The best exercises for the feet - will intensify metabolic processes in the blood and lymph
The modern pace of life and susceptibility to the influence of fashion creates many problems in our body and mind. We pay little attention to a simple and at the same time very important life processes, not given much thought about the basics and the foundation that helps to make our life more healthy and robust.
One of the building blocks of this foundation are our feet - part of the body, which accounts for a large load. The feet are the body's support and perform a spring function when walking. The differences in the understanding of the right foot and the usual situation led to the prevalence of flat feet, many diseases related to the spine and the lower division as a result of the internal organs. Even a generation ago, children were taught to expand toes when walking outside, and for most people right foot was delivered equivalent body support. The correct position of the foot when walking so that your toes point forward, not sideways.
This is a position in which the foot formed two natural depression - from the front to the back of the inside of the bend and the side of the heel to the outer edges, to be developed by proper support from the foot and the heel of the foot ligaments and surface
. Being situated right foot as efficiently performs its functions without undue stress. This situation explains why, for example, the Indians could walk and run for a long time, showing the wonders of endurance. These same qualities inherent in the best sports runners of our time. In the forward position of the foot develops the greatest flexibility and can withstand non-stop running, carrying cargo or long walks.
The important point in our energy and physical condition is, what kind of shoes we wear in everyday life. Climbing the heels, we transfer the weight to the front of the foot and toes involuntarily squeeze. When a person does not rely on the heel, his hips protrude, and knees slightly bent. To spin while still remained flat, we hold firmly waist balance - which is why it is often sore after walking in high heels
. The ability to pull and raise your toes (which is impossible when you narrow dress shoes) always allows to remove stress from the sacrum. But compressed stop creates tension in the pelvic area. There comes to mind the ancient Chinese custom of swaddling feet: foot beauties not only remained very small - foot, tapered matter led to infantilism genitals. Of course, heels to such extreme consequences do not result, but in any case it is necessary to consider that a short foot impact on women's health is not the best way. Suffer and calf muscles: they are very tense, shortened and become more rigid
. By itself, the foot has a complex device - about 26 bones, 31 joints and 20 muscles and ligaments, which belong exclusively to her
. In addition to the functional capacity is considered as a stop zone, which is working on the possibility of restoring the bioenergetic activity of our body. On our soles are located more than 70 thousand. Nerves. They connect individual sections of the soles of the surface with the bodies, parts of the body, and even with certain systems of the body.
Movement of the limbs are made by reducing the muscles that are attached to the bone. Compound bones with each other by means of joints allows to transform muscle contraction movements in the limbs. Pelvic bones attached to the sacral spine with the help of the muscles and nerves of the legs and at the correct tension occurs needed massages all the organs and remove tension from the hip joints.
The nerve endings are located in the feet make it possible to transmit signals to muscles in different parts of the brain. Due to the nerves and the pain impulses are transmitted from this person feels pain in the legs. The foot has 4 nerve, which plays a key role. They are located in fibula, near the tibia and the depth next to it, as well as near the calf.
Circulatory system pervades the entire human body. It consists of arteries, veins and capillaries. The blood running through the arteries, carries nutrients and saturates the body with oxygen; venous blood out of the body of harmful substances and absorb carbon dioxide.
If in any organ or body part there is a disease, and the body can not function properly, there are problems with blood circulation and function; and harmful substances start to accumulate in the peripheral nerves, located in the reflex zones, especially in the lower body. If the zone properly to work properly way, blood flow improves, begin removal of harmful salts by capillary system, then they will be eliminated from the body through the kidneys and other organs leading out, and blood cleared. That is going to happen restoration of function of the circulatory system. That is why the foot is called the "second heart". It performs the function of the return descending down the body from the heart blood flow back to the heart.
Sophisticated foot area contribute to the return of descending down the blood back to the heart and blood flow accelerates. Simultaneously, the activation of metabolic processes in the blood and lymph, improving the supply of nutrients, increases the tone, normal breathing, the waste products quickly excreted from the body.
Study feet in the whole complex of flexibility in the pelvis on one side improves musculoskeletal function, on the other hand provide the energy impact on the entire body, increases the ability to adequately distribute the energy and function effectively in the real world.
Gymnastics for the development of the stop can be included in regular classes or to use an independent practice, we will offer some options for exercise:
1. Remove the voltage from the calf muscles and "disperse" the blood will help rolling from heel to toe and back. Repeat this exercise 5-6 times every two hours. Complementing serve the circular motion of the foot in the ankle joint.
2. Sitting legs bent at the knees at a right angle. Raise your feet and toes lower and raise and lower the heel. Repeat 5-8 times.
3. Sitting legs bent at the knees, and are connected at right angles. Dilute socks aside and reduced without taking the foot off the floor 3-5 times. Then, by performing the movement in hand - lift toes up and down bringing omit repeat 3-5 times
. 4. Sitting legs bent at the knees, and are connected at right angles. Dilute the heel to the side and keep without taking the foot off the floor 4-6 times. Then, in performing movement side - lower heel down and raise up in the mix. Repeat 4-6 times.
5. Spread a light foot mat or a piece of thick fabric, try to crumple it into a harmonica with the help of the stop. Repeat 5-6 times. Good to ride barefoot tight ball or rolling pin on the floor: it is an excellent foot massage
. 6. Stretching the upper surface of the foot. Starting position - on his knees, feet together, feet pressed parallel to each other, toes pointed. On the exhale, we go down the buttocks on the feet and sit in a pose Virasana, inspiratory rise to the starting position. Repeat 8 times. It is important to individually adjust the pressure on the buttocks of the foot, depending on the features of the ankle joint.
7. Sitting at the table, laid his feet on some elevation and even sleep "backwards" by placing a pillow under your legs. This will improve blood flow and reduce the appearance of puffiness.
Water treatments for the feet:
Coming home from work, first go to the bathroom. Daily arrange his feet douche. Particular attention should be paid to the inside of the leg to the knee: it houses the most important connecting veins suffer from varicose veins.
Variations in temperature jet of water will keep your blood vessels in tone and give skin taut and fresh look.
Periodically arrange water march: dial into the cool water basin and marching in it for 1-2 minutes.
One of the building blocks of this foundation are our feet - part of the body, which accounts for a large load. The feet are the body's support and perform a spring function when walking. The differences in the understanding of the right foot and the usual situation led to the prevalence of flat feet, many diseases related to the spine and the lower division as a result of the internal organs. Even a generation ago, children were taught to expand toes when walking outside, and for most people right foot was delivered equivalent body support. The correct position of the foot when walking so that your toes point forward, not sideways.

This is a position in which the foot formed two natural depression - from the front to the back of the inside of the bend and the side of the heel to the outer edges, to be developed by proper support from the foot and the heel of the foot ligaments and surface
. Being situated right foot as efficiently performs its functions without undue stress. This situation explains why, for example, the Indians could walk and run for a long time, showing the wonders of endurance. These same qualities inherent in the best sports runners of our time. In the forward position of the foot develops the greatest flexibility and can withstand non-stop running, carrying cargo or long walks.
The important point in our energy and physical condition is, what kind of shoes we wear in everyday life. Climbing the heels, we transfer the weight to the front of the foot and toes involuntarily squeeze. When a person does not rely on the heel, his hips protrude, and knees slightly bent. To spin while still remained flat, we hold firmly waist balance - which is why it is often sore after walking in high heels
. The ability to pull and raise your toes (which is impossible when you narrow dress shoes) always allows to remove stress from the sacrum. But compressed stop creates tension in the pelvic area. There comes to mind the ancient Chinese custom of swaddling feet: foot beauties not only remained very small - foot, tapered matter led to infantilism genitals. Of course, heels to such extreme consequences do not result, but in any case it is necessary to consider that a short foot impact on women's health is not the best way. Suffer and calf muscles: they are very tense, shortened and become more rigid
. By itself, the foot has a complex device - about 26 bones, 31 joints and 20 muscles and ligaments, which belong exclusively to her
. In addition to the functional capacity is considered as a stop zone, which is working on the possibility of restoring the bioenergetic activity of our body. On our soles are located more than 70 thousand. Nerves. They connect individual sections of the soles of the surface with the bodies, parts of the body, and even with certain systems of the body.
Movement of the limbs are made by reducing the muscles that are attached to the bone. Compound bones with each other by means of joints allows to transform muscle contraction movements in the limbs. Pelvic bones attached to the sacral spine with the help of the muscles and nerves of the legs and at the correct tension occurs needed massages all the organs and remove tension from the hip joints.
The nerve endings are located in the feet make it possible to transmit signals to muscles in different parts of the brain. Due to the nerves and the pain impulses are transmitted from this person feels pain in the legs. The foot has 4 nerve, which plays a key role. They are located in fibula, near the tibia and the depth next to it, as well as near the calf.
Circulatory system pervades the entire human body. It consists of arteries, veins and capillaries. The blood running through the arteries, carries nutrients and saturates the body with oxygen; venous blood out of the body of harmful substances and absorb carbon dioxide.
If in any organ or body part there is a disease, and the body can not function properly, there are problems with blood circulation and function; and harmful substances start to accumulate in the peripheral nerves, located in the reflex zones, especially in the lower body. If the zone properly to work properly way, blood flow improves, begin removal of harmful salts by capillary system, then they will be eliminated from the body through the kidneys and other organs leading out, and blood cleared. That is going to happen restoration of function of the circulatory system. That is why the foot is called the "second heart". It performs the function of the return descending down the body from the heart blood flow back to the heart.
Sophisticated foot area contribute to the return of descending down the blood back to the heart and blood flow accelerates. Simultaneously, the activation of metabolic processes in the blood and lymph, improving the supply of nutrients, increases the tone, normal breathing, the waste products quickly excreted from the body.
Study feet in the whole complex of flexibility in the pelvis on one side improves musculoskeletal function, on the other hand provide the energy impact on the entire body, increases the ability to adequately distribute the energy and function effectively in the real world.

Gymnastics for the development of the stop can be included in regular classes or to use an independent practice, we will offer some options for exercise:
1. Remove the voltage from the calf muscles and "disperse" the blood will help rolling from heel to toe and back. Repeat this exercise 5-6 times every two hours. Complementing serve the circular motion of the foot in the ankle joint.
2. Sitting legs bent at the knees at a right angle. Raise your feet and toes lower and raise and lower the heel. Repeat 5-8 times.
3. Sitting legs bent at the knees, and are connected at right angles. Dilute socks aside and reduced without taking the foot off the floor 3-5 times. Then, by performing the movement in hand - lift toes up and down bringing omit repeat 3-5 times
. 4. Sitting legs bent at the knees, and are connected at right angles. Dilute the heel to the side and keep without taking the foot off the floor 4-6 times. Then, in performing movement side - lower heel down and raise up in the mix. Repeat 4-6 times.
5. Spread a light foot mat or a piece of thick fabric, try to crumple it into a harmonica with the help of the stop. Repeat 5-6 times. Good to ride barefoot tight ball or rolling pin on the floor: it is an excellent foot massage
. 6. Stretching the upper surface of the foot. Starting position - on his knees, feet together, feet pressed parallel to each other, toes pointed. On the exhale, we go down the buttocks on the feet and sit in a pose Virasana, inspiratory rise to the starting position. Repeat 8 times. It is important to individually adjust the pressure on the buttocks of the foot, depending on the features of the ankle joint.
7. Sitting at the table, laid his feet on some elevation and even sleep "backwards" by placing a pillow under your legs. This will improve blood flow and reduce the appearance of puffiness.
Water treatments for the feet:
Coming home from work, first go to the bathroom. Daily arrange his feet douche. Particular attention should be paid to the inside of the leg to the knee: it houses the most important connecting veins suffer from varicose veins.
Variations in temperature jet of water will keep your blood vessels in tone and give skin taut and fresh look.
Periodically arrange water march: dial into the cool water basin and marching in it for 1-2 minutes.