Strengthening the back by the method of Paul Bragg
The ideas of Paul Bragg, who lived in the twentieth century, are still popular. All his life, American naturopath and adept of alternative medicine devoted to the promotion of a healthy lifestyle.
He believed that human health depends on nine factors, or “doctors”: Doctor of Sunlight, Doctor of Fresh Air, Doctor of Clean Water, Doctor of Healthy Natural Nutrition, Doctor of Fasting, Doctor of Physical Activity, Doctor of Rest, Doctor of Osaka, Doctor of Human Spirit (Mind).
Aching pain in the back More detail will talk about posture and health of the spine. It holds the whole body. On whether it is even or curved, the position of the internal organs and, accordingly, the work of the whole organism depends.
Paul Bragg believed that a person who takes care of his spine and in 70-80 years will be healthy, energetic, will not lose a sober mind and a clear memory. He developed a set of universal exercises for the back, which he performed himself and recommended to all his followers.
When performing exercises, follow these rules
In other words, you need to listen to your body. Everyone has a different state of intervertebral discs and ligaments, a different degree of salt deposition. What does not harm one may not harm another.
Whatever the condition of the back, training is necessary. By training and stretching the spinal column, we strengthen muscles and ligaments, stimulate the circulation of energy and blood.
These exercises are eliminated in back and neck pain, caused by muscle spasm, and also develop mobility of the spinal column, subject to their regular implementation.
If, after execution, backache If they don't, see a doctor. It means that it is not in the back, but in sick internal organs, which are located at the bottom of the abdomen and give pain to the back.
Find more useful back exercises in our articles on back and neck problems. Follow the links.
He believed that human health depends on nine factors, or “doctors”: Doctor of Sunlight, Doctor of Fresh Air, Doctor of Clean Water, Doctor of Healthy Natural Nutrition, Doctor of Fasting, Doctor of Physical Activity, Doctor of Rest, Doctor of Osaka, Doctor of Human Spirit (Mind).

Aching pain in the back More detail will talk about posture and health of the spine. It holds the whole body. On whether it is even or curved, the position of the internal organs and, accordingly, the work of the whole organism depends.
Paul Bragg believed that a person who takes care of his spine and in 70-80 years will be healthy, energetic, will not lose a sober mind and a clear memory. He developed a set of universal exercises for the back, which he performed himself and recommended to all his followers.

When performing exercises, follow these rules
- Do not make sharp efforts to the areas of the spine that have lost mobility.
- Measure the load with your physical capabilities.
- Increase the amplitude of movements gradually.
In other words, you need to listen to your body. Everyone has a different state of intervertebral discs and ligaments, a different degree of salt deposition. What does not harm one may not harm another.
Whatever the condition of the back, training is necessary. By training and stretching the spinal column, we strengthen muscles and ligaments, stimulate the circulation of energy and blood.

- Lie on the floor face down, then lift your pelvis and rot your back. The body should be supported solely on the toes and palms. Legs shoulder wide. Knees and elbows are straightened to create the necessary tension in the spine. In the second phase, lowering the pelvis almost to the floor, raise your head, then throw it back. Rot your back the other way.
- Lie on the floor face down, lift your pelvis and rot your back, resting only on your toes and palms. Hands and feet straight. Turn the pelvis to the right as much as possible, while lowering the side as low as possible. Then do the same on the left side.
- Sit down on the floor, resting on straight arms placed slightly behind, legs bend. Lift the pelvis, forming a line parallel to the floor.
- Lie down on your back. Bend your knees and pull them to your chest with your arms around. Then push the knees and thighs from the chest, while not letting go of your hands. Make it look like a rocker. Raising your head, try to touch the chin of your knees. Hold this position for five seconds.
- Lie down, face down. Raise the pelvis as high as possible, resting on straight legs and arms, the head should be lowered. In this position, on all fours, you should walk 5-7 minutes.
These exercises are eliminated in back and neck pain, caused by muscle spasm, and also develop mobility of the spinal column, subject to their regular implementation.
If, after execution, backache If they don't, see a doctor. It means that it is not in the back, but in sick internal organs, which are located at the bottom of the abdomen and give pain to the back.
Find more useful back exercises in our articles on back and neck problems. Follow the links.