Why men ignore women
"Why doesn't he call me?" is the most common question of women who have been victims of "hosting." Now this term refers to a situation in which a man turns into a ghost in the life of a woman.
You’ve been in a relationship, dating or socializing, and suddenly he’s gone for no apparent reason or explanation. He stopped calling and responding to messages sent to him. What's going on?
If a man does not get in touch, reads what you write to him, but is silent or answers again, then the game has begun. He didn't block your number, making it clear he didn't want to say goodbye forever. It stays "close enough" to keep in sight but "too far" to maintain close emotional communication.
Psychologist Janice Wilhauer explains it this way: People disappear from your radar for one reason: they do not want to experience emotional discomfort, explaining why your relationship is no longer relevant. Let’s say you live in a big city. The probability of a chance encounter is minimal, and the “ghost man” is only happy about it. And the more often he interrupts communication in this way, the easier it is for him to play "silent".
Dating expert Persia Lawson believes that in this way the man moves the woman to the “bench”: “He demonstrates that he is still interested in communication, but does not dare to have a relationship.” A little bit of communication to start over if necessary.”
Such an attitude can cause a woman mental pain, and most importantly - damage her psyche.
Hosting, in which the partner suddenly disappears or cuts off contacts without explanation, becomes traumatic for female logic. It is impossible to understand the motives of a person and the reasons for such changes, given the inability to talk to him about it.
It is a passive-aggressive tactic that is surprising and discouraging. You feel uncertainty, lack of guidance and confidence.
Self-esteem is falling, questions are becoming more and fewer answers to them. The worst thing is that a woman who was treated unworthy, does not have the opportunity to express her emotions to the abuser. She's out of control. She begins to feel that she is losing control of her life and support under her feet.
What do we do? You don’t have to kill yourself like that: write, call, cry, wait, demand an explanation or just a normal attitude, a human goodbye.
It is clear that a man who is on the horizon, but does not disappear, does not want to lose the opportunity to follow your life. He can continue to browse your social media pages without hiding it.
It takes energy, but gives nothing in return. Therefore, the recommendation of psychologists is only one: to stop attempts to contact him, you can even block him.
A man who leaves in English and comes in Russian is not ready for a relationship. You have to break up with him in the same way.
Don’t waste time trying to talk to a manipulator. After all, there are other men around, worthy of behavior, who know how to talk about their feelings and will be honest in their intentions.
It is not that a mature man never leaves and his feelings do not cool down. But mature. man breaks up with woman It protects her from moral injury.
Of course, "hosting" can be used by women, but the male psyche is arranged in such a way that it suffers much less than the female one. Men have a different psychology: conquerors. If he did not win, then he tried little or won the wrong one.
Breaking up with your beloved man It must happen first in the mind and heart of a woman, and then in reality. On how to determine the sincerity of feelings in a couple and how a woman’s feelings change after a breakup, read in our next articles. Follow the links.
You’ve been in a relationship, dating or socializing, and suddenly he’s gone for no apparent reason or explanation. He stopped calling and responding to messages sent to him. What's going on?
If a man does not get in touch, reads what you write to him, but is silent or answers again, then the game has begun. He didn't block your number, making it clear he didn't want to say goodbye forever. It stays "close enough" to keep in sight but "too far" to maintain close emotional communication.

Psychologist Janice Wilhauer explains it this way: People disappear from your radar for one reason: they do not want to experience emotional discomfort, explaining why your relationship is no longer relevant. Let’s say you live in a big city. The probability of a chance encounter is minimal, and the “ghost man” is only happy about it. And the more often he interrupts communication in this way, the easier it is for him to play "silent".

Dating expert Persia Lawson believes that in this way the man moves the woman to the “bench”: “He demonstrates that he is still interested in communication, but does not dare to have a relationship.” A little bit of communication to start over if necessary.”
Such an attitude can cause a woman mental pain, and most importantly - damage her psyche.

Hosting, in which the partner suddenly disappears or cuts off contacts without explanation, becomes traumatic for female logic. It is impossible to understand the motives of a person and the reasons for such changes, given the inability to talk to him about it.

It is a passive-aggressive tactic that is surprising and discouraging. You feel uncertainty, lack of guidance and confidence.
Self-esteem is falling, questions are becoming more and fewer answers to them. The worst thing is that a woman who was treated unworthy, does not have the opportunity to express her emotions to the abuser. She's out of control. She begins to feel that she is losing control of her life and support under her feet.

What do we do? You don’t have to kill yourself like that: write, call, cry, wait, demand an explanation or just a normal attitude, a human goodbye.
It is clear that a man who is on the horizon, but does not disappear, does not want to lose the opportunity to follow your life. He can continue to browse your social media pages without hiding it.
It takes energy, but gives nothing in return. Therefore, the recommendation of psychologists is only one: to stop attempts to contact him, you can even block him.

A man who leaves in English and comes in Russian is not ready for a relationship. You have to break up with him in the same way.
Don’t waste time trying to talk to a manipulator. After all, there are other men around, worthy of behavior, who know how to talk about their feelings and will be honest in their intentions.

It is not that a mature man never leaves and his feelings do not cool down. But mature. man breaks up with woman It protects her from moral injury.

Of course, "hosting" can be used by women, but the male psyche is arranged in such a way that it suffers much less than the female one. Men have a different psychology: conquerors. If he did not win, then he tried little or won the wrong one.
Breaking up with your beloved man It must happen first in the mind and heart of a woman, and then in reality. On how to determine the sincerity of feelings in a couple and how a woman’s feelings change after a breakup, read in our next articles. Follow the links.