Hidden gymnastics of Professor Vorobyov

Do you spend a lot of time at your desk? Do you have to work excessively? From office plankton you often hear: “Here, they say, finish this report, clean up the rubble, and then I will go to the gym, to the pool, maybe run ...”


But all the new work appears, competitors persevere, the authorities demand results, and there was no time for physical education. But he constantly breaks his back, his legs swell, his eyes hurt in the evening. So office lifestyle year after year destroys our body and accelerates its aging.


For decades, doctors have been sounding the alarm. According to their research, workers forced to sit for 8-10 hours a day literally ruin their health, at serious risk of obesity, diabetes, cancer, diseases of the spine, heart, kidneys and early death.

Interestingly, an effective cure for this scourge was invented at a time when no one had heard of general inactivity and widespread computerization, and the very concept of office plankton has not yet entered into use.

In the USSR, care for workers was part of propaganda. Growing up in those days probably remember how in the morning on the radio “transmitted charging”. In addition to gymnastics, at many enterprises of the USSR, gymnastics was performed by the entire team, which was broadcast on the All-Union radio at 11 o'clock.

For mental workers in the eighties of the last century, a set of exercises was developed that allows you to relax without leaving your desktop.

It serves to prevent many serious problems: vision impairment, memory disorders, spinal diseases, migraines and even weight gain, a tendency to which appears when sedentary work.

The author of an unusual technique that has not lost its relevance to this day is Candidate of Medical Sciences, retired Colonel of Medical Service Vasily Ivanovich Vorobyov. Gymnastics of Professor Vorobyov was so popular in Soviet times that he twice received a gold medal of VDNKh of the USSR.

Exercises of inconspicuous gymnastics Vorobyov's Hidden Gymnastics It does not require a long break from business and special conditions: you can engage on the way to work, right at the workplace and carve out a few minutes from the hassle of housework. Just six minutes each hour can work wonders, and the result of training is visible after a few days.

  1. Heel lift
    Pre-remove shoes with a high heel or thick sole. Sitting in a chair, raise your heels without removing your socks from the floor. The legs are brought together and the back is straight. Repeat the exercise 40 times.
  2. Sock lifting
    Also lift your socks 40 times without breaking your heels.
  3. Buttocks
    This exercise can be done sitting, standing and even on the go. Rhythmically strain the gluteal muscles at least 40 times.
  4. stomach
    Training of abdominal muscles in combination with breathing exercises can significantly tighten the press for 3-4 approaches a day. Retract your stomach inhale and relax when exhale. The recommended number of repetitions is 15-20.
  5. Back
    Back muscle training is available sitting and standing. 40 times in a row, reduce the shoulder blades to the spine with fixed shoulders.
  6. Hands.
    Squeeze and open your fists with your arms diluted to the sides at shoulder level. This exercise will not only help stretch your fingers after working on the computer, but also give rest to your back. The main condition when performing is direct posture. Repeat the exercise at least 40 times.

  7. Head.
    Rhythmic turns of the head 180 degrees: look to the right, look to the left. Repeat at least 40 times.

  8. Chin
    With a fixed back and shoulders, stretch your chin forward. Repeating this exercise regularly 40 times per approach can significantly improve the contour of the face and reduce the risk of a second chin.

Other Exercises You Can Do at the Work Table
  1. Straighten up, take your shoulders back and, tightening the muscles of the back, reduce the shoulder blades. Hold in this position for 4-6 seconds, then completely relax and breathe freely. Repeat it 3-5 times.
  2. Take both hands from the bottom of the seat and try to lift yourself. Hold in this position for 3-4 seconds. Repeat 5-7 times.

  3. Strongly squeeze the gluteal muscles and due to this, slightly rise. Hold in this position for 4-6 seconds. Repeat 5-7 times.
  4. Put your feet on the floor. Hold in this position for 10-12 seconds. Repeat 5-7 times.
  5. Put your hands on the table and press hard on its surface. Retain tension for 5-7 seconds, then relax. Repeat it 3-5 times.

Like any other weight loss system, gymnastics It won’t work if you don’t change your eating habits and lifestyle. Remember, practicing according to the Vorobyov method once a day, as many people mistakenly do, you will not achieve any result. 6 minutes per hour (and at least 5-6 hours at a time) - and nothing else.

If you spend most of the day sitting at the computer, you just need to do these simple exercises to stretch your back. They do not require much time or special equipment and in a week they give amazing results.

“Do not rush to drink pills!” – advises the famous Professor Sergey Mikhailovich Bubnovsky. It offers a set of simple exercises that will instantly bring long-awaited relief from back pain.


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