Why you should buy food from grandmothers in the market

Every time I walk near our city market, I see a grandmother with a small box and a stool standing near the crossing. On its "counter" at different times of the year you can see different products: in autumn - apples and flowers, in summer - berries, and in winter - garlic and twists. It's all very modest, a couple of jars of cucumbers, a couple of heads of garlic ...


Most of the time, I don't need that garlic or spin, because across the street, in the market, you can buy better garlic. But I always buy from my grandmother, and today I am with the editor. "Site" Let me tell you why.

I consider myself a happy person, in part because I have clear life principles that are not based on fashion trends, but come from within, from memories or from my feelings. Only such principles I consider alive, real and sincere. It's mine. routineIn which I think many people recognize themselves.

Back to Grandma at the market. I don't buy from her because it's environmentally friendly, or because I'm thinking about my grandmother. Before we arrived, she also went to the market and sold what she could from her harvest.

My mother then had no opportunity to help her, they were poor as church mice. My grandmother tried every time to save money before we arrived to buy us some sweets and even small gifts. I only realized this when I grew up.

And now I can't walk past this grandmother without buying something from her. She just refuses to take money and never takes it again, they say, everything must be fair, no handouts. So I buy apples, flowers, garlic and cucumbers from her all year round (very tasty, by the way).


And I never pass the promoters, who in the cold and cold stand on the street and hand out these leaflets. No, I'm not interested in what they say. Just remember how in my student years, when I wanted to save money for a new blouse, I went to hand out leaflets in the winter, as long as my mother did not beg for money.

And now I can't pass by, remembering how my toes were numb with the cold. I want to help a person, because the faster he distributes them, the faster he will warm up or just rest. Another rule that is not difficult for me to follow, but it helps to make the world a little kinder.


And I always let my daughter go on all excursions with class. It’s not because I’m trying to prove something to someone or be a model mom. No, it's because of a little girl who's sitting crying under the porch, because all her classmates have left for the capital, and the family didn't have the money to send her.

I remember how angry I was at the world that I couldn’t go. After all, all the children came to class and bragged about the trip. It was painful. And now I'm trying to find money, I'm trying to earn more, as long as my girl doesn't feel deprived. To make her life brighter. It is from the people who are kind.

Kindness is the secret of a happy life. You accumulate a couple of principles, rules or habits that make you happier. And you're doing it not because someone said it was right, but because you feel it was right.

I'm sure everyone has these little things. And it's really cool, because it makes us human and fills the world with kindness. Every day we see and experience a lot of grief, difficulties and disappointments, but such small good deeds help to realize that everything is not so bad. Just try, do something for yourself and others, and you'll know what I'm talking about.

Happiness is a strange bird, it must be deftly caught by the tail and not let go. We recently wrote about 13 things that take away our happiness.

Do you have these little habits or principles? Tell us in the comments!


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