Exercises with valgus deformity of the foot

Many women are concerned about the question: what to do with the bones on the feet, or, scientifically, the valgus deformity of the first toe. This unpleasant pathological change brings not only aesthetic discomfort, but also a lot of pain, turning any shoes into a real tool of torture.


The aggravation of the disease contributes to wearing too tight shoes, inactivity, as well as excessive load on the legs with excess weight. Genetics can play a negative role: if one of the relatives had this disease, there is a high probability that it will be transmitted to you by inheritance.

If you feel constant fatigue in the anterior parts of the feet, tingling in the sole area, pain, swelling and redness around the joints of the big toes - immediately contact a doctor-pathologist. After a thorough examination and radiography, he will be able to give a conclusion and prescribe a course of treatment.


Depending on the degree of deformity of the thumb, determined by x-rays, doctors distinguish several stages of the disease. In the last stages, as a rule, surgery is required, and in the initial stages, diet, therapeutic gymnastics and some home recipes will help, the secret of which is shared with you by the editorial staff. "Site".

Treatment of bones on the legs at home How to remove a bone on the leg? At home, you can use a method that was told to us by a woman who worked as an operating nurse for 30 years (each duty for 8 hours on her feet) and is well acquainted with the problem.

You'll need it.
  • chlorophyllipt oil solution
  • "Dimexide."
  • cotton-tampon
  • syringe
  • solvent

  1. Put 3 chlorophyllipta cubes in the syringe. Pour it into a prepared container.

  2. Dial in a syringe 1 cube of "Dimexida" and mix with "Chlorophyllipt".

  3. Apply this mixture on a cotton swab and place it on a bone. Hold the compress for 15 minutes.

  4. Repeat the procedure in the morning and evening.

There is a simpler recipe. To prepare the medicine, stock up on ordinary analgin, grind 30 tablets into powder, pour a 10% solution of iodine and apply the mixture to the sore spot.

We remind you that these funds are not all-powerful and help only in the initial stages of the disease. When the disease worsens, it is better not to experiment, but to consult a doctor.

The healing process with valgus deformity of the first toe of the foot is very well influenced by therapeutic gymnastics. You need to do the following exercises several times a day.

Exercises for deformation of the foot
  1. Lie on your back. Do a simple exercise – “Bike”. Simulating cycling, pull the toe of the foot forward as you move your foot away from you and, accordingly, pull the sock back when you move your foot back. Perform the exercise 8 to 10 times.

  2. The next two exercises were performed in a sitting position on the floor. Put your hands on the floor behind you, stretch your legs out. Now alternately bend and extend both legs in the ankle joints. Perform the exercise 7 to 9 times.
  3. In the same position, spread your toes as widely as possible in different directions. If possible, try to linger for a few minutes, and then return to the starting position. Do it 10 to 15 times.
  4. Sit on a chair and move your legs in different directions only with your toes. This exercise is called the Caterpillar, it is very useful to perform it.
  5. In the standing position, try to walk on your toes, raising your hands up, then walk on your heels, put your hands on your sides, then walk on the outer and inner edges of the foot.
  6. The most useful exercise in this disease is to pull the ankle on yourself in any convenient position. Sitting, standing or lying down, try to pull your thumb on your foot to the point on yourself.


Exercises with improvised objects
  1. Put a bottle or a roller coaster on the floor and roll it in turn with each foot for two minutes.

  2. Put a piece of paper on the floor, hold a pencil between the first and second toe and try to draw a circle. Do the same with your other foot.
  3. Make 5-6 long jumps. Just push your fingers off the floor.
  4. Sitting in front of the TV, roll various sides of the foot (external, heel, toe) a ball or roller with spikes.

  5. Grab the cloth with your feet and crumple it, and then lift it above the ground. Throw the cloth to the ground and spread it with your toes without bending over. This will train the joints, give them flexibility and serve as an excellent prevention of bone diseases on the legs.

How to achieve a positive effect without going to the doctor? To do this, take the preventive measures listed below.

  1. Diet
    The development of valgus deformity of the first toe can be associated with a deficiency of vitamins A, E, C. Therefore, finding a problem, it is necessary to replenish their supply in the body. Just as in all diets, fatty, spicy, fried are excluded from the diet here.
  2. The right shoes
    Those who hemorrhageYou should use only comfortable shoes made of natural leather. Shoes with heels and narrow socks, as well as too tight models are excluded. This gives an additional load on the diseased joint, muscles and ligaments of the deformed foot. Heels are permissible, but not more than 4 cm. If you wear socks, they should be made of natural knitwear to allow the leg to breathe and not be cramped.

  3. Foot massage
    Therapeutic massage sessions are recommended when the disease is at an initial stage, as well as when the acute stage has become chronic. This procedure is good because it relieves muscle spasm, stimulates blood flow in the foot, eliminates the inflammatory process and helps restore joint mobility. Massage is an additional tool in the treatment, it is good to use in combination with other procedures.

Our advice will not only help prevent the disease, but also greatly alleviate its symptoms, if it does develop. Although, in cases of serious deformation, without surgery, unfortunately, can not do.

Massage and rolling-roll exercises are not a newfangled trend. There are forgotten, but again relevant types of ancient Slavic massage at hand.

We offer you to get acquainted with these exciting life hacks, thanks to which you can quickly change your health for the better.


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