The healing properties of badyan

Badyan is a fragrant oriental spice that gives homemade pastries a unique spicy taste and a sweet-bitter aroma. It is widely used in perfumery, and many adore it for its special sense of celebration, because it is associated with spices with Christmas holidays and rich winter mulled wine.

But don’t look at badien just as a valuable spice! It turns out that star anise (not to be confused with ordinary anise!) is widely used in folk medicine, and its composition impresses with healing properties.


Badyan, like most colorful oriental seasonings, has a lot of useful, but often underestimated properties. "Site" It is absolutely certain that this plant deserves your attention. The unique licorice aroma and strong healing properties will make the badian the No. 1 remedy in your home medicine cabinet.

It seems that everyone has heard about badyan, because the oriental spice, as if by magic, is able to give the most unpretentious dish a fabulous taste and aroma. Often sweet-bitter, sharp, astringent, fragrant badyan mistakenly confused with anise and even claim that it is the same spice.

Remember once and for all: despite the appearance of similarities, these are two completely different plants that have different effects on the body.


Long before the banyan became popular in our region, the Chinese managed to try all the medicinal properties of the plant and came to the conclusion: starlet Heal the body and refresh the mind! It turns out that the range of effects of badyan covers so many medical industries that the plant can be safely called a natural home doctor.

Useful properties of badyan
  1. Badyan is rich in potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium, phosphorus, zinc and copper, as well as B vitamins, vitamins A and C. One of the components of the spice is shikimic acid, which formed the basis of the drug Tamiflu, developed to combat various strains of influenza. If you regularly use badyan in cooking, but do not abuse the spice, you can easily prevent seasonal colds and even the flu!


  2. Regular, but moderate use of a small amount of badyan contributes to the normalization of intestinal peristalsis, relieves flatulence, relieves intestinal and gastric pain. However, if you add spice to all dishes, you can get too strong stimulating effect.
  3. The alert aroma of banyan relieves emotional stress, fights stress and prevents depression.

  4. Oriental spice stimulates milk production and is not without reason popular with mothers who are breastfeeding. But pregnant women, on the contrary, badyan is not recommended: the spice stimulates the production of estrogen and can provoke abortion in the early stages.
  5. Badyan essential oil contains useful resins, tannin and terpenes, which help to get rid of joint pain, seizures and swelling of tissues in a short time.

  6. Spice effectively treats diseases of the throat, relieves hoarseness of the voice and relieves coughing.
  7. Badyan is rich in antioxidants, and they are known to prevent the oxidation of fatty acids responsible for the growth of cholesterol plaques.

  8. Another useful property of badyan, which you can safely use every day, is its ability to instantly refresh your breath. No chewing gum can cope with the task better than fragrant oriental spice.
  9. In official medicine, badyan is used to improve the taste of potions, and also added to many medical fees.


So how do you use this valuable product? Chew raw, add to culinary products and drinks or cook homemade infusions - choose whatever you want. We will share with you the most useful and simple, in our opinion, ways to use valuable spices in everyday life.

To prepare a healing infusion of badyan, grind 1 tsp of its seeds in a blender or coffee grinder, pour 50 ml of boiling water and let it brew for 10 minutes. Ready concentrated infusion dilute with water and consume yourself or cook fragrant banyan. The drink gives the body vitality, energy, helps to cleanse from toxins, strengthens the immune system.

DepositPhotos Gastric medicine To stop abdominal pain caused by accumulation of gases, get rid of eating disorders and nausea, mix 1 drop of banyan essential oil with 1 tsp of honey and eat with a small amount of warm water. But be extremely careful: if you overdo it with the amount of badyan, you can ill-fated nausea and vomiting, on the contrary, provoke.

DepositPhotos Expectorant infusion of 1 tsp. shredded starbadian pour 200 ml of boiling water, and then place in a water bath for 30-40 minutes. Filtrate the finished product through a sieve or gauze, dilute with a glass of water and take 100 ml of infusion before meals 3 times a day. To enhance the expectorant effect, you can add 1 tsp. l. series or 1 tbsp. l. chamomile flowers to the home remedy.

Do not forget that badyan is a traditional seasoning for baking along with cinnamon and vanilla, and therefore one of the best ways to introduce spice into your diet will be its addition to homemade pies and gingerbread.

Star anise is used in the preparation of mulled wine and tea, added to jam, sauces and gravy to vegetable dishes. What is important, with prolonged heating, badyan does not lose its properties. The spice enhances the taste, gives dishes an unsurpassed aroma and has a very useful property - increases the shelf life of products.

Now you know how to use an underappreciated oriental spice to get the most health benefits! If you find this article useful, don’t forget to share it with your friends.


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