That's why!
Recipe for juicy chicken patties Ingredients for patties
Sauce ingredients
Preparation of juicy chicken patties
Editorial board: so that a light toasted crust formed on the cutlets, during cooking, you should not cover them with a lid. You can still make the fire more intense, but you will have to make sure that nothing burns.
Here is a greeting from the depths of centuries from the owner of the brand “Widow Clicquot”! Now nothing prevents you from mastering the original recipe for juicy chicken patties, treating friends and eating yourself. From us bonus: another cool way to cook chopped chicken breast patties with cheese.

Editorial "Site" I came across this recipe in an old cookbook in which it's called Mon Sher's Cokelets. The method of cooking came to us from France: the book says that these chicken cutlets were adored by Barbara Nicole Clicquot Ponsardin, an entrepreneur and owner of the champagne brand Widow Clicquot. That's why!

Recipe for juicy chicken patties Ingredients for patties
- 700g chicken ground
- 1 chicken egg
- 1 tbsp milk cream (15%)
- 2 stems of green onion
- 1 red sweet pepper
- 2 branches of green parsley
- 1 tbsp sour cream
- 50g soft cheese
- 2 pinches of salt
- 1 clove of garlic
- 1 pinch of cumin and lemon pepper
- 3 tbsp olive oil
Sauce ingredients
- 50g spinach (preferably fresh)
- 100 ml milk cream (15%)
- 1 sprig of parsley and mint
- 1 pinch of salt
- 1 tbsp olive and sunflower oil
Preparation of juicy chicken patties
- The first thing you need to do is cook the mince. If there is already ready from the store, you can start immediately. Add the finely chopped onions, peppers and parsley, beat the egg, add cream, sour cream and garlic. Stir it all together.
- Now you can add cheese, salt, pepper and cumin. Stir it well again. Form patties and lay them out on a heated pan lubricated with olive oil. Cutlets are usually fried for 3-4 minutes on each side. Choose the size of the cutlet according to your taste, but do not make them too large.
- While the cutlets are fried, you can simultaneously prepare the sauce. Cut fine spinach, mint and parsley and put it in a sautée. It is already warmed up, it has a spoonful of sunflower and olive oils, cream. Salt can be added immediately or at the end. Everything is cooked on a small fire for about 7 minutes. Sauce ready!
- So, the cutlets are already ripe, the sauce is getting cold. It's time to serve. At this stage, it is important for you to make a conceptual decision on how to do it: together or separately. We can assure you that this is how it will look. What smells! What a taste! 191728
Editorial board: so that a light toasted crust formed on the cutlets, during cooking, you should not cover them with a lid. You can still make the fire more intense, but you will have to make sure that nothing burns.

Here is a greeting from the depths of centuries from the owner of the brand “Widow Clicquot”! Now nothing prevents you from mastering the original recipe for juicy chicken patties, treating friends and eating yourself. From us bonus: another cool way to cook chopped chicken breast patties with cheese.
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