Plot Shoigu
Why do our officials are so afraid of panic ratification of Article 20 of the UN Convention "On Combating Corruption" and the introduction of the Criminal Code article "Illicit enrichment»?
Article 20 Illicit enrichment
Subject to its constitution and the fundamental principles of its legal system, each State Party shall consider adopting such legislative and other measures as may be necessary to establish as a criminal offense, when committed intentionally, illicit enrichment, that is a significant increase assets of a public official that his legitimate income that it can not reasonably explain.
Why they did not want to explain the sources of funds available to the property, accounts and so on?
They drag the presumption of innocence. And anyway, how can resist.
Let's look at the problem as a whole. Top.
From the heights, so to speak, the bird's flight.
900 meters from the residence Medvedev "Gorki-9" and 4 kilometers from the residence of Putin's "Novo-Ogaryovo" are two pieces of land (Yandex), each of approximately 19,000 square meters.
The first portion of the total area of 19,284 square meters (consists of two parts: 2.365 sqm, 16,919 sqm property in the house) by Yuri Leonidovich Vorobiev, the father of the Acting Governor of the Moscow region Andrei Vorobyov, deputy chairman of the Federation Council ( 2008) assigned to the "United Russia».
Yuri Vorobyov worked with Sergei Shoigu at the end of the 1980s. They began with the inspectors of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Committee of the Communist Party, and then moved to Moscow. In 1991, Shoigu became chairman of the Rescue Corps, then chairman of the RSFSR State Committee for Emergency Situations, and then chairman of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters, and then Minister of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and disaster management. In all these positions was the deputy Yuri Vorobyov Shoigu. In 2007, he resigned from the Emergency Situations Ministry and from 2008 sits in the Federation Council.
The plot is adjacent Vorbeva second section, an area 19,329 sq.m. (2.807 square meters and 16,522 square meters). It belongs to Sergei Shoigu. Here's how it looks from the satellite:
Foundation staff to combat corruption, and not too lazy to go to the dachas Vorobyov and Shoigu, taking quadrocopter and trailer to it a good camera. That's what we filmed (video version, look at a maximum resolution):
Now let us turn to information about the official incomes of civil servants and Vorobiev Shoigu.
2012 4 093 370, 00 council.gov.ru/media/property/doc/4...ab56bba5843.doc
2011 2 352 862, 00 declarator.org/person/1031/
2010 4 416 060, 00 declarator.org/person/192/
2011 4 941 909, 56 declarator.org/person/192/
2012 15 3792 50 31 government.ru/media/files/41d45a40f74a62dc39af.pdf
Now, look, how much it costs the earth in this place:
Who is in the vicinity of 5 plots are sold, the price of 1, 18 million to 1, 71 million sq.m. Accordingly, section 19300 sq.m. (193 CM) is from 227 to 330 million rubles.
Link to the 5 objects irr.ru/real-estate/out-of-town/land...rds=знаменское/
As you can see from the statement, a civil servant Vorobyov has over the past two years the income of 6 million rubles (and earlier clearly had less), but managed to arrange the ownership of land, the cost of more than 200 million rubles.
Perhaps before land could cost a little less. But almost.
Then I build on this site a great large estate (obviously not 435 meters as an indication of the extract), guest house and other similar buildings.
Landscape design, artificial pond and everything.
Not an expert, and I can not say how much this building, but it obviously does not tally with the official annual income.
Attention to the question: Is associated anomalous welfare state employee Vorobyov with his civil service and the fact that his synulka he also has attached to the civil service (Shoigu he "inherited" passed the Moscow region)?
Attention to the question: Is associated anomalous welfare state employee Vorobiev that its second synulka business partner drugana Vladimir Putin and the main seller of Russia's oil Gennady Timchenko?
Attention to the question: Why civil servant Vorobiev and other great public servants so actively oppose ratification of Article 20 of the UN Convention "On Combating Corruption»?
Plot Shoigu closer look was not possible: firstly prevents forest, and secondly, all taki it is the Minister of Defence.
Uncomfortable to him once at a quadrocopter fly suddenly thought that the attack and the war - enemy drones already over cottage shastayut.
Dissemination of information is welcome.
Let the people familiar with the life of civil servants denser.
Article 20 Illicit enrichment
Subject to its constitution and the fundamental principles of its legal system, each State Party shall consider adopting such legislative and other measures as may be necessary to establish as a criminal offense, when committed intentionally, illicit enrichment, that is a significant increase assets of a public official that his legitimate income that it can not reasonably explain.
Why they did not want to explain the sources of funds available to the property, accounts and so on?
They drag the presumption of innocence. And anyway, how can resist.
Let's look at the problem as a whole. Top.
From the heights, so to speak, the bird's flight.
900 meters from the residence Medvedev "Gorki-9" and 4 kilometers from the residence of Putin's "Novo-Ogaryovo" are two pieces of land (Yandex), each of approximately 19,000 square meters.
The first portion of the total area of 19,284 square meters (consists of two parts: 2.365 sqm, 16,919 sqm property in the house) by Yuri Leonidovich Vorobiev, the father of the Acting Governor of the Moscow region Andrei Vorobyov, deputy chairman of the Federation Council ( 2008) assigned to the "United Russia».
Yuri Vorobyov worked with Sergei Shoigu at the end of the 1980s. They began with the inspectors of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Committee of the Communist Party, and then moved to Moscow. In 1991, Shoigu became chairman of the Rescue Corps, then chairman of the RSFSR State Committee for Emergency Situations, and then chairman of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters, and then Minister of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and disaster management. In all these positions was the deputy Yuri Vorobyov Shoigu. In 2007, he resigned from the Emergency Situations Ministry and from 2008 sits in the Federation Council.
The plot is adjacent Vorbeva second section, an area 19,329 sq.m. (2.807 square meters and 16,522 square meters). It belongs to Sergei Shoigu. Here's how it looks from the satellite:
Foundation staff to combat corruption, and not too lazy to go to the dachas Vorobyov and Shoigu, taking quadrocopter and trailer to it a good camera. That's what we filmed (video version, look at a maximum resolution):
Now let us turn to information about the official incomes of civil servants and Vorobiev Shoigu.
2012 4 093 370, 00 council.gov.ru/media/property/doc/4...ab56bba5843.doc
2011 2 352 862, 00 declarator.org/person/1031/
2010 4 416 060, 00 declarator.org/person/192/
2011 4 941 909, 56 declarator.org/person/192/
2012 15 3792 50 31 government.ru/media/files/41d45a40f74a62dc39af.pdf
Now, look, how much it costs the earth in this place:
Who is in the vicinity of 5 plots are sold, the price of 1, 18 million to 1, 71 million sq.m. Accordingly, section 19300 sq.m. (193 CM) is from 227 to 330 million rubles.
Link to the 5 objects irr.ru/real-estate/out-of-town/land...rds=знаменское/
As you can see from the statement, a civil servant Vorobyov has over the past two years the income of 6 million rubles (and earlier clearly had less), but managed to arrange the ownership of land, the cost of more than 200 million rubles.
Perhaps before land could cost a little less. But almost.
Then I build on this site a great large estate (obviously not 435 meters as an indication of the extract), guest house and other similar buildings.
Landscape design, artificial pond and everything.
Not an expert, and I can not say how much this building, but it obviously does not tally with the official annual income.
Attention to the question: Is associated anomalous welfare state employee Vorobyov with his civil service and the fact that his synulka he also has attached to the civil service (Shoigu he "inherited" passed the Moscow region)?
Attention to the question: Is associated anomalous welfare state employee Vorobiev that its second synulka business partner drugana Vladimir Putin and the main seller of Russia's oil Gennady Timchenko?
Attention to the question: Why civil servant Vorobiev and other great public servants so actively oppose ratification of Article 20 of the UN Convention "On Combating Corruption»?
Plot Shoigu closer look was not possible: firstly prevents forest, and secondly, all taki it is the Minister of Defence.
Uncomfortable to him once at a quadrocopter fly suddenly thought that the attack and the war - enemy drones already over cottage shastayut.
Dissemination of information is welcome.
Let the people familiar with the life of civil servants denser.
