How to improve heart function
We all want to live a long life. And human health and life expectancy are inextricably linked with the proper functioning of the heart and cardiovascular system.
The cause of poor blood circulation and heart failures can be unbalanced nutrition, bad habits and sedentary work. Unfortunately, people often do not even realize that they have impaired blood circulation, so they do nothing to eliminate this problem in time.
"Site" It offers the easiest way to find yourself. heart failure without leaving the house. To do this, you will need very little: a basin, ice water and your own hands.
How to check the heart Conduct a simple test at home. Pour cold water into the bowl and add ice if possible. Then put your hands in the water for half a minute and then look at your fingers. If your fingertips have turned pale or turned blue, you definitely have circulatory problems.
The peculiarity of problems with blood circulation is that they begin gradually, proceed sluggishly, but at the same time lead to the development of deadly diseases: stroke, heart attack, coronary heart disease.
As a rule, the hospital begins to go only after the development of serious complications. To prevent their occurrence, you need to first review your diet. Here is a list of products that will help.
Products for good heart function
Are you always happy with your reflection in the mirror? Of course, bruises under the eyes can be attributed to lack of sleep or bad weather. But what if these skin defects are not accidental, but serious symptoms of impaired internal organs?
"Site" will tell how the appearance, condition of the skin, nails, hair and even gait can accurately determine the first signs of an incipient disease.
Each of the systems of our body - cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, endocrine - has its own key indicator, which can be measured independently or learn using tests in the clinic.
The more these constants, established by nature itself, go beyond the norm, the more serious the problems they signal. To properly regulate the work of your body, you need to learn to understand the meaning of these vital markers and take the necessary measures in time.
Often at night, a person wakes up from the fact that the pain and feeling of numbness interfere with sleep. Why in a dream numb hands and what to do with it: physiotherapy, prevention and recipes of traditional medicine.
The cause of poor blood circulation and heart failures can be unbalanced nutrition, bad habits and sedentary work. Unfortunately, people often do not even realize that they have impaired blood circulation, so they do nothing to eliminate this problem in time.
"Site" It offers the easiest way to find yourself. heart failure without leaving the house. To do this, you will need very little: a basin, ice water and your own hands.
How to check the heart Conduct a simple test at home. Pour cold water into the bowl and add ice if possible. Then put your hands in the water for half a minute and then look at your fingers. If your fingertips have turned pale or turned blue, you definitely have circulatory problems.
The peculiarity of problems with blood circulation is that they begin gradually, proceed sluggishly, but at the same time lead to the development of deadly diseases: stroke, heart attack, coronary heart disease.
As a rule, the hospital begins to go only after the development of serious complications. To prevent their occurrence, you need to first review your diet. Here is a list of products that will help.
Products for good heart function
- Garlic
Garlic plays an important role in maintaining the health of the cardiovascular system, including promoting blood thinning, which reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes. There are food additives with garlic on sale, but it is better to use garlic raw.
- Cabbage
To improve blood circulation, cabbage of any variety is suitable. Especially useful in this regard white and cauliflower, as well as broccoli. In these vegetables, in addition to vitamin C, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels, calcium and phosphorus are present - they participate in the regulation of blood viscosity and increase its fluidity.
- Pumpkin seeds
Scientists suggest that food high in magnesium helps maintain vascular health and prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques. This trace element is also involved in regulating the mechanism of blood clotting: people who receive enough magnesium are less likely to form blood clots. The best source of magnesium available is pumpkin seeds. In addition to them, a high content of a useful trace element can boast almonds, peanuts, avocados, walnuts, spinach and beans.
- Ginger
As studies have shown, regular use of ginger can reduce cholesterol levels and prevent the formation of blood clots. Ginger also cleanses and rejuvenates the vessels.
- Seafood
Fatty sea fish, shellfish and other seafood contain elements indispensable for blood circulation - iodine and organic acid omega-3. The first participates in metabolic processes and normalizes the circulatory system as a whole, and the second element protects the vessels from blockage by cholesterol plaques. - Sharp red pepper
The alkaloid capsaicin contained in chili pepper and giving it such a burning taste, reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood and increases the process of its processing and excretion from the body.
- Fresh fruit
Raspberry, currant and cranberries are the best natural sources of salicylic acid, vitamin C and iron. Regular consumption of these products allows you to normalize blood viscosity and reduce the likelihood of thrombosis, restore the lumen of blood vessels and reduce their brittleness, increase the saturation of tissues with oxygen.
- Tomatoes
Tomatoes are considered record holders for the content of lycopene. This compound is one of the most powerful antioxidants that allow you to break down fats and lower cholesterol. With regular use of tomatoes, the risk of vascular atherosclerosis is reduced to a minimum.
Are you always happy with your reflection in the mirror? Of course, bruises under the eyes can be attributed to lack of sleep or bad weather. But what if these skin defects are not accidental, but serious symptoms of impaired internal organs?
"Site" will tell how the appearance, condition of the skin, nails, hair and even gait can accurately determine the first signs of an incipient disease.
Each of the systems of our body - cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, endocrine - has its own key indicator, which can be measured independently or learn using tests in the clinic.
The more these constants, established by nature itself, go beyond the norm, the more serious the problems they signal. To properly regulate the work of your body, you need to learn to understand the meaning of these vital markers and take the necessary measures in time.
Often at night, a person wakes up from the fact that the pain and feeling of numbness interfere with sleep. Why in a dream numb hands and what to do with it: physiotherapy, prevention and recipes of traditional medicine.